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three or four days

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

Moderators: Wickett, dan

three or four days

Postby AZhiker » Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:57 pm

Im from AZ and its been since the 70s since Ive hiked Yosemite. Im looking for a good three or four day hike going in on the east side of the park. there will be four in the party and we are all good hikers so Im not looking for a lite trail or the hiway. I have started looking at the JMT but not sure of the best bang for the buck.
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Re: three or four days

Postby dan » Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:48 pm

To avoid people and over-used trails in Yosemite, avoid the JMT at all costs, especially out of Yosemite Valley or Tuolumne Meadows. Too many people and too many mules.

The northern part of Yosemite, north of Tioga Road and the Tuolumne River is underused, with great views of peaks. You could take the PCT north from Tuolumne. It's not anywhere near as bad as the JMT, as far as people, but there's still a number of hikers. Also Parker Pass from Dana Meadows along the Tioga Road.

One of the most isolated trips is to start at Twin Lakes and hike west into Yosemite down Matterhorn Canyon or Virginia Canyon or both.
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