Limiting Cars to Entry

Author: Carol Fields
Date: 04-28-01 14:54
Just want to voice my opinion and say entry into Yosemite should not be limited to busses. Takes away freedom to stop where you want, when you want, to be with who you want, how long you want to be at any one place. Busses pollute the air with foul-smelling diesel.
Re: Limiting Cars to Entry
Author: Dan Anderson
Date: 12-31-01 12:54
Yosemite is getting too crowded for unlimited auto access. With the shuttle bus you can get out at any stop and stay as long as the busses operate (late into the nite).
You'll be glad to know that this year they have new busses that don't spew out all the diesel exhaust the older busses did. They are also experimenting with fuel cells, but had problems with it in cold weather. I understand they are moving to a hybrid electric/gas bus.
Re: Limiting Cars to Entry
Author: hj
Date: 09-24-03 16:06
Do Do!
Re: Limiting Cars to Entry
Author: Tanya
Date: 03-20-04 13:38
Cars should UNDOUBTEDLY be banned from the valley. If you look up at the valley cliffs, sometimes there is a haze, you will notice. This is because of all the cars in the valley. THe whole purpose of the valley and its beauty will be destroyed for the near generations to come if we do not protect its natural wonders now. This is a watershed issue...meaning that the diection we take on this issue will be a reference point for future environmental protection issues. Lets make the right choice people and not continue to be ignorant to the fact that resources and wilderness are going FAST. Protect the valley.
Re: Limiting Cars to Entry
Author: Don
Date: 02-24-05 11:17
The extensive use of bus is a interesting thought. Help me when considering this.
How many buses would it take to accomodate the total number of visitors during peak season and the tradeoff of polutants this system would contribute.
Will there be enough handicapped access near the bus loading unloading area near the handicapped campers site.
Under present law, would guests be able to bring their dogs into the park via the bus.
Will there be a need for more 24 hour emergency services. Both medically speaking and as a form of leaving the valley for personal reasons.
Date: 04-28-01 14:54
Just want to voice my opinion and say entry into Yosemite should not be limited to busses. Takes away freedom to stop where you want, when you want, to be with who you want, how long you want to be at any one place. Busses pollute the air with foul-smelling diesel.
Re: Limiting Cars to Entry
Author: Dan Anderson
Date: 12-31-01 12:54
Yosemite is getting too crowded for unlimited auto access. With the shuttle bus you can get out at any stop and stay as long as the busses operate (late into the nite).
You'll be glad to know that this year they have new busses that don't spew out all the diesel exhaust the older busses did. They are also experimenting with fuel cells, but had problems with it in cold weather. I understand they are moving to a hybrid electric/gas bus.
Re: Limiting Cars to Entry
Author: hj
Date: 09-24-03 16:06
Do Do!
Re: Limiting Cars to Entry
Author: Tanya
Date: 03-20-04 13:38
Cars should UNDOUBTEDLY be banned from the valley. If you look up at the valley cliffs, sometimes there is a haze, you will notice. This is because of all the cars in the valley. THe whole purpose of the valley and its beauty will be destroyed for the near generations to come if we do not protect its natural wonders now. This is a watershed issue...meaning that the diection we take on this issue will be a reference point for future environmental protection issues. Lets make the right choice people and not continue to be ignorant to the fact that resources and wilderness are going FAST. Protect the valley.
Re: Limiting Cars to Entry
Author: Don
Date: 02-24-05 11:17
The extensive use of bus is a interesting thought. Help me when considering this.
How many buses would it take to accomodate the total number of visitors during peak season and the tradeoff of polutants this system would contribute.
Will there be enough handicapped access near the bus loading unloading area near the handicapped campers site.
Under present law, would guests be able to bring their dogs into the park via the bus.
Will there be a need for more 24 hour emergency services. Both medically speaking and as a form of leaving the valley for personal reasons.