Alaska, glacial action, 174
Alpenglow, 6
American River, 127
Anderson, George, his ascent of South Dome, 166, 167
Antarctica, glacial action, 174
Ascent of the Valley, 23
Autumn in the Valley, 156
Avalanche Cañon, 224
Avalanche taluses, origin of, 76, 79
After snow storm, 63
Annual, 64
Century, 64
Ride on an avalanche, 65
Azaleas, 152
Big Oak Flat road, 199, 200, 225, 249
Big Trees (Sequoia gigantea), 127, 225
Age of, 129, 130, 136
Bark, 133
Calaveras grove, 129, 130
Cones, 133
Crown, 134
Destruction by man, 145, 146
Distribution, 135, 138, 142, 144
Extent of grove belts, 127, 143
Extinction 138, 145
Fallen specimens, 136
Flowers, 133
Foliage, 132
Form, 131, 132
Fresno grove, 128, 146, 246
Historic ditches and rootbowls, 137
Kings River forest, 130, 131
Largest tree in Kings River forest, 129
Lightning effects, 145
Majesty, 131, 133
Mariposa grove, 128, 146, 225, 241, 245
Merced grove, 146, 225
Northern groves, 128
Post-glacial day of the species, 144
Proportions, 130, 132
Protection of Federal Government, 146
Relations to climate, soil and other trees, 138
Seeds, 134
Sequoia National Park, 128
Service to mankind, 147
Size of full-grown trees, 129
Streams created by the sequoias, 140
Tuolumne grove, 146, 225
Big Tuolumne Cañon, 16
Early trip through, from Hetch Hetchy Valley, 241
Trip down the Cañon, 220
Big Tuolumne Cascades, 221
Big Tuolumne Meadows, 180
Birds, 158
Bloom-months of the year, 156
Boling, Major, his efforts to capture Yosemite Indians, 231
Bridal Veil Creek, 18
Bridal Veil Fall, 10
Rainbows, 38, 223
Winds, fall greatly influenced by, 51
Brocken Specter, 169
Bronson Meadows, 249
Budd Creek crossing, 208
Bunell, Dr., named the Yosemite Valley, 231
Calaveras grove of Big Trees, 129, 130
Characteristics of, 6
Depth of, 6 Upper, 14
See also their names
Cascade Creek Falls, 35
Cathedral Lake, 209
Cathedral Rocks, 13
Excursion to, 208, 221
Caucasus mountains, glacial action, 174
Ceanothus, 151
Cedar of Lebanon on moraine of ancient glacier, 94
Cedar trees. See Trees Cemetery, Yosemite, 247
Central Valley of California, general view of, 5
Clark, Galen, 240
Daring and skill as a mountaineer, 243
Fresno Big Tree grove discovered by, 246
Guardian of the Valley, 241
Life prolonged by mountain air, 247
Mariposa Big Tree grove, the first to explore, 245
Personality, 246
Tree-lover, 247
Wawona cabin, 240
Clark, Mount, 207
Climate and weather, 42
Difference between north and south sides, 43
Snow, the first of the season, 44
Spring thaw, 44
Temperatures, 43
Winter beauty, 45
Winter storms, 51
Clouds’ Rest, 15
Avalanche, annual, 64
Excursion to, 201, 203, 208
Clouds’ Rest trail, 189, 208
Comet forms of Yosemite Fall, 28, 29, 57
Conness, Mount, 16, 181, 210
Conway, John, his effort to reach summit of South Dome, 167
Coulterville, 240
Coulterville road, 225
Crane Flat, 249
Crows, Clarke’s, 159
Cunningham, S. M., 235
Cypripedium, 149
Dana Glacier, 208, 216
Dana, Mount, 16, 180, 207
Excursion to top, 208, 214
Views from summit, 215
