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Yosemite Nature Notes
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Yosemite Nature Notes 25 (1946)
- YNN 25(1) (January 1946)
- “Reptiles and Amphibians of Yosemite National Park,” 25(1) by Myrl V. Walker
- YNN 25(2) (February 1946) [PDF]
- “North Dome and the Merced River in Winter,” 25(2):cover photo by Ralph Anderson
- “Morning in February” [poem], 25(2):49 by Elizabeth H. Godfrey
- “Rocks of Particular Geological Significance” [granite near Merced Lake], 25(2):50 by Myrl V. Walker
- “An Unusual Snow Plant” [in November], 25(2):51 by John W. Bingaman
- “An Early Snow Storm in the Sierra” [October 7], 25(2):52-54 by Enid Michael
- “Abraham Lincoln and Yosemite National Park” [1864 Yosemite Grant], 25(2):55 by C. Frank Brockman
- “Deer vs. Wildcat” [deer pursuing wildcat], 25(2):56 by D. A. Miller
- YNN 25(3) (March 1946) [PDF]
- Golden eagle and sparrow hawk in aerial contest, 25(3):cover drawing by Elizabeth H. Godfrey
- “The ‘Why’ of Snow Surveys,” 25(3):57-61 by C. Frank Brockman
- “Voices in the Night” [ringtail cats attacked by coyote or fox], 25(3):62-63 by Myrl V. Walker
- “Nature Notelets” [winter animal tracks in Bridalveil Creek drainage; weasel in winter coat conspicuous with no snow; February storm and wildlife; buck near schoolhouse], 25(3):64-65 by C. Frank Brockman
- YNN 25(4) (April 1946) [PDF]
- Yosemite Cony drawing, 25(4):cover
- “Hymn to Pohono” [Bridalveil Fall], 25(4):65 by June Alexander
- “Joseph N. LeConte,” 25(4):66-69 by Elizabeth H. Godfrey
- “This Year’s Ice Cone” [at the base of Upper Yosemite Fall], 25(4):70-71 by C. Frank Brockman
- “Nature Notelets” [coyote chasing deer; varied thrushes attacked by sharp-shinned hawk; Sierra Newts, Triturus sierrae, standing out against snow; Sierra Nevada salamander, Ensatina sierrae; tree toad, Hyla regilla changes color to background], 25(4):71-72 by C. Frank Brockman, Tom Rixon, and Myrl V. Walker
- “Joseph N. LeConte,” 25(4):66-69 by Elizabeth H. Godfrey
- YNN 25(5) (May 1946) [PDF]
- Mariposa Grove Museum, 25(5):cover drawing by Elizabeth H. Godfrey
- “Yosemite during the War Years” [World War II; Ahwahnee Hotel], 25(5):73-76 by Frank A. Kittredge
- “Honor Roll Yosemite National Park” [permanent NPS employeees in the military during World War II], 25(5):77
- “Interesting Springtime Trails” [starting in Yosemite Valley], 25(5):78-80 by C. Frank Brockman
- YNN 25(6) (June 1946) [PDF]
- Giant Sequoia, 25(6):cover photo
- “Yosemite and the Mother Lode Country,” 25(6):81-85 by C. Frank Brockman
- “The National Park Service—Its Thirtieth Anniversary,” 25(6):86-88 by Frank A. Kittredge
- “Marmots in the High Country,” 25(6):88 by Myrl V. Walker
- YNN 25(7) (July 1946) [PDF]
- “Mountain Quail,” 25(7):cover drawing
- “Dogwood” [poem], 25(7):89 by Elizabeth H. Godfrey
- “Introduced Trees in Yosemite National Park” [landmarks of pioneer activities], 25(7):90-92 by C. Frank Brockman
- “Yosemite Animals: Bewitched” [Cassin’s vireo; junco; cowbird], 25(7):93 by Enid Michael
- “A New Bird Recorded for Yosemite Valley” [western willet], 25(7):94-95 b Marshall B. Evans
- “Western Snowy Egret in Yosemite Valley” [Leucophoyx thula brewsteri], 25(7):95-96 by Myrl V. Walker
- “Museum Notes” [Handbook of Lizards book by Smith], 25(7):96 by Myrl V. Walker
- YNN 25(8) (August 1946) [PDF]
