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Birds of Yosemite National Park (1954, 1963) by Cyril A. Stebbins and Robert C. Stebbins

WRENTITS: Family Chamaeidae

WRENTIT (Chamaea fasciata): 6 1/2 in. Above brown, darker on head; below bully, tinged with pink; long slender tail; iris white; ruffled appearance of feathers gives bird a chubby shape. Song, phu-phu-phu-phu-phu-phu-phu, the first two to four notes given deliberately, the others following in quick succession all essentially on the same the same pitch. Sometimes gutteral scolding notes are heard as the birds “float” through the brush.

Seeks broken or continuous tracts of brush where it is more often heard than seen. Usually travels in pairs. An inhabitant of the Upper Sonoran and Transition life zones west of the Sierran divide. In the Yosemite region to be found chiefly at low elevation in the western part but in late summer and fall ranges up into Yosemite Valley.

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