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Emigrant Wilderness in Stanislaus National Forest

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in the Sierra Nevada and elsewhere outside Yosemite National Park

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Emigrant Wilderness in Stanislaus National Forest

Postby Mr Leahey » Sat May 22, 2010 2:35 pm

I know that this is a Yosemite forum, but I was wondering if anyone knows if there was a similar forum like this that includes the Emigrant Wilderness area adjacent to Yosemite. It seems like it is much easier to obtain a permit there, and I don't think they require bear canisters. If anybody had info for that area, I would be grateful. Thanks!
Mr Leahey
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Postby balzaccom » Sat May 22, 2010 4:50 pm

I don't know of a forum dedicated to Emigrant Wilderness, but I think you'll find a lot of the people here also visit there...and are willing to share what they know. I've done a number of trips into that area, and would be happy to share my experiences if you have questions...
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Postby orion » Sun May 23, 2010 8:57 am

in my mind, the borders of yosemite are hwy120 to the south, hwy108 to the north, mono lake to the east, and cherry lake to the west. but that's just me.

the more time you spend in wilderness, the less relevant the contrivance of borders becomes. and names. i just call it the backcountry.

emigrant is also free.
i'd use a bear can anyway.
too many horses in parts
with litterbugs on top of them.
plus hunter goons in the fall.

the way back has the biggest slab of granite in the world
that always makes me happy for no reason.
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Postby bill-e-g » Mon May 24, 2010 6:08 am

In my noggin WAY too many people think Yosemite is Half Dome.


Every single time I go to Mercur Peak... I say "wtf.. why the heck
isn't all this to the north in yosemite... yosemite is GRANITE baby"
Emigrant gets screwed up by horse dookie though... sigh...

Luckily there's a lot o off trail to xplore that the horses haven't F'd up.

My Yosemite... that's anything in The Sierra. I just say I'm going
to The Sierra now... it all kicks booty.

Have fun
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trail suggestion

Postby _Gabe_ » Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:44 pm

Anyone have a suggestion on trail route somewhere in the 30 - 33 mile range.
This is going to be my first backpacking trip in the Emigrant Wilderness and was looking at going from Crabtree trailhead to Gem Lake to Emigrant Lake then head north to Lower/Upper Relief Valleys then west to Chewing Gum Lake and back to Crabtree. This seems to be a popular route but its around 39 miles. and I only have 3 days to do it and would like to have time during the day to do some fishing, exploring etc.

There seems to be plenty of other trails but I havent seen to much info on those.

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Postby orion » Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:31 pm

lean closer to the cherry creek canyon and you'll have less horses to contend with than at emigrant lake. hyatt, pingree, big lake, etc. huckleberry has plenty of big trout if you have time to get that far.

or go up to those high lakes near granite dome above relief. iceland, ridge, sardella, etc. i've been told they have good fishing.

last time i was at emigrant lake there were a half dozen horses tied up for the day being eaten alive by mosquitoes and an old timer washing out his dutch oven in the lake with regular dish soap. you could taste the soap even in filtered water and i got sick for a couple days after that. haven't been back since.
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Postby _Gabe_ » Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:08 pm

Thanks for the suggestion. I was looking at my map and some of the places you suggested seem to be off trail. Since I'm not familiar with this area so I'm not too confident in my cross country skills.

But I guess going to those places must be pretty rewarding.
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Postby balzaccom » Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:21 pm

We've done a ton of trips in Emigrant. You can check out some of them on our website: backpackthesierra.com

Two thoughts:

1. I'f you're worried about route finding, then a simple trip from Crabtree out to Gem, Deer and Bucks Lakes is pretty darn easy, and very scenic. Come back on the lower route, via Wood and Grouse Lake, and that should be about 30 miles.

2. Once you get into this area, you won't feel so concerned about off trail travel. From Wood Lake, if you can't find Karl's Lake, then you really should stay in your car. And from there on, it's pretty easy.

Have fun!
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Postby thompsondr1 » Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:28 am

Does anyone have an idea of what the stream crossings (Piute and West Fork Cherry Creek) on the way to Gem Lake are like now? I'm assuming there aren't bridges over these(?)

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Postby oakroscoe » Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:53 am

Yesterday I just got back from Many Island, Spotted Fawn, Little Bear, Inferno and Boundary Lake and looking down into Cherry Canyon, Cherry Creek looks to be gushing. I wouldn't want to try to cross it now.

I agree with the advice on Hyatt, Big Lake and Yellowhammer. I've been to those 3 and thoroughly enjoyed them.
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Postby orion » Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:07 am

oakroscoe - how's the snow around boundary? got any pics?
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Postby orion » Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:10 am

here's the slide looking west from Matterhorn two weeks ago:

the high country is still socked in.
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Postby oakroscoe » Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:19 am

orion wrote:oakroscoe - how's the snow around boundary? got any pics?

I didn't take any pics as I forgot my camera, but others in my group did. When get copies I'll see if I can post some. Snow level is very high, only patches are left. There was still some snow in Styx pass, but it is rapidly melting. The days of snow in the shade are dwindling. It was pretty warm when ww were up there
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Postby orion » Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:23 am

thanks for the tip on that. looks like the back country is officially open for business. i'll have to forget to go to work more often.
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