BASE Jumping in Yosemite Valley

We the People petition to legitimize BASE Jumping as an appropriate national parks activity.
If you are a U.S. citizen can you help sign a petition on to allow the legalization of base jumping parachute activities within our national park systems. You can rock climb, hang glide, etc., but not base jump in a safe and controlled manner. Current training methods and development of modern equipment specific for base jumping has allowed this sport to be done relatively safely. Base jumping is legal in most major park systems in Europe and the sport has flourished to a competitive level international sport. The U.S. is behind the times. Our tax dollars pay to run the park systems and we should have a say in how we enjoy them. I am a U.S. Army IRAQ and Afghanistan combat veteran, Skydiver, and Base jumper and I whole heartedly support this petition. I would appreciate your help.
Sign the petition to legitimize BASE jumping as an appropriate national parks activity. If less than half of you sign, it will pass.
Get everybody you know to sign it and their mothers
150 votes needed to get the petition in view of the public, and 5000 for the White house to address the issue
It takes less than three minutes! Please sign it!!!
If you are a U.S. citizen can you help sign a petition on to allow the legalization of base jumping parachute activities within our national park systems. You can rock climb, hang glide, etc., but not base jump in a safe and controlled manner. Current training methods and development of modern equipment specific for base jumping has allowed this sport to be done relatively safely. Base jumping is legal in most major park systems in Europe and the sport has flourished to a competitive level international sport. The U.S. is behind the times. Our tax dollars pay to run the park systems and we should have a say in how we enjoy them. I am a U.S. Army IRAQ and Afghanistan combat veteran, Skydiver, and Base jumper and I whole heartedly support this petition. I would appreciate your help.
Sign the petition to legitimize BASE jumping as an appropriate national parks activity. If less than half of you sign, it will pass.
Get everybody you know to sign it and their mothers
150 votes needed to get the petition in view of the public, and 5000 for the White house to address the issue
It takes less than three minutes! Please sign it!!!