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Urban Youth Winter Camping Trip

Travelling to and visiting Yosemite National Park in Winter and most of Spring, when snow is on the ground. Includes visiting in winter, snow play, downhill and nordic skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing, and snow camping.

Moderators: Wickett, dan

Urban Youth Winter Camping Trip

Postby archive » Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:21 pm

Author: Services Coordinator (---.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net)
Date: 10-12-05 13:26

Hey, seeking ideas on how to take 20 kids camping to Yosemite during the winter season of 2006. (indoor lodging only)...... These kids never seen snow before.................... (really trying to get these urban/disadvantage children to have a variety and fulfilling experiences).......

Also, we on an extreme low budget......................... real low......... real low


Transportation (round trip)
Lodging (three days, two nights)

E-mail: tamiminix@sbcglobal.net

Re: Urban Youth Winter Camping Trip
Author: Dan Anderson (---.west.biz.rr.com)
Date: 10-12-05 15:02

Can't help with transportation. For lodging, here's a few suggestions:

* The city/county of San Francisco runs Camp Mather just northwest of Yosemite. http://www.campmather.com/ http://www.campmather.com/
http://www.parks.sfgov.org/site/recpark ... p?id=16322
http://www.parks.sfgov.org/site/recpark ... p?id=16322

* The Yosemite Institute has dorm-type lodging for kids at Crane Flat in Yosemite (north of the valley).
http://www.yni.org/yi/ http://www.yni.org/yi/

* There's lodging at Yosemite West (near the junction of Glacier Point Road and Highway 41), and at Wawona, both mostly cabins or condos and not cheap.

* There's lodging in Camp Curry tent cabins. For winter, reserve the heated tent cabins (heated with propane and planety warm). Baths and showers are in a central showerhouse.
From Yosemite Valley there's a free bus in winter to Badger Pass Ski Area from Camp Curry. No need to buy a lift ticket or anything.
http://www.yosemitepark.com/ http://www.yosemitepark.com/
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