Deer Creek, 127
Dog Lake, 222
Dogwood trees, 91
Dome Cascades, 15
Douglas Spruce (Pseudotsuga Douglasii), largest specimens, 88,
Ducks, 161
Dwarf Pine, or White Bark Pine (Pinus albicaulis), 122
Eagle Rock, 79
Excursion to, 199, 200
Eagles, golden, 162, 164
Earthquake storms, 76
El Capitan Rock, 12
Excursion to, 199, 200
Snow avalanches, 63
El Portal, 226, 236
Eleanor Lake and San Francisco’s destructive water supply scheme, 257
Emerald Pool, 31, 32
One-day, 196, 199
Three-day, 207
Tuolumne Valley, Upper, 209
Two-day, 201, 204
Various short trips, 222
Fairview Dome
Character of, 179
Excursion to, 221
Views from summit, 178, 180
Bridal Veil, 10, 38, 51, 223
Cascade Creek, 35
Illilouette, 196, 198, 204
Nevada, 30, 31, 57, 196, 198, 201, 203
Royal Arch, 35, 37
Tamarack Creek, 35
Tenaya, 15, 35, 37, 89
Tueenlala, 250
Vernal, 17, 32, 38, 196, 199, 201, 203, 223
Wapama, 252 Winter storms, effects of, 57
Yosemite, 13, 14, 21-23, 28, 29, 38, 40, 51, 57,
188, 195
Yosemite Gorge, 35
Fern Ledge, 28, 47
Best point to observe lunar rainbows, 39, 40
Ferns, 153
An extraordinary, 53
Great flood of 1867, 239
Flowers, 148
Autumn in the Valley, 156
Azalea, 151, 152
Bloom-months, 156
Ceanothus, 151, 152
Common plants, 148
Cypripedium, 149
Habenaria, 149
Lilies, 149
Manzanita, 151
Orchids, 149
Primrose, wild, only one in California, 149
Shrubs, 151
Snow planet, 149
Washington lily, most fragrant of Valley flowers,
Forests. See Trees
Fresno grove of Big Trees, 128, 146, 246
Geese, 161
General Grant National Park, 146
Gibbs, Mount, 181
Glacial monuments of Sierra finer than in any other country 173
Glacial Period, 26, 174
Glacier Point 14, 31
Excursion to, 196
Views from, 196
Glacier Point trail, 23
Ancient, 173
Dana, 208, 216
Discovery of the Sierra glaciers, 204, 206
Early conditions in the Sierra, 174, 177, 179, 183
First river-like glaciers, 175
Hetch Hetchy Valley, 181
Hoffman, 182, 184, 185, 186
Illilouette, 182, 190, 193, 204
Indian Cañon, 182
Lyell, 219, 244
McClure, 219, 244
Merced, 182
Nevada, 187, 189
Pohono, 182
Polished pavements most striking phenomena, 175
Present glaciers among peaks of High Sierra, 173
Sentinel, 182
South Lyell, 182
Tenaya, 181, 185, 186
Tuolumne, 179, 181, 182, 186, 219
Yosemite Creek, 182, 183, 185
Gorge between Upper and Lower Falls, 35, 36
Rainbows, 39
Gray Mountain, 207
Greenland, glacial action, 174
Habenaria, 149
Half Dome, 15, 34, 185
Hetch Hetchy Valley, 220 221, 249
Correspondence to Yosemite Valley, 253
Destructive commercial scheme for San Francisco
water supply, 257
Discovery, 249
Flowers, 254
Kolana Mountain, 250
Location, 249
Trees, 254
Tueeulala Fall, 250
“Tuolumne Yosemite,” 249
Wapama Fall, 252
Hetch Hetchy Valley Glacier, 181
Himalaya mountains, glacial action, 174
History of the Valley, early, 226
Hite, G. A., 235
Hoffman Glacier, 182, 184, 185, 186
Hoffman, Mount, 18, 20, 21, 180
Excursion to, 201, 210
Views from summit, 202 203
Hotels, early, 235
Houses first built in Yosemite Valley, 235
