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Yosemite > Library > Birds of Yosemite > Index and Check List >
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(Including summary of occurrence and distribution)
The index provides a summary of status and life zone distribution of the birds of Yosemite. The abbreviations for status are explained on page 1, while the abbreviations for life zones are the initials of the zonal names as explained on pages 4 and 5. Status is given first. Life zone range is of resident birds or those spending the summer or winter in the region. Zonal range is not always stated for casual visitants or transients because it often has little meaning with reference to occurrence in Yosemite.
A space is provided in front of each name to permit checking each species as it is identified. In this manner the reader may keep a “life list” for the Yosemite region and may add to it on subsequent visits. Place a check mark in front of a name only if certain of your identification. Names not provided with a check space are synonyms. Numbers indicate pages in this booklet.
(Common and scientific names in accord with the 1957 A.O.U. checklist of North American birds. See bird descriptions for scientific names.)
____ AVOCET, American—CV, 21
____ BLACKBIRD, Brewer’s—SV; LS-C, 54
____ Redwinged—SV; LS-T, 53, 54
____ Yellow-headed—CV; LS-T, 53
____ BLUEBIRD, Mountain—SV; T-H, 46
____ Western—WV; US-T, 46
____ BUNTING, Lazuli—SV; LS-T, 56
____ BUSHTIT, Common—R; US, 40
____ CANVASBACK—CV, 10, 11
____ CHAT, Yellow-breasted—CV; LS-T, 53
____ CHICKADEE, Mountain—R; T-H, 39
____ Chestnut-backed—CV; T. 63
____ COOT, American—CV, 19, 20
____ CORMORANT, Double-crested—CV, 6,
____ COWBIRD, Brown-headed—CV; LS-T,
____ CREEPER, Brown—R; T-C, 41
____ CROSSBILL, Red—R; C-H, 57
____ CROW, Common—CV; LS-T, 39
____ Clark’s (See Nutcracker)
____ DIPPER—R; T-H, 42
____ DOVE, Mourning—CV, 23
____ DUCK, Harlequin—CV, 12
____ Ring-necked—CV, 10, 11
____ Ruddy—CV, 12
____ Wood—CV, 10, 11
____ EAGLE, Bald—R; LS-US, 15
____ Golden—R; US-T, 15
____ EGRET, Common—CV, 8
____ Snowy—CV, 8
____ FALCON, Peregrine—CV, 16
____ Prairie—CV, 16
____ FINCH, Cassin’s—R; T-H, 56
____ Gray-crowned Rosy—R; H-A, 57
____ House—R LS-US, 57
____ Purple—CV; US-T, 56
____ FLICKER, Red-shafted—R; US-C, 30
____ FLYCATCHER, Ash-throated—CV; LS-US, 33
____ Dusky—SV; C, 35
____ Gray—CV, 63
____ Hammond’s—SV; C, 34
____ Kiskadee—63
____ Olive-sided—SV; T-C, 35, 36
____ Traill’s—SV; LS-C, 34
____ Western—SV; US-T, 35
____ GNATCATCHER, Blue-gray—SV; LS-US, 47
____ GOLDENEYE, Barrow’s—CV, 11
____ Common—CV, 63
____ GOLDFINCH, American—CV, 63
