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Discovery of the Yosemite
(1892) by Lafayette H. Bunnell

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I. Maps Frontispiece.
II. Portrait.
III. The Yosemite Valley. 13
IV. El Capitan. 54
V. Bridal Veil Fall. 59
VI. Half Dome. 74
VII. North Dome and Royal Arches. 75
VIII. Cathedral Rocks. 77
IX. Glacier Fall. 84
X. Vernal Fall and Round Rainbow. 86
XI. Nevada Fall. 87
XII. Caches, or Acorn Storehouses. 129
XIII. Three Brothers. 146
XIV. Yosemite Fall. 166
XV. Mirror Lake. 204
XVI. Sentinel Rock. 213
XVII. The Indian Belle. 219
XVIII. Lake Ten-ie-ya. 236
XIX. Lake Starr King. 290
XX. Big Tree. 333
XXI. Riding through a Tree Trunk. 325
Fire Stick. 134
Tunneled Tree. 340

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