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Yosemite > Library > Birds of Yosemite > Pigeon-like Birds >
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Frequents oak woods, often where mixed with conifers. Permanent R. largely west of the Sierran divides. Considerable shifting about of flocks in winter. Occurs in mountains (Transition life zone) in summer and in or near foothills (Upper Sonoran life zone) in winter. S. V. to the Yosemite region but some birds to be seen in Yosemite Valley almost any season.
MOURNING DOVE (Zenaidura macroura): 11-13 in. Above soft olive-brown; wings marked with oval black spots; top of head gray; below pinkish-brown; central tail feathers long, outer ones tipped with white; tail long and pointed. Whistling noise made by wings when bird takes flight. Voice a plaintive, mellow coo-ah, coo, coo, the second syllable higher than the rest.
Frequents chiefly open deciduous woodland or grassland and chaparral but also ranges onto the open ground of plains and deserts. R. in the Sierran foothills and San Joaquin Valley. C. V. to Yosemite region, in Yosemite Valley and at higher elevations to 10,300 feet, as near Vogelsang Lake.
Next: Cuckoo-like Birds • Contents • Previous: Plover-like Birds
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