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Yosemite Nature Notes
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Yosemite Nature Notes 14 (1935)
- YNN 14(1) (January 1935) “Conservation Number” [PDF]
- “hunter with mule and dead bears, 14(1):cover sketch
- “Conservation in the National Parks,” 14(1):1-5 by Charles G. Thompson
- “Wildlife Policies in Yosemite,” 14(1):5-9 by Adrey E. Borell
- “Conservation of Birds,” 14(1):9-12 by C. A. Harwell
- “Membership Fee Reduced,” 14(1):12
- YNN 14(2) (February 1935) [PDF]
- People on snow-plowed road, 14(2):cover photo
- “Hibernation,” 14(2):13-17 by Raymond M. Gilmore
- “Herman Distinguishes Himself” [spotted owl yelps], 14(2):18-19 by Enid Michael
- “Albino Western Chipping Sparrow,” 14(2):19-20 by Claude A. Wagner, Jr.
- “A New Rodent for Yosemite Valley” [bushy-tailed wood rat, Neotoma cinerea cinerea], 14(2):20 by A. E. Borell
- YNN 14(3) (March 1935) [PDF]
- “Artic Three-Towed Woodpeckers and quaking aspen, 14(3):cover watercolor
- “Plant Life and Glaciers,” 14(3):21-24 by Carl and Helen Sharsmith
- “Golden Eagle Flight,” 14(3):24 by C. A. Harwell
- “Bird Banding Notes,” 14(3):25-26 by M. E. Beatty
- “Harris Sparrow, New Bird for Yosemite,” [Zonotrichia querula], 14(3):26 by M. E. Beatty
- “Bird Bander’s Griefs” [caged birds attacked by animals and birds], 14(3):27 by M. E. Beatty
- “Mud-Hens at Lake Eleanor” [Fulica americana], 14(3):28 by Charles W. Michael
- YNN 14(4) (April 1935) [PDF]
- “El Capitan, 14(4):cover photo
- “Ancient Fish-Worm Carrier of the Yosemite Indians” [Hu-ken, as shown by Chris Brown, Lemee], 14(4):29-30 by Raymond M. Gilmore
- “Notelets” [Badger Pass ski area; record low temperatures], 14(4):30
- “The Stable Tree Falls” [giant Sequoia near in Mariposa Grove Museum], 14(4):31-32 by Granville Ashcraft
- “Mortars,” 14(4):32 poem by Gertrude A. Casad
- “The Black Widow Spider,” 14(4):33-34 by Imogene C. Robertson [reprinted from Hobbies (Buffalo Museum of Science)]
- “New Exhibits for the Yosemite Museum” [Sierra Nevada relief map for Geology Room and Yosemite region relief map for Glacier Point Lookout], 14(4):34 by Claude A. Wagner
- “Annual Bird Census,” 14(4):35-36 by M. E. Beatty
- “Strange Winter Visitors Hover over Yosemite” [Killdear, Osyechus vociferus vociferus], 14(4):36 by Claude A. Wagner
- “Notelets” [snowfall and precipitation in Yosemite Valley; Yosemite visitors counts], 14(4):36
- YNN 14(5) (May 1935) “Waterfall Number” [PDF]
- “Yosemite Falls, 14(5):cover photo
- “Which is the World’s Highest Waterfall?,” 14(5):37-41 by Reynold E. and Ruth Carlson
- “The Ice Cone of Yosemite Falls,” 14(5):41-44 by C. A. Harwell
- YNN 14(6) (June 1935) [PDF]
- “Nevada Fall, 14(6):cover photo
- “The Devil Postpile National Monument” [Devils Postpile National Monument], 14(6):45-47 by M. E. Beatty
- “Walking Nature Rovers” [exploration hikes], 14(6):48-49 by James E. Cole
- “Reptiles and Amphibians of the Yosemite Creek Research Reserve” [north of Yosemite Valley], 14(6):49-52 by H. David Michener
- “Ribbon Falls,” 14(6):52 by Reynold E. Carlson
- YNN 14(7) (July 1935) [PDF]
- “‘Trailitis’ — a Cure” [Tuolumne Meadows area hikes], 14(7):53-55 by Helen K. Sharsmith and Jane M. McIntire
- “A Mountain Tragedy” [eggs raided by animal from Townsend Solitaire nest], 14(7):55 by Joe Burgess
