John Muir Writings
Our National Parks, by John Muir (1901)
- Adenostema fasciculatum, heathlike shrub, its influence on the
physiognomy of Sierra landscapes, 142.
- Age of trees, pine, 69, 104, 107, 108, 114, 275; libocedrus, 118;
juniper, 124; fir, 275, 276; sequoia, 260, 275-280, 297, 299.
- Alaska, plants and animals of, 7-11.
- Alpenglow, 74.
- Apple, wild, 22, 23.
- Aspen, 131
- Aster, 164
- Avalanches, snow, 27, 251-255; rock, 140, 259.
- Azalea, 146, 181, 303.
- Axe clearings, 101.
- Bear-hunters, 353; Duncan, 179; David Brown and his dog Sandy, 181.
- Bears, 28, 52, 57, 144, 314; food of Sierra, 172,; interviews with
174, 177; tracks, 178; and sheep, 185.
- Beaver, 16, 25, 53.
- Beaver, mountain, 201.
- Beaver meadows, 23, 37.
- Birds, of the Yosemite Park, 213.
- Blackberries, 24.
- Bogs, 139, 166.
- Brodia, 23, 155.
- Bryanthus, 148.
- California, floweriness of, 137.
- Calochortus, 23, 145.
- Calypso borealis, 7, 23.
- Camassia, 156.
- Campanula, 282.
- Camping, 56, 133, 161, 163.
- Cañon, the Grand, of the Colorado, 35; Yellowstone, 49; Merced, 259; Tuolumne, 259.
- Cañons of the Sierra, 83.
- Cassiope, 147.
- Cathedral Peak, 90.
- Ceanothus, 145.
- Cedar, incense, 116; red, 123, 273.
- Chambatia foliolosa, a forest carpet, 143.
- Chaparral, 142, 144, 146.
- Cherry, 23, 146.
- Chestnut, 22.
- Chinquapin, 146.
- Chipmunk, 196.
- Climates of the Sierra, 138, 160, 161, 164.
- Clintonia, 18, 23.
- Clouds, 77, 164, 276, 281.
- Colds, 133.
- Coyote, 194.
- Crow, Clarke, 228.
- Crystals, 161.
- Currants, 24.
- Cypripedium, 156.
- Daisy, 94, 149.
- Danger, 28, 57, 133, 184, 208.
- Deer, 189, 315.
- Deserts, 6.
- De Soto, 71.
- Diver, great northern, 227.
- Dog, Carlo, 175; Sandy, 181.
- Dogwood, flowering, 22, 130.
- Douglas, David, in forests of Oregon, 110.
- Duck-hunters, 353.
- Ducks, 226.
- Dwarf willow, 94.
- Eagle, 228.
- Earthquake, 261; ancient, 265; taluses, formation of, 260;
influence on cañon scenery, 265.
- Emerson, his visit to Yosemite and the Mariposa Grove of Big
Trees, 131, 235.
- Eriogonum, 149, 166.
- Erythronium, 23, 31.
- Farm lands of Washington and
Oregon, 24, 25.
- Ferns, 149, 160; Woodwardia, 149; Pteris, 150; Pellaea, five
species of, 151; Cryptogramme, 151; Phegopteris, 151; Cheilanthes,
three species of, 152;
- Adiantum, two species, 152.
- Fir. See Silver fir.
- Floods, 256.
- Floral cascades, 159.
- Flower beds of the Sierra, 142.
- Flowers, of pine, spruce, fir, and hemlock, 168, 169; sequoia,
- Forest fires, 297, 307, 335, 352, 356-359.
- Forest picture, 302.
- Forest Reservations, Rocky Mountain, 15; Pacific Coast, 19, 31,
34; opposition to, 24, 360; wildness of, 24.
- Forest Reserve, Black Hills, 13; Bitter Root, 16; Flathead, 17;
Sierra, 31; Grand Cañon, 34.
- Forest sepulchres, 64.
- Forests, growing interest in, 2, 5, 33; of the Cascade Mountains,
22; fossil, 60; of the Yellowstone Park, 67; Sierra, 80, 98-136;
Giant, of the Kaweah, 300; of the Tule River, 318; American, 331;
destruction of, 336, 344; influence on streams, 337, 346, 359;
management of, 337-365; redwood ( Sequoia semper-virens ),
- Fountains of the Sierra, 241, 245.
- Fritillaria, 23, 156.
- Frogs, 211.
- Frost crystals, 165.