____ Lawrence’s—CV, 63
____ Lesser—CV; LS-T, 58
____ GOOSE, Canada—CV, 8, 9
____ GOSHAWK—R, 13
____ GREBE, Eared—CV, 6, 7
____ Pied-billed—WV, 6, 7
____ Western—CV, 63
____ GROSBEAK, Black-headed—SV; LS-T, 55
____ Blue—CV; LS, 63
____ Evening—SV; T-C, 56
____ Pine,—R; C-H, 57
____ GROUSE, Blue—R; T-H, 18
____ Sage—CV, 18
____ GULL, Bonaparte’s—CV, 63
____ California—CV, 22
____ Herring—63
____ Ring-billed—CV, 22
____ HAWK, Cooper’s—R; US-T, 14
____ Ferruginous—CV, 63
____ Marsh—CV; LS-C, 15
____ Pigeon—CV, 63
____ Red-tailed—R; LS-H, 14
____ Sharp-shinned—R; LS-T, 13
____ Sparrow—R; LS-H, 16
____ Swainson’s—SV, 14
____ HERON, Black-crowned Night— CV, 63
____ Great Blue—CV, 7
____ Green—CV, 8
____ HUMMINGBIRD, Allen’s—CV, 28
____ Anna’s—R; US-T, 28
____ Black-chinned—SV; US-T, 28
____ Calliope—CV; T-C, 29
____ Rufous—M; T, 28
____ JAEGER, Parasitic—CV, 63
____ JAY, Piñon—CV; US-T, 38
____ Scrub—R; US, 38
____ Steller’s—R; T-C, 37, 38
____ JUNCO, Oregon—SV; T-H, 61
____ Slate-colored—CV, 60
____ KILLDEER—SV, 20
____ KINGBIRD, Western—CV; LS-US, 33
____ KINGFISHER, Belted—R; LS-T, 29
____ KINGLET, Golden-crowned—SV; C-T, 47
____ Ruby-crowned—R and WV; C, 47
____ KITE, White-tailed—CV, 63
____ LARK, Horned—CV; LS-US, 36
____ LOON, Arctic, CV, 63
____ MAGPIE, Black-billed—CV; US-T, 39
____ Yellow-billed—CV; LS-US, 38
____ MALLARD—CV, 8, 9
____ MARTIN, Purple—CV, 63
____ MEADOWLARK, Western—R; LS-T, 53
____ MERGANSER, Common—SV and CV, 13
____ Hooded—CV, 13
____ NIGHTHAWK, Common—SV; T-C, 26
____ NUTCRACKER, Clark’s—R; C-H, 39
____ NUTHATCH, Pygmy—R; T-C, 41
____ Red-breasted—R; T-H, 41
____ White-breasted—R; US-H, 40
____ ORIOLE, Bullock’s—CV, 54
____ OSPREY—CV, 15
____ OUZEL (See Dipper)
____ OWL, Barn—CV, 63
____ Flammulated—CV, 63
____ Great Gray—R; C, 25
____ Great Horned—R; LS-H, 24
____ Long-eared—R; US-T, 25
____ Pygmy—R; T-C, 24
____ Saw-whet—R; T-C, 26
____ Screech—R; LS-T, 24
____ Short-eared—CV, 25
____ Spotted—R; T, 26
____ PELICAN, White—M, 6
____ PEWEE, Western Wood—SV; US-H, 35
____ PHALAROPE, Northern—CV, 22
____ Red—CV, 63
____ Wilson’s—CV, 21
____ PHOEBE, Black—SV; US, 34
____ Say’s—CV; LS-US, 34
____ PIGEON, Band-tailed—SV; US-T, 23
____ PINTAIL—CV, 9
____ PIPIT, Water—WV, 48
____ POORWILL—SV; LS-T, 26, 27
____ QUAIL, California—R; US-T, 19
____ Mountain—R; T-C, 18
____ RAIL, Virginia—CV, 19
____ RAVEN, Common—C, 63
____ REDHEAD—CV, 63
____ ROBIN—SV; T-H, 45
____ SANDPIPER, Baird’s—CV, 63
____ Least—CV, 63
____ Solitary—CV, 63
____ Spotted—SV, 20
____ SAPSUCKER, Red-breasted—63
____ Yellow-bellied—WV or R; T-C, 31
____ Williamson’s—R; C-H, 31
____ SCAUP, Lesser—CV, 11
____ SHOVELER—CV, 