Humming-birds, 158
Hutchings, J. M., visited Valley in 1855, 235
Hutchings Bridge, 56
Hutchings Hotel, 81
Ice cone
Dimensions, 50
Exploring a cone, 47
Formation of, 47, 48
Illilouette Cañon, 14
Illilouette Fall
Excursion to, 196, 198, 204
Fineness and richness of texture, 33
Inaccessibility, 14
Resembles the Nevada Fall, 33
Sunlight on falling water, fine effect of, 34
Illilouette Glacier, 182, 190, 193, 204
Incense Cedar (Libocedrus decurrens), 87, 107
Indian Glacier, 182
Indians, 96, 177
Fear of earthquakes, 81
Mono tribe, 229, 233
Paute tribe, 234
Tuolumne tribe, 229
Yosemite tribe, efforts to capture, 226, 231
Inspiration Point, 223
Inyo earthquake, 79
Jays, Steller’s, 159, 164
Jeffrey variety of the Yellow Pine, 103
Junco or snow-bird, 159
Juniper, or Red Cedar (Juniperus occidentalis), 117
Kaweah River, 127
Keith, William, 259
Kern glacier, 194
Kingfishers, 161
Kings River, 127
Kings River forest of Big Trees, 130, 131
Kings River Glacier, 194
Kolana Mountain, 250
Laces of Bridal Veil and Nevada Falls, 57
Lakes, glacier, number of, in the Upper Cañons, 18
Lambert Dome, excursion to, 221
Burial place, 239
Personality, 239
Pioneer settler in the Valley, 237
Winter cabin, 84, 239
Liberty Cap
Excursion to, 196, 198
Views from, 198
Life prolonged by mountain air, 247
Lilies, 149, 150
Little Yosemite Valley, 17
Longhurst, Mr., 235
Lyell Glacier, 219, 244
Lyell, Mount, 16, 17, 181
Excursion to, 217
Views from summit, 218
McClure Glacier, 219, 244
McClure, Mount, 181
Mann Brothers, 235
Manzanita, 151
Maple Trees, 91
Marble Creek, 128
Mariposa grove of Big Trees, 128, 146, 225, 241, 245
Mariposa trail, 240
May Lake, excursion to, 201, 203
Merced, 9, 236
Merced Glacier, 182
Merced grove of Big Trees, 146, 225
Merced Group, 197 Merced Mountain, 197, 204
Merced River, 7, 8, 16, 17, 20, 67
Merced River Cañon, 236
Mirror Lake, 15
Excursion to, 222
Mono Desert, 208
Mono Lake, 16, 215, 219
Mono trail, 20
Moore, Lieutenant, his effort to capture Yosemite Indians, 233
Ancient, indicated by forests, 94, 95
Illilouette Glacier, 191, 193, 204
Nevada Glacier, 189
Mountain Hemlock (Tsuga Mertensiana), 120
Mountain landscapes, formation of, 18
Mountain Pine (Pinus monticola), 115
Muir Gorge, 242
Neal, J. H., 235
Nevada Cañon, 14
Nevada Fall
Excursion to, 196, 198, 201, 203
Height 30
Laces of, 57
Near view, 31
Ranks next to Yosemite Fall in interest, 30
Whitest of all falls, 31
Nevada Glacier, 187, 189
Nevada Valley, 17
North Dome, 14, 15, 185
Norway, glacial action, 174
Nut Pine (Pinus attenuata), 96
Nut Pine (Pinus monophylla), 125
Nut Pine (Pinus Sabiniana), 95
Oaks. See Trees
Onion, species of, on summit of South Dome, 171
Ouzel, 158
Appearance, 160
Diving, 160
Pacheco Pass, 5
Pavements, polished glacier 175
Peek, Mr., 235
Pigeons, 161
Pine tree music, 104
Pine Trees. See Trees
Pohono basin, 18
Pohono Glacier, 182
Polished glacier pavements, 175
Poplar (Populus trichocarpa), 91
Porcupine Flat, 201
Primrose, wild, only one in California, 149