- Gardens, wild, of California, 5; the East, 6; Alaska, 7; Black
Hills, 14; Rocky Mountains, 18, 19; Cascade Mountains, 23, 30;
Sierra, 137-142; forest 155; cliff, 157; wall, 159; pot-hole,
shadow, alpine, 160; winter, 161; meadow, 163; sky, Mono, and
tree, 167.
- Gaultheria, 23, 350.
- Geese, 225.
- General Grant National Park and tree, 298.
- Gentians, 94, 142, 164.
- Geyser basins, 43, 44.
- Geyser craters, 46.
- Geysers, 38, 41, 43, 53; distribution of, 55.
- Giants of Sierra forests, 108; Western, 116.
- Glacial action, 84, 92, 96, 138.
- Glacial and post-glacial denudation, 84, 89.
- Glacial period, 64, 65, 78, 96, 242.
- Glacier lakes, 78, 95.
- Glacier landscapes, 65, 91.
- Glacier meadows, 37, 163.
- Glacier monuments, 84.
- Glacier pavements, 83, 84-86.
- Glacier sparrow, 231.
- Glaciers, 19, 30, 64, 78; of the Sierra, 95; ancient Tuolumne, 88,
- Goat, wild, 24, 29.
- Gold, influence of, 11, 361.
- Goldenrods, 17, 142, 164.
- Gray, Asa, 33.
- Great Basin, the, 94.
- Grouse, 215.
- Hackmatack, 18.
- Hawks, 228.
- Hayden, F. V., his work exploring the Yellowstone region, and
getting it set apart as a national park, 39.
- Hazel, 23, 146.
- Hazel Green, 81.
- Heathworts, 23, 147.
- Hemlock, mountain, 125, 170.
- Home-going, 98.
- Honeysuckle, 142, 147.
- Hooker, Sir Joseph, 33.
- Hothouses, natural, 161.
- Hot springs, 38, 41, 43, 54.
- Huckleberries, 24.
- Hulsea, 167.
- Hunters and trappers, 51, 58.
- Indian summer, 165, 283, 316.
- Indians, 24, 51, 263; their orchards, 105; hunting grounds, 14,
122, 193; tame, 317.
- Johnson, Dr., on the trees of Scotland, 108.
- Joliet and Father Marquette on the upper Mississippi, 71.
- Juniper, western, 123, 273.
- Lakes, McDonald, 18; Avalanche, 19; Yellowstone, 47, 70; Mono, 94,
Tahoe, 48; Tenaya, 86.
- Landscapes, new, 8; changes in, 4; of the Sierra, 87.
- Landslip, 287.
- Larch, western, 18; Lyall, 18.
- Lark, meadow, 238.
- La Salle, 71.
- Lewis and Clark, 28.
- Library, geological, 59.
- Light, 82, 165.
- Lightning, 276.
- Lilies, 23, 153, 155, 350.
- Linna borealis and companions, 18, 50.
- Lizards, 204.
- Log houses, 288, 305, 320.
- Loggers, 29.
- Lumbering in the Sierra, 100.
- Man influence on landscapes, 4.
- Manzanita, 143.
- Maple, 22, 130.
- Mariposa tulip, 155.
- Marmot, 17, 199.
- Meadows, glacier, 37, 163; in sequoia woods, 296, 302.
- Monardella, 282.
- Moneses, 18.
- Monument, the Glacier, 87.
- Mosses, 22.
- Mt. Rainier, 30; Amethyst, 60, 73; Washburn, 66; Dana, 90, 93;
Lyell, McClure, Gibbs, 90; Hoffman, 161.
- Mountaineering, 285, 306.
- Mountains, the Western, 2; new, 4; Cascade, 19; Olympic, 19;
Rocky, 12-18, 37, 38; Sierra, 76.
- Mud, 44.
- Mule, Brownie, 285, 295, 301; his prayer, 318.
- Names, 58.
- Nature, 56, 73, 97, 332; laboratories of, 44.
- Night air, 133.
- Nights, 165
- Nuts, pine, 103.
- Oaks, California black, 128; gold-cup live-oak, 128.
- Orchids, 23, 156.
- Ousel, water, 29, 52, 238.
- Owens River water, 246.
- Parks, national, of the West, 12; Mt. Rainier, 30; Yellowstone,
37; Yomesite, 76; animals of, 172, 201; birds, 213; General Grant
and Sequoia, 298, 328, 329; management of, 40, 351.
- Petrified forests, 38, 60.
- Phlox, 94.
- Pika, 162, 201.
