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Parker pass

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in the Sierra Nevada and elsewhere outside Yosemite National Park

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Parker pass

Postby WanderingJim » Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:33 pm

Anyone ever go from Tioga Road to Parker pass and beyond?

I've been trying to put together something as a pre-JMT hike (right now, Aug 1st start from Happy Isles is my main option for the JMT) and it looks like I could do this in early July:

1) Start at Tioga Road
2) Go over Parker Pass and camp on other side outside Yosemite.
3) Go to Koip Peak Pass
4) Climb Koip Peak (how is this climb?)
Is Kuna Peak worth a side hike from Koip?
5) Camp somewhere around there based on time of day.
6) Go down to Gem Lake and camp somewhere around there.
7) Either go east and finish at Rush Creek Trailhead and somehow get a ride back to my Jeep along Tioga Road (might be impossible if YARTS isn't running yet).
8) Head north towards Donahue Pass and return via Lyell Canyon.

The last option gives me a chance to scope out Lyell Canyon for my JMT hike, but does add at least 1 (and maybe 2) nights to the trip.

Any thoughts or first hand experience with these routes?
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