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Upper Pines RV + additional vehicle

Discussion of camping and road-accessible campgrounds in and near Yosemite National Park

Moderators: Wickett, dan

Upper Pines RV + additional vehicle

Postby Jhaws » Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:27 pm

We are taking a 32 foot class C, which is within the allowable length of our campsite. With no shuttles running this summer and my youngest not taking to bike riding ads we hoped, we are considering having one of my daughters follow us in our SUV so we have a set of wheels to go on adventures that are further away than we want to walk. Our site states it's a max of 35 feet for an RV. If we can get our SUV into the site (even if parked sideways) is that OK? The Yosemite website mentions overflow parking available near the entrance of the campsite. Any experience or feedback? We don't want to get there and find we have an extra can and no place to park it.
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Re: Upper Pines RV + additional vehicle

Postby dan » Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:49 am

Here's what the Yosemite Camping FAQ at https://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/campingfaq.htm says:

Up to two motorized vehicles are allowed in each campsite (not including trailers), as long as all the wheels on both vehicles (and trailer, if any) can fit on the parking pad without obstructing traffic. Each campground has overflow parking available either at the campground (usually near the campground entrance) or nearby

I see cars parked sideways in front of trailers all the time in campgrounds. I don't know where the overflow parking is located though.
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Re: Upper Pines RV + additional vehicle

Postby AlmostThere » Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:12 am

I suspect "overflow parking" is either in the pullouts along the road, in trailhead parking, or in the apple orchard at Curry Village. Since parking permits are not a thing there, any of those you can find a spot in would likely work.
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