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Red Peak Pass/Clark Range Loop Mid-May

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

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Red Peak Pass/Clark Range Loop Mid-May

Postby ExileOnMainSt17 » Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:34 pm

MY fiance and I secured a wilderness permit for the Happy Isles - Illilouette Creek trailhead in mid-May. First glance at the map showed an enticing route starting at the HI-IC trailhead, going up Illilouette Creek towards Red Peak Pass, and then looping around the Clark Range, towards Merced Lake and then exiting through LYV. However, second, third, fourth, and fifth glances at the map (and subsequent research) had me thinking we will probably hit serious snow once we get close to the Ottoway lakes and the north side of Red Peak Pass could be very challenging. As experienced backpackers being inexperienced mountaineers, I would prefer to not risk conditions needing ice axes and possible self arrest. I am fine with route finding and micro-spike conditions.

Any chance RPP will be possible in mid-May? Just head up the trail and see?

Any route ideas from that trail head?
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Re: Red Peak Pass/Clark Range Loop Mid-May

Postby snowcreek » Sat Apr 09, 2022 4:16 pm

Snow is going to be an issue. The 120 pass to Lee Vining opens late may usually and there is still a TON of snow up there. Creeks- if you have to cross them will also be an issue. This is kind of why recreation.gov is such a joke beyond the inherent money making scheme behind it all. I would just call the park in may and ask them for advice honestly. Conditions are so variable in the park. Especially the trails.
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Re: Red Peak Pass/Clark Range Loop Mid-May

Postby AlmostThere » Sun Apr 10, 2022 12:08 pm

Snow depth per https://www.fs.fed.us/r5/webmaps/SierraSnowDepth/ is running shallow between 10-20 inches, and snowpack stands at 41% of average. The snowline on 120 is above 9000 feet. Heat waves with brief cooldowns have been happening, the snow is melting fast, right now it's expected that a couple of inches of snow might drop, but that's not much. It's abysmally dry. The plowing updates are here - https://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/tioga.htm

Scuttlebutt has it that even tho snow is melting apace, it will take time to get rocks and trees out of the road, so the pass should open in May.
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Re: Red Peak Pass/Clark Range Loop Mid-May

Postby snowcreek » Sun Apr 10, 2022 3:27 pm

Almosthere is correct- I checked the yosemite webcams (a good way to check on snow levels) and my god is there a lack of snow! CA is in trouble this year that is for sure. And I could see the pass opining early than ever. The rocks are a problem but unless you have a rock that needs to be blown up most of the debris is just plowed right off the road. A good reminder if you ever camp next to a park service road- they dont announce they are sending a rock downhill when they find them in the road in the morning (suprisingly common).
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Re: Red Peak Pass/Clark Range Loop Mid-May

Postby ExileOnMainSt17 » Sun Apr 10, 2022 4:30 pm

Yeah I thought snow was a little light this year, which isn't great news for the California water supply but decent news for our planned route. Do y'all have any experience in the Illilouette area? Thoughts on other trails around there in case we can't get up and over RPP? How is the fishing around there?
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Re: Red Peak Pass/Clark Range Loop Mid-May

Postby snowcreek » Sun Apr 10, 2022 5:14 pm

From mono Meadow to the lake below red peak pass was a long slog of a hike (not your hike but what I have done). I remember it got really sandy after crossing the creek. Nice lake when you get to it. From Happy Isles you can easily get to LYV in one day and its pretty crowded up there. If you have to stop short there is a campsite to the left up a hill after you clear the last waterfall and start on the flat part of the trail by the river that leads you to LYV. Not sure about the legality of camping there. If you start in LYV- bring enough water for you to get beyond humanity as there is a ton of shit (literally) all over those trails. Dont get ANYWHERE near the water out of the valley- those waterfalls are deadly and if you go in the water on the mist trail you likely wont come out.
There are diamond cutouts (trail markers before established trails) on some of the trees still that were allegedly done by the Buffalo Soldiers if that is any interest. Perhaps you see them perhaps not. Maybe there all gone by now
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Re: Red Peak Pass/Clark Range Loop Mid-May

Postby balzaccom » Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:43 am

We've done the hike you're suggesting. Even in a low snow year, Red Peak Pass in May will be a problem...and a big storm hits today that will a bunch of snow up there.

But Illilouette Canyon is lovely. The lower canyon above the falls burned years ago...but once you get above that it's a delight. Many campsites along the creek. Fishing is fun and easy for smaller trout (up to 9 inches). Merced Pass Lakes do not have fish, but Lower Ottoway Lake has superb fishing in the evenings, (rainbows to 15") and might be our favorite spot to camp in Yosemite. From there you could day hike to the Merced Pass Lakes, Upper Ottoway, etc.
Check our our website: http://www.backpackthesierra.com/
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra; https://www.amazon.com/Danger-Falling-Rocks-Paul-Wagner/dp/0984884963
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