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help please in planning a Sept trip - first visit

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

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help please in planning a Sept trip - first visit

Postby 2mutts » Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:39 pm

I am planning backpacking trip to Yosemite for September 12-18 this year. I am planning to avoid the Valley floor this visit, as I plan to return in Feb or March of 2011 for some back country skiing to Glacier Point and Ostrander Lake, along with a visit to the Valley when there are fewer people. (I'd love any suggestions here as well). I don't have a huge pack, so with a bear canister and preparation for some cold nights, I'm thinking I have room for about four days max worth of supplies. (Two of us with similar pack sizes).

We'll have a full week in Yosemite, so I'm planning on 2-3 separate hikes, 1-4 days each. I'm looking for areas most worth going to - with the fewest numbers of people possible (wishful thinking, I'm sure). Basically, I want to maximize my experience with what little time I have. I am thinking of entering the park from the East and traveling West with the following hikes, based upon reading books, links on this forum, and web sites found on Yosemite:
1)Hike into Gaylor Lakes (should this be a day hike, or should I make it an overnight with exploration?)
2)Leave from Tenaya Lake, to Cloulds Rest and Half Dome, back North up the John Muir to Cathedral Lakes and over Medicott Dome back to Tanaya Lake.
3)Hike to North Dome and Indian Rock Arch. Would it be best to hike from the Tioga Road near Porcupine Flat, or should we come in from Yosemite Creek CG and also take in Yosemite Point?

Does anyone have any advice on the above hikes? Things I should change, do instead, etc? Again, I'd like to be able to take in some of the scenery that makes Yosemite unique while avoiding the crowds as much as possible. Again, I'm not planning to visit the valley this trip. Do these routes have reliable water sources for this time of year? I'd appreciate advice from those of you familiar with the area so I can firm up my plans and apply for my permits.

Thank you very much for your assistance.
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Joined: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:33 am

Postby AlmostThere » Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:26 pm

You can't camp at Gaylor Lakes so you will either need to go further from the trailhead or find another destination. Ten Lakes is nice and usually permits are available but there are usually a few people camping around the lower lakes where there are fish and campfires are allowed.

North Dome is a nice overnight - you could easily make it a semi-loop. Go in at one trailhead and come out at the other.

I don't think I need to tell you that Half Dome will have a lot of people - tho there are some times midweek where crowds diminish. Get permits early for the Sunrise trailhead, they sell out almost immediately as they are available.

You'll probably see day hikers anywhere within 8 miles of any trailhead any day, but another day out and traffic will drop to nothing. Midweek outings will see even fewer people.
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Postby balzaccom » Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:05 pm

1)Hike into Gaylor Lakes --- a day hike. A GREAT day hike. Please leave time in the day to explore that whole upper plateau, including both Gaylor lakes and Granite lakes. wonderful.

2)Leave from Tenaya Lake, to Cloulds Rest and Half Dome, back North up the John Muir to Cathedral Lakes and over Medicott Dome back to Tanaya Lake. Good hike--you'll see lots of people on this one.

3)Hike to North Dome and Indian Rock Arch. Would it be best to hike from the Tioga Road near Porcupine Flat? Yep--I think so.
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