- “California mule deer in Ahwahnee Meadow, Half Dome,” 25(8):cover photo by Ralph Anderson
- “From Glaciers to Lakes to Meadows to Valleys,” 25(8):97-100 by Myrl V. Walker
- “‘Along the Pohono Trail,’” 25(8):101-103 by Robert W. Prudhomme
- “Museum Notes” [Harry C. Parker Returns [from U. S. Army]; a Pioneer Visitor [Mrs. Ester Harris Nathan’s father Aaron Harris set up “Harris Campground” first campground in Yosemite Valley in 1878 near present Ahwahnee Hotel]], 25(8):104 by C. Frank Brockman
- YNN 25(9) (September 1946) [PDF]
- El Capitan, 25(9):cover photo
- “Mountain Meadows” [poem], 25(9):105 by Elizabeth H. Godfrey
- “Principal Administrative Officers of Yosemite: Frederick Law Olmsted,” 25(9):106-110 by C. Frank Brockman
- “C. Frank Brockman Returns to Alma Matter” [University of Washington], 25(9):110-111 by Myrl V. Walker
- “Yosemite Animals: Butterfly Migration Attracts Birds” [California tortoise-shell, Nymphalis californica], 25(9):112 by Emerson A. Stoner
- YNN 25(10) (October 1946) [PDF]
- Merced Lake, 25(10):cover drawing by Herbert Maier
- “The First Ascent of the Lost Arrow,” 25(10):113-116 by Thomas H. Rixon
- “The Place of the National Park Service in Nature Conservation,” 25(10):117-123 by Carl P. Russell
- “Yosemite Animals: Mountain Lion Visits Yosemite Valley” [Felis concolor californica], 25(10):123 by Lloyd M. Smith
- “Gray Fox in Yosemite Valley” [Urocyon cinereoargenteus townsendi], 25(10):124 by Robert J. Rodin
- “Nature Notelets” [azaleas and red-buts blooming in late warm and dry season; California wild grapes near Yosemite Museum; large trout in May lake covered with fungus-like Saprolegnia epozootic], 25(10):124 by Myrl V. Walker and Harry C. Parker
- YNN 25(11) (November 1946) [PDF]
- Grizzly Giant, 25(11):cover drawing by Elizabeth H. Godfrey
- “Water Ouzel,” 25(11):125 by Elizabeth H. Godfrey
- “A Visit with Ta-bu-ce” [Maggie Howard, Tabuce], 25(11):125-129 by Carl Sharsmith
- “Yosemite Animals: Playful Tuolumne Weasels” [mountain weasel, Mustela arizonensis], 25(11):130 by Robert W. Prudhomme
- “Nature Notelets” [community vegetable garden attracting birds], 25(11):131 by Myrl V. Walker
- “Book Notes: Books as Gifts at Christmas Time” [books again in stock after World War II paper rationing ended], 25(11):132
- YNN 25(12) (December 1946) [PDF]
- “The Old Village—Christmas, 1927,” 25(12):cover photo
- “Christmas, Holy Spirit, Peace” [poem], 25(12):133 by June E. Alexander
- “Cloud Forms are Interesting” [cloud types; banner clouds above peaks], 25(12):134
- “Yosemite Animals: Getting Acquainted with a White-Footed Mouse” [Gambel white-footed mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus gambelli], 25(12):139 by F. Robert Kirschman
- “Books as Gifts at Christmas Time” [books again in stock after World War II paper rationing ended], 25(12):140
- “Yosemite Nature Notes Celebrates Twenty-Fifth Anniversary,” 25(12):140
Bibliographical Information
Yosemite Nature Notes 25 (1946)
(Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1946).
24 cm. Ill.
LCCN 54040211.
Library of Congress call number QH1.Y6.
U. S. Government Document Call Number: I 29.119
Digitized by Dan Anderson, July 2007,
from a copy at Young Research Library (UCLA).
—Dan Anderson, www.yosemite.ca.us
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Yosemite Nature Notes
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