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Trip Help!

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

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Trip Help!

Postby apple123 » Wed Jun 28, 2017 12:48 am

Hello everyone!
I'm running into a few logistical problems as the snow has caused some issues for me.

I had won the High Sierra Lottery this year for my birthday and a large amount of friends and family (9 to be exact) have bought tickets to california from all over the country. Due to the amazing snow, they had to cancel all reservations. Subsequently, i'm trying to plan a backcountry/camping trip for a large group so close to sep.

The dates 9/1/17- 9/10/17 (We have hotel reservations for the 7,8th and half dome permits for 9th)

Currently,I spoke with a recreation.gov phone agent who said that B.Falls campground would be opening up for reservations on aug. 1st, so I'm trying to snag campsite to use as basecamp (incase we don't get permits we'd have a few nights to try) and hope we get walkup passes for Mcguirks meadow (for all 6) and find a spot halfway between taft point and dewey point to be where we set up camp and do day hikes to see the rest ending at Wanowa Trail (And being picked up by friends who are staying back).

What would be good other permits to aim for-- so that if we had 2-3 others who wanted to hike with us (but had to enter at another point/) could? -Like entering at Mono meadow?

I'm trying to plan a low(er) key birthday backcountry trip 3 nights 4 days for a large group and for day off will call.
I know that T.meadows also has first come first serve campground and thought about doing the Grand Canyon from white wolf as a backcountry trip for 3-4 days.

We are all in good shape, solid hikers (grew up in learning how to be in the backcountry in alaska) but because this is a birthday trip we are not looking to be super lightweight, or making some serious milage headway. I liked the idea of having a little backcountry base camp for two nights and exploring all the visual wonders of taft/dewey ect. But I'm still waiting on my topo map to come to take a closer look everything, but I understand that the Ponoho trail has no camping options (or few rather)

Any information or ideas would be so greatly appreciated! (or if my entire idea is just a pipe dream!) I'm loosing my head a little trying to plan a large trip so close and esp because everyone has pushed there trips back into sep due to such a late start this year.
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Re: Trip Help!

Postby Phil » Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:27 am

All considerations of the Half Dome permit aside, for that many people, on this short a notice, anything in the "core" of the park is going to be tough to come by. For that many people, check out Ten Lakes Basin. In-and-out, permits might be available from the Yosemite Creek trailhead, and likely from White Wolf. Hike in, set up basecamp with lots of room, tremendous area for views and day hiking. Two other campgrounds to consider are White Wolf and Porcupine Flat, both up on Tioga Rd.
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Re: Trip Help!

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:26 am

A group that huge is going to have issues with wilderness permits in Yosemite.

You should consider Little Lakes basin, 60 lakes basin, or Sabrina Lake Basin instead. 60 lakes is off Tioga Road, has no trailhead quotas, has a ferry boat to take 3 miles of the hiking off each way (though with lots of people and gear it can get expensive). Walk in a few miles and set up camp at one of the lakes. Not Yosemite but just as scenic. More scenic than sitting in the trees on the Pohono trail anyway.

Or get a group campsite in one of the campgrounds -- those are sometimes available even when the rest of the campground is full.
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Re: Trip Help!

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:47 am

B Falls Campground?

If you mean Bridalveil, that's not reservable - it's walk in first come first serve. You get a campsite by showing up early in the middle of the week and praying.
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Re: Trip Help!

Postby balzaccom » Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:07 pm

If your heart is set on backpacking with 9 people, look at something in the Emigrant Wilderness (just North of Yosemite) or the Hoover Wilderness (Just East and North of Yosemite). Permits there are without quotas, and some like Leavitt Meadows, are self-register, so you just fill out the form and start hiking. Beautiful country.
Check our our website: http://www.backpackthesierra.com/
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra; https://www.amazon.com/Danger-Falling-Rocks-Paul-Wagner/dp/0984884963
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