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Hetch Hetchy

Planning and environmental issues for Yosemite National Park

Moderators: Wickett, dan

Hetch Hetchy

Postby BackpackandGear » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:47 pm

I heard something about restoring Hetch Hetchy back to its original state. Is this true? Can someone please elaborate on this? Thanks.
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Re: Hetch Hetchy

Postby dan » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:41 pm

BackpackandGear wrote:I heard something about restoring Hetch Hetchy back to its original state. Is this true? Can someone please elaborate on this? Thanks.

There is a movement to do this. It's called Restore Hetch Hetchy. See

However, it's something being advocated, and not in the works. It's a matter of overcoming political opposition to carrying it out.

- Dan
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Re: Hetch Hetchy

Postby atomicmonkey » Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:11 am

Last November, the citizens of San Francisco voted to turn down Measure F (75% no votes). This eliminated a proposed study to see if removing the dam was possible.

My question is: Why isn't this a national issue? The Dam is in a national park. If I was a taxpayer/homeowner in SF, I would also vote to keep getting super cheap water.

It is kind of like handing prison keys over to prisoners and letting them decide who really is innocent! They are all going to be innocent!!

I say the vote should be taken at the exit points of Yosemite!!
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