All these trees are cone-bearers except the California
Nutmeg, which belongs to the Taxaceae, or yew-like
trees, and bears a drupe, or fleshy berry. Our
juniper also has a berry, but this latter is classified as a
cone in its origin.
The cones of these trees are made up of woody
scales, overlapping, except in the case of the cedar, and
with two or more seeds under each of these scales. In
most of the conifers the seed has a thin wing.
The California Nutmeg bears its staminate and
its ovulate flowers on different trees. Our conifers
usually bear the two kinds of flowers on different
branches of the same tree. The staminate flowers produce
a yellowish pollen, carried by the wind to the
ovulate flowers, which are small, scaly catkins or conelike
bodies, and develop into a woody cone bearing the
fruit or seed.
Needles in sheath |
Pines |
Matures second autumn |
One; 1 1/2-2 inches; pale yellow-green
Single-Leaf Pine or Piñon
Thin, brown
2 1/2-3 inches
Found only in Pate Valley in Yosemite
National Park; common along desert
east of Sierra Nevada Range
Two; 1 1/2-3 inches; yellow-green
Lodgepole Pine or Tamarack Pine
Thin, grayish-brown, scaly
1-1 3/4 inches
Many dead branches usually. Not true Tamarack
Three; 8-18 inches; gray-green
Digger Pine
Dark gray, roughened
6-10 inches
At 15-30 feet, trunk often splits into branches with vertical thrust
Upper Sonoran
7-11 inches; yellow-green
Ponderosa or Western Yellow Pine
Tawny, with large plates of irregular scales, deep furrows between them
2 1/2-5 1/2 inches; ovate or oval, tapering
Most common pine on Valley floor; Transition Zone sometimes known as
Yellow Pine Belt. Slender spire
7-11 inches; blue-green
Jeffrey Pine
Darker, ridges closer than Yellow Pine
4-11 inches; beehive shape
Crown more flattened than Yellow Pine, of which it is probably a variation
3-5 inches
Knobcone Pine
Gray, thin
3-6 inches; stays on tree
Two trees at El Portal. Cones usually opened by forest fire to scatter seeds
Upper Sonoran
Needles in sheath |
White Pines |
Matures second autumn |
Five; 2-4 inches; blue-green
Sugar Pine
Brown, tinged with red; fissured up and down the tree
12-20 inches; longest of any of the pines
Distinctive silhouette, with one or two large branches flung wide.
Sugar from wounds in bark
1-1 1/2 inches; dark yellow-green
White-Bark Pine
Darkish-gray in old trees, ashen to silver in young
1-4 inches; ovoid shape; purplish tinge
Often a group of upright stems branching from a short main trunk to form
rounded crown; at timber line often prostate, matted
Single shorter needles attached to branch direct or with leaf-stem |
Matures first autumn |
1/2-1 inch; blue-green all around twig; declined leaf-stem
Mountain Hemlock
Dark reddish-brown; rough ridges with mottled scales
1 1/2-3 1/2 inches long; pendulous
Branches and leader at top slender, drooping;
grows in moist, shaded situations
1/2-1 1/2 inches; dark green, short leaf-stem;
needles either around twig or somewhat flattened;
needle flat, comparatively blunt
Douglas Fir
Thick, deep, dull furrows, brown outside; red, then white inside
1 3/4-3 1/2 inches; bracts with trident thrust over scales; pendent
Foliage plumy; drooping effect of branches; massive tree
1-2 1/2 inches; yellow-green; flat;
short, twisted petiole; channel above, midrib below, two whitish
bands along side
White Fir
Dark gray with ashen tinge on old trees;
rough, soft, fissured; palish inside
2-5 1/2 inches; erect on branches of crown,
scales fall, axis remains on tree
Foliage in fan-like sprays; twisted petiole gives flat effect on lower
branches; needles shorter, curve upward from both sides on higher branches.
Note lower branches to compare needles with Red Fir
Transition thrusting into Canadian
Needle sessile on branch;
3/4-1 1/2 inches; blue-green; four-sided rather than flat
Red Fir
Reddish-brown; rough
4-8 inches; erect on branches of crown, scales, fall, axis remains on tree
Foliage in flattened layers of fan-like sprays,
somewhat more regular than
White Fir; shorter needles, more
strongly curved than White Fir,
especially on lower branches
Leaves linear, narrow, bristle-tipped |
Matures first autumn |
Rigid, on twisted petiole; leaves making flat spray;
two long grooves in them; dark green, shiny above; yellowish-green below
California Nutmeg
Bark finely checked; ashen to brown
1 1/2-2 1/2 inches; fruit a drupe,
olive-like; one-seeded; green to purplish color;
flesh resinous
Found only in region Arch Rock to Cascades;
attractive tree 20 to 75 feeds to height;
belongs to yew family; leaves pungent when bruised
Transition (upper)
Leaves short, scale-like or awl-shaped; pointed |
Leaves blue-green, awl-shaped, closely overlapping along stem,, tips free
Giant Sequoia
Reddish bark, often 1-2 feet thick in old trees; fibrous
1-2 1/2 inches; ovoid; ripe second autumn
Largest trees in world, rounded crown;
none on Valley floor except where planted
Transition (upper)
Leaves yellow-green, scale-like, arranged in pairs adherent to twig;
each pair at right angles to preceding, tip turning out slightly in pointed
effect; flat sprays
Incense Cedar
Reddish-brown bark, stringy; not so thick or lustrous as Big Tree
3/4-1 inch long;
three pairs of scales; urn-shaped while green;
later like upper part of fleur-de-lis
Large branches at right angles, then curving up,
often give lyre effect, or young trees in open places form symmetrical
pyramids almost from ground up
Short, blue-green, scale-like leaves clasp stem in whorls of threes,
clothing stem tightly; sometimes points turn out, especially on lower part
of tree
Sierra Juniper
Pale brown; easily shredded
Fruit a small, blue-black drupe or berry, usually two-seeded
Clings to rocky ledges; usually gnarled and weather-beaten,
but occasionally symmetrical tree of forty or fifty feet
Canadian venturing well into Hudsonian