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I have up to a week, what should I do?

Travelling to and visiting Yosemite National Park. How to get there, what to see or do, and other Yosemite trip advice.

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I have up to a week, what should I do?

Postby uztaol » Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:38 am

Sorry I could not find an answer on the site. I have a week of vacation coming up in May/June. I was going to visit Yosemite for the first time and then to Los Angeles. I was hoping someone can give me advice on how long to stay. We are mainly looking to see the sites and do some light hiking.

Can anyone recommend a good length of stay and must-see sites? Thank you very much in advance. We are both very excited to see Yosemite!
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Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:28 am

Postby AlmostThere » Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:09 am

I'm surprised, because if there is one question we see all the time, it's what are the best things to do when we get there, or what not to miss.

When you say "light hiking" do you mean a couple miles on the flat, or a couple miles up a hill, or ten miles??? My "light hiking" is about 6-7 miles, I know people who think a ten miler is nothing at all.

Any of the trails out of the valley will give you views. Some of them will give you elbow to elbow tourists - but the mist trail is a must do for first time Yosemite goers. All of the trails will be uphill and then all down going back. I would spend however much time as you want in the valley - Tioga Pass may or may not be open, Glacier Point Rd may open in late May or early June. Taking free shuttles around the parts of the park that are accessible - the valley, Wawona, Mariposa Grove of Sequoias - will get you around. There are trails to walk in all three locations. Chilnualna Falls is a steady uphill to the top but great views and a real close up look at a series of waterfalls that a lot of people don't see. You could easily spend a week just walking trails - Upper Yosemite Falls one day, Mist Trail another, Chilnualna Falls out of Wawona, Mariposa Grove, a walk around the valley floor with side trips to Bridalveil Falls and anything else that strikes your fancy including watching the climbers on the face of El Capitan.... Visit the Ansel Adams gallery/shop, the museum, the visitor center, go over to Yosemite Village and have a drink near the fire while watching Yosemite Falls.... there are all kinds of things to do once you're there.
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Postby hotrod4x5 » Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:24 am

2 or 3 nights for sure is a minimum in my opinion. A great way to start your trip is the valley floor tour, which is given in open air trams and gives you a good over view of the valley, which, of course is a small percentage of the park, but also the most popular.

Hike the Mist trail to at least the top of Vernal Falls, Nevada if you have the energy. Go to the bottom of Yosemite Falls and Bridalveil falls. Take a drive out to the Mariposa Grove and hike or take the tram for a tour of the trees. Have breakfast at the Ahwahnee with it's 50 ceilings.

Wherever you plan to stay, you better make your reservations NOW, it could already be too late.
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Postby uztaol » Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:11 am

Thank you for the helpful replies. Yes "light hiking" is a relative term, sorry. But your answers were perfect.

We've decided on 4 days there and are going to try to see all the sites you mentioned.

Yes, I see lodging is getting scarce, so I will book reservations tonight in Oakhurst.

Thank you very much for your help, you've helped us decide our itenerary. Thanks again!
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:28 am

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