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June Campsite in the Valley

Discussion of camping and road-accessible campgrounds in and near Yosemite National Park

Moderators: Wickett, dan

June Campsite in the Valley

Postby THL96 » Sat May 07, 2011 11:58 pm

I have a campsite in UpperPines for June 4 for 7 nights. I just found out that I can not go that week due to a business trip. I had already promised my kids a trip to Yosemite this year.

I would like to know if anyone is interested in trading me a 7 night reservation in June for a reservation in late june, july or august for mine. THis is a grat time to be in Yosemite because it is not packed yet and the falls are still running.

Please let me know if you can trade with me.


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