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Yosemite > Library > Birds of Yosemite > Swifts and Hummingbirds >
Next: Roller-like Birds • Contents • Previous: Goatsucker-like Birds
In summer found along the coast from Santa Cruz Co. northward and occasionally in the Sierra. M. throughout, including Sierra. C. V. to Yosemite region. Recorded in Yosemite Valley.
BLACK SWIFT (Cypseloides niger): 7 in. General coloration black; at close range small amount of white may be seen about face; undersides of wings may appear silvery at certain angles; slender curving wings; tail slightly forked. Voice a high-pitched twitter. Nests in cliffs near waterfalls or in sea-bluffs.
S. V., breeding in the Transition life
zone of the central coast of California,
and the central and southern Sierra
Nevada. Seen in Yosemite Valley and
found nesting in Tenaya Canyon.
Frequents the vicinity of cliffs (often of granite) where it roosts and nests. Breeds chiefly in the Lower and Upper Sonoran life zones and into the Transition zone. S. V. in the Yosemite region, usually near sheer cliffs. Common about Yosemite Valley.
Inhabits mountains, foothills, canyons, and gardens in lowlands during the summer. Nests chiefly in deciduous trees along stream bottoms in the Upper Sonoran life zone. In Yosemite region, S. V. at lower elevations, higher in late summer. Observed at El Portal, Yosemite Valley, and Mono Lake.
ALLEN’S HUMMINGBIRD (Selasphorus sasin): 3 1/2 in. Back metallic green; tail reddish-brown; throat coppery red; below rich brown except white on breast. Female: Essentially like female rufous hummingbird. S. V. in Transition and Canadian life zones of Sierra during post breeding southward migration, when it ranges widely. C. V. to Yosemite region. Has been observed in Yosemite Valley and up to Badger Pass and Gin Flat.
Frequents broken chaparral and woodland. Breeds chiefly in the Upper Sonoran life zone but widely distributed when not breeding. In the Yosemite region R. in the foothills and a S. V. to the Transition life zone.
RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD (Selasphorus rufus): 3 1/2-4 in. Above rufous with faint greenish tinge to head and sometimes back; throat iridescent coppery red or brilliant crimson bordered below with white band; below rich brown; rufous on sides. Female: Above green, tinged with rufous; throat sometimes with some red; faint rufous on sides; white thumb-marks on outer tail feathers.
M. chiefly in lowlands and foothills when moving north, and along the mountains when returning south. M. in the Yosemite region. Most likely to be seen at higher elevations in July and August when in southbound migration. Seen above 12,000 feet, Parsons Peak.
S. V. in the Transition and Canadian life zones in the Yosemite region. Seen from March to September in Yosemite Valley where it breeds.
Next: Roller-like Birds • Contents • Previous: Goatsucker-like Birds
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