Pyweak, Indian name of Lake Tenaya, 177
Railroad from Merced to border of Park, 236
Beauty of, 11, 38, 223
Best point to observe lunar, 39
Lunar, 39
Range of Light, the Sierra Nevada Mountains, 5
Raymond and Wawona road, 225
Red Cedar (Juniperus occidentalis), 90, 117
Red Fir (Abies Magnifica), 108
Red Mountain, 205
Views from summit, 207
Ribbon Creek Basin, excursion to, 199, 200
Ribbon Fall, 12
Excursion to, 199, 200
Ritter, Mount, 16
Rivers, 67, 127
Robins, 158, 160, 163
Royal Arch Fall, 35, 37
Royal Arches, 14, 197
San Francisco’s destructive water supply scheme in the Hetch Hetchy
Valley, 257
San Joaquin Glacier, 194
Santa Clara Valley, 4
Savage, Major, his efforts to capture the Yosemite Indians, 226
Screech, Joseph, said to have discovered Hetch Hetchy Valley, 249
Sentinel Cascades, 35, 37
Sentinel Glacier, 182
Sentinel Rock, 13
Excursion to, 196
Views from summit, 197
Sequoia National Park, 128. 146
Shadows, mountain forms and snow banners, 75
Shrubs, 151
Sierra Cathedral, 16
Sierra Nevada Mountains
Distant view of, 5
Range of Light, 5
Silver Fir (Abies concolor), 90, 108
Silver Fir (Abies magnifica), 108
First of the season, 44
Indian-summer, 45
Snow banners, 70
Formation, 75
General view, 73, 74
Perfect seldom pro produced, 71
Snow-bird, 159
Snow plant, much admired by tourists, 149
Snow storms, 61
Soda Springs, 17, 208, 210, 213
South Dome, 166
Anderson gained summit in 1875, 166, 167
Ascent of, in November, 168
Conway, John, his effort to reach the summit, 167
Glacial hieroglyphics, 172
Inaccessibility, 166
Most sublime feature of all Yosemite views, 171
Onion, species of, on summit, 171
Saddle, 166 169
Vegetation on summit, 170
Views from summit of, 16!),
South Lyell Glacier, 182
Specter of the Brocken, 169
Spring floods, 51
Spring thaw, 44
Starr King, 171, 192, 197
Steller’s jays, 159, 164
Storms, 51, 61, 76
Streams created by sequoias, 140
Sugar Pine (Pinus Lambertina), king of pine trees, 97
Sunlight on falling water, fine effect of, at Illilouette Fall, 34
Sunrise from top of Mounts Hoffman and Dana, 203, 208
Sunrise trail, 208
Switzerland, glacial action, 174
Taluses, avalanche, origin of, 76, 79
Tamarack Creek Falls, 35 Temperatures, 43
Tenaya, Yosemite Indian chief, 13, 227, 232, 235
Tenaya Cañon, 14, 15, 37
Tenaya Cascade, 15, 35
Tenaya Creek, 37
Tenaya Fall, 15, 35, 37, 89
Tenaya Glacier, 181, 185, 186
Tenaya Lake, 16, 177, 207
Excursion to, 201, 203, 207, 210
Three Brothers Mountain, 13
Tioga wagon-road, 201, 207, 208
Tissiack or Half Dome, most beautiful of Yosemite rocks, 14
Tourists to the Valley, number, 237
Arrangement indicates ancient moraines, 94, 95
Big Tree (Sequoia gigantea), 127, 225
California live-oak (Quercus agrifolia),
California Nutmeg (Torreya californica),
Climbing the Yellow Pine in wind storms, 87
Distribution, general order of, 93, 94
Dogwood, 91
Douglas Spruce (Pseudotsuga Douglasii), 88,
Dwarf Pine, or White trite Bark Pine (Pinus albicaulis),
Forest trees in general, 93
