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Yosemite > Library > Birds of Yosemite > Tits >
Next: Nuthatches • Contents • Previous: Jays, Magpies, & Crows
Frequents chiefly open coniferous forests or the margins of dense stands, in the high Upper Sonoran to the Hudsonian life zones. R. chiefly in the Canadian and Hudsonian life zones in the Yosemite region but also in the Transition zone. Seen in Yosemite Valley and occasionally nests there.
Frequents open woodland, chiefly of oaks or piñon and juniper. R. largely in the Upper Sonoran life zone. Occurs at low elevation in the western part of the Yosemite region. Rare in Yosemite Valley.
Frequents areas of chaparral or mixed brush and small trees chiefly in the Upper Sonoran life zone. Widespread R. but absent from higher mountains, deserts. R. at lower elevations in the western part of the Yosemite region. Has been seen near Glacier Point and commonly in Yosemite Valley.
Next: Nuthatches • Contents • Previous: Jays, Magpies, & Crows
Online Library: | Title | Author | California | Geology | History | Indians | Muir | Mountaineering | Nature | Management |