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sierranomad wrote:I don't know if it was just coincidence, but last year I saw at least one bear every visit to Yosemite (about 6 visits). I called it "the year of the bear".
Keep an eye out for them. Look for groupings of people looking at something other than at scenic pullouts (say looking into a forest or meadow). If you see a bear while driving stop only if you can get off the road completely, otherwise, just pass it by.
Wickett wrote: A few people stopped their cars to look at a bear and caused a 4.5 mile backup.
Finding and seeing bears in Yosemite is like hitting the lottery
jpcal wrote:Finding and seeing bears in Yosemite is like hitting the lottery
I wish that was true, because I would be a multi-millionaire by now. I've seen tons of bears
oakroscoe wrote:Everytime I've gone out from the Hetch Hetchy trailhead I've seen a bear. I've lost count of how many times I've been to Beehive and saw bears...
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