Incense Cedar (Libocedrus decurrens), 87,
Jeffrey variety of the Yellow Pine, 103
Juniper, or Red Cedar (Juniperus occidentalis),
Maples, 91
Mountain Hemlock (Tsuga Mertensiana), 120
Mountain live-oak (Quercus chrysolepis),
Mountain Pine (Pinus monticola), 115
Nut Pine (Pinus attenuata), 96
Nut Pine (Pinus monophylla), 125
Nut Pine (Pinus Sabiniana), 95
Pines on summit of South Dome, 170
Popular (Populus trichocarpa), 91
Red Cedar (Juniperus occidentalis) 90, 117
Red Fir (Abies magnifica), 108
Silver Fir (Abies concolor), 90, 108
Silver Fir (Abies magnifica), 108
Sugar Pine (Pinus Lambertiana), king of pine
trees, 97
Sugar pines few, 87
Two-Leaved Pine (Pinus contorta, var. Murrayana),
Valley trees, 87
Wind music of the Yellow Pine, 104
Yellow, or Silver, Pine (Pinus ponderosa),
87, 101
Yosemite Pine, 103
Tueeulala Fall, 250
Tule River, 127
Tuolumne Cañon, 18
Tuolumne Glacier, 179, 181, 182, 186, 219
Tuolumne Glacier Monument, 178
Tuolumne grove of Big Trees, 146, 225
Tuolumne Meadows, 178, 207, 212
Tuolumne River, 16, 180, 211
Tuolumne Valley, 16, 258
Excursion to Upper, 209
Tuolumne Yosemite, name given to Hetch Hetchy Valley, 249
Two-Leaved Pine (Pinus contorta, var. Murrayana), 112
Vernal Fall Approach to, 17
Excursion to, 196, 199, 201, 203
Height 32
Near view of, 32
Rainbows, 38, 223
Staid, orderly fall, 32
Virginia Creek trail, 220
Wapama Fall, 252
Washington Column, 14
Washington lily, most fragrant of Valley flowers, 150
Waterfall flood, an extraordinary, 53
Water-ouzel. See Ouzel
Watkins, Mount, 15
Watkins trail, 15
Wawona, 225, 240
Weather. See Climate and weather
Wind music of the Yellow Pine, 104
Winds, influence of, on falls, 51
Winter beauty of the Valley, 45
Winter bird life, 159, 163
Winter storms, 51
Woodpeckers, 159, 161
Yellow, or Silver, Pine (Pinus ponderosa), 87, 101
Yosemite Creek
General views of basin, 19
Width, depth and average fall, 20
Yosemite Creek Glacier, 182, 183, 185
Yosemite earthquake, 79
Yosemite Fall
Comet forms, 28, 29, 57
Excursion to Upper fall, 199
Formation, effect of Yosemite Creek Glacier, 185
Grandeur of, 28
Moon seen through, 40
Most wonderful of its kind in the world, 14
Near view, the best, 28
Rainbows, 38
Source, 21
Thunder of, 13, 29
Unexpected night adventure, 40
Upper and Lower falls, 23
Views from above, 22
Voice, the richest and most powerful, 13, 29
Winds, influence of, 51
Yosemite Falls trail, 200, 201
Yosemite Glacier, 13, 16, 24
Yosemite Gorge Fall and Cascades, 35
Yosemite National Park, establishment of, 236, 249
Yosemite Valley
Approach to, 9
Ascent of the Valley, 23
Discovery of, 226, 230
First view: the Bridal Veil, 10
Formation of, by Glaciers, 173
General features, 12
History, early, 226
Houses first built, 235
Name, Indian, 231
Named by Dr. Bunell, 231
Natural features near, 17
Situation and size, 7
Temple, its likeness to, 8
Tourists, first, 1855, 235
Tourists, present number, 237
Yosemite Valley railroad from Merced to border of Park, 236
The Yosemite