10
____ SHRIKE, Loggerhead—CV; LS-US, 49
____ Northern—CV, 63
____ SISKIN, Pine—R; T-H, 57
____ SNIPE, Common—CV, 21
____ SOLITAIRE, Townsend’s—SV or R; T-H, 46
____ SORA—CV, 63
____ SPARROW, Brewer’s—CV; US-T, 63
____ Chipping—SV; US-T, 61
____ Fox—SV and WV; US-C, 62
____ Golden-crowned—WV; US-C, 62
____ Harris’—CV, 63
____ House—CV, 53
____ Lark—CV; LS-US, 60
____ Lincoln’s—SV; C, 62
____ Rufous-crowned—CV; US, 60
____ Sage—CV; US, 60
____ Savannah—CV; LS-T, 59
____ Song—R; LS-H, 63
____ Vesper—CV; US-C, 59
____ White-crowned—SV and WV; T-H, 61
____ White-throated—CV, 63
____ STILT, Black-necked—CV, 63
____ SWALLOW, Barn—CV, 63
____ Cliff—SV; LS-T, 37
____ Rough-winged—CV; LS-US, 36, 37
____ Tree—CV; US-T, 37
____ Violet-green—SV; US-T, 37
____ SWIFT, Black—SV; T, 27
____ Vaux’s—CV, 27
____ White-throated—SV; LS-T, 27
____ TANAGER, Western—SV; T-C, 55
____ TATTLER, Wandering—CV, 63
____ TEAL, Blue-winged—CV, 9
____ Cinnamon—CV, 9
____ Green-winged—CV, 9
____ THRASHER, California—R; LS-US, 44
____ Sage—CV, 44
____ THRUSH, Hermit—SV and WV; T-H, 45
____ Swainson’s—SV; US-C, 47
____ Varied—WV; US-C, 45
____ TITMOUSE, Plain—R; US, 40
____ TOWHEE, Brown—CV; LS-T, 59
____ Green-tailed—SV; T-H, 58
____ Rufous-sided—R; US-T, 58
____ VIREO, Hutton’s—R; US-T, 49
____ Solitary—SV; US-C, 49
____ Warbling—SV; US-C, 50
____ VULTURE, Turkey—R; LS-H, 13
____ WARBLER, Audubon’s—SV and WV; US-H, 51
____ Black-throated Gray—SV; US-T, 51
____ Hermit—SV; T-C, 51
____ MacGillivray’s—SV; T-C, 52
____ Myrtle—CV, 63
____ Nashville—SV; T-C, 50
____ Orange-crowned—SV; US-C, 50
____ Townsend’s—CV and T, 51
____ Wilson’s—SV; US-C, 52
____ Yellow—SV; LS-T, 50
____ WAXWING, Bohemian—CV, 63
____ Cedar—WV and M, 48
____ WIDGEON, American—CV, 10
____ WILLET—CV, 63
____ WOODPECKER, Acorn—R; US-T, 30
____ Black-backed Three-toed—R; C-H, 33
____ Downy—R; US-T, 33
____ Hairy—R; US-C, 32
____ Lewis’—R; US-T, 30
____ Nuttall’s—CV; US, 32
____ Pileated—R; T-C, 29
____ Red-headed—63
____ White-headed—R; T-C, 32
____ WREN, Bewick’s—R; US, 42,43
____ Canyon—R; LS-T, 44
____ House—SV; US-T, 43
____ Long-billed Marsh—WV; LS-T, 43
____ Rock—R and SV; LS-H, 43
____ Winter—R and WV; T-C, 43
____ WRENTIT—R; US-T, 42
____ YELLOWLEGS, Lesser—63
(See pages 4 and 5 for discussion)
L.S. — Lower Sonoran (example: Fresno)
U.S. Upper Sonoran (example: El Portal, Arch Rock)
T. — Transition (example: Yosemite Valley)
C. — Canadian (example: Glacier Point)
H. — Hudsonian (example: Dana Meadows)
A. — Arctic Alpine (example: Mount Lyell)
R. — Resident
Published in cooperation with the National Park Service |
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