- Pine, yellow, 13, 112, 115; contorted, lodge-pole, Murray, two
leaved, tamarack, 15, 18, 67, 68, 83, 121, 122; mountain, 18, 108;
Sabine, 102; hard cone (attenuata), 103; dwarf, 106; sugar, 100,
109; nut, 105; white, 68, 105.
- Plover, 227.
- Plum, 23.
- Polemonium, alpine, 167.
- Poplar, 130.
- Primrose, shrubby, 147.
- Prospectors, 289, 352.
- Pyrola, 18.
- Quail, mountain, 219; valley, 222.
- Railroads in western forests, 357.
- Rain, 26.
- Raspberries, 24.
- Rat, wood, 201.
- Rattlesnakes, 28, 57, 206.
- Redwood, 100, 268.
- Reservations, See Forest Reservations.
- Rhododendron, 23, 146, 350.
- Ribes, 282.
- River, the Yellowstone, 48; Mississippi, 71; Columbia, 73;
Missouri, 73; Colorado, 73;
Tuolumne, 95, 258; Merced, 95, 258; San Joaquin, 95.
- Rivers, 37; Sierra, 242.
- Riverside trees, 130.
- Robin, 236.
- Rock ferns, 149.
- Rose, 23, 147, 282.
- Rubus, 147.
- Sage-cock, 214.
- Salmon berries, 24.
- Sandhill crane, 227.
- Sanger Lumber Co., 298.
- Sarcodes, 281.
- Sawmills, in sequoia woods, 292, 298, 299, 319, 351.
- Scenery, habit, 2, 3; best, care-killing, 17; cañon, 259, 266.
- Seed collectors, 101.
- Seeds of conifers, 120.
- Sequoia ditches, 291.
- Sequoia gigantea, 268; cones, 274; age, 275; death, 276; groves in
spring, 281; summer, 282; autumn, 283; winter, 283; studies, 285;
seedlings, 297; young trees, 288, 296; oldest, 297; size of, 294,
322; durability of wood, 291; gum, 292; groves of Yosemite Park,
109; Mariposa Grove, 286, 328; Fresno Grove, 287-292; Dinky Grove,
293; forests of Kings River, 295; Kaweah and Tule river basins,
300, 314, 316; distribution of, 322, 325; permanence of the
species, 323; influence on streams, 324, 329.
- Shake-makers, 298, 353.
- Sheep, wild, 194; hoofed locusts, 317, 318, 352.
- Shepherds, 33, 185, 293, 317.
- Sierra climate, change of, 324.
- Silex pavements, 46.
- Silver fir, alpine, 31, 68, 170; magnificent, 83, 118, 170; white,
noble, grand, and lovely, 119, 170.
- Snow, 26, 247.
- Snow avalanches, 251.
- Snow plant (Sarcodes), 156, 281.
- Snowstorms, 249, 283.
- Soil, 65, 67; moraine, 100, 138; crystal, 140, 161; earthquake
boulder, 140, 259.
- Sparrow, the glacier, 231.
- Spira, 142.
- Spiritual world, the, 74.
- Springs, 244, 245; soda, 247.
- Spruce, Engelmann, 14, 68; Douglas, 19, 22, 68, 100, 116; Sitka,
- Squirrels, 19, 52, 192, 194, 274, 284.
- Storms, 267.
- Streams of the Sierra, 241, 246, 248; in spring, 256; in summer
and autumn, 257.
- Sunflowers, crystal, 162.
- Swamps, 7.
- Talus, earthquake, 140, 259.
- Tamarack, 18.
- Thoreau, his description of the pistillate flowers of the white
pine, 169; on the destruction of trees and shrubs, 356.
- Torreys, 131.
- Tourists, 21, 27, 53.
- Trapper, 57.
- Travel, modern, 1, 50, 56.
- Tree flowers, 168; how best to see them, 165.
- Tree gardens, 167.
- Trout, 18, 48, 67, 211.
- Tumion, 131.
- Tundra, Alaska, 7.
- Vaccinium, 18, 94, 148.
- Valley, Central, of California, 5, 137.
- Violets, 142, 281.
- Volcanic cones, 30, 94.
- Volcanic rocks, 60.
- Volcanic storms, 61.
- Volcanoes, 30; mud, 51.
- Water, action of, on soilbeds, 138.
- Water, Owens River, 246.
- Waterfalls, Yellowstone, 49; Kaweah, 300.
- Wildness, 2; unchangeable, 4.
- Willow, dwarf, 94.
- Wind, action of, on soilbeds, 139.
- Woodchuck, 199.
- Woodpeckers, 233, 282.
- Wood-rat, 201.
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