- “Naturalist Staff for 1935,” 14(7):56 by M. E. Beatty
- “Do You Know?” [nature facts], 14(7):55-57
- “Notice: Back Numbers of Yosemite Nature Notes Needed,” 14(7):57
- “New Bats Found in Yosemite” [Mastiff Bat, Eumons californicus, Spotted Bat, Euderma maculata, Pacific Pallid Bat, Antrozous pallidus pacificus, and Myotis yumaensis sociabilis], 14(7):58 by Adrey E. Borell
- “A Weight-Lifting Squirrel” [Sierra Chickaree, Sciurus douglassii albolimbatur carrying a large Jeffrey pine cone], 14(7):59 by Joe Burgess
- “The Gull in a New Summer Home” [California Gull, Larus californicus in Tuolumne Meadows area lakes], 14(7):59 by Paul Nesbit
- YNN 14(8) (August 1935) [PDF]
- “Adventures with a Pair of Ring-Tailed Cats,” [California ring-tailed cat, Bassariscus astutus raptor], 14(8):61-63 by Enid Michael
- “Red Snow at Tioga Pass” [algae, mostly Sphaerella nivalis], 14(8):63 by Carl W. Sharsmith
- “The Hudsonian Zone Moves Down,” 14(8):64 by Charles W. Michael
- “A New Flowering Plant in Yosemite” [Galium boreale], by Enid Michael
- “A Vicious Dragon-Fly,” [dragonfly battle], 14(8):65-66 by Dwight C. Smiley
- “Conditioned Response in the Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel” [Callospermophilus chrysodeirus chrysodeirus feeding], 14(8):66 by D. C. Smiley
- “The Bird Feeding Tray” [observations], 14(8):67-68 by Enid Michael
- “Indian Rings?” [granite slab rings], 14(8):68 by Enid Michael
- YNN 14(9) (September 1935) [PDF]
- Grizzly Giant tree, 14(9):cover photo
- “The Black Swift (Neophoecetes niger borealis,” 14(9):69-70 by Enid Michael
- “California Ground Squirrel and Sierra Chickaree” [Callospermophilus chrysodeirus chrysodeirus and Sciurus douglassii albolimbatur], 14(9):70-71
- “Prairie Falcon for Yosemite Valley,” 14(9):71 by Jack Sturgean and George Stilwell
- “Knob-Cone Pine Found in Yosemite” [Pinus attenuata], 14(9):72-73 by Carl W. Sharsmith
- “‘Old Bill’, a Deer” [California mule deer buck at Glacier Point hotel], 14(9):74-76 by Paul W. Nesbit
- “New Government Publication” [Wildlife Management in the National Parks by George M. Wright and Ben H. Thompson], 14(9):76
- YNN 14(10) (October 1935) [PDF]
- Indian woman in front of a bark house, ummucha, 14(10):cover photo
- “Yosemite Junior Nature School Notes” [articles by children], 14(10):77 by Reynold E. Carlson
- “A Day with a Bear,” 14(10):77-79 by Erwin Freeburn
- “Joe Mulligan, an old Stage Coach Driver (as my grandfather told it)” [grandfather John Degnan], 14(10):79 by Peggy Degnan
- “A Tragedy of Nature” [sick mule deer buck killed by coyotes], 14(10):79-80 by Glenn Gallison
- “Lewisia kelloggii” [at El Capitan summit and extermination danger], 14(10):80 by Enid Michael
- “New Species of Juniper for Park” [Dwarf Juniper, Juniperus communis var. montana], 14(10):81-82 by Emil F. Ernst
- “Water Dogs Eat Trout Eggs” [Pacific Coast newts, Triturus torosus], 14(10):83-84 by Adrey E. Borell
- “Naturalist Staff Notes” [New Jr. Park Naturalist [James E. Cole]; Carl Sharsmith Moved to San Francisco [after fall from top of Mt. Maclure]], 14(10):84
- YNN 14(11) (November 1935) [PDF]
- White Auto tour car in front of Wawona Tunnel Tree, 14(11):cover photo
- “The Why and Wherefore of Fall Coloring,” 14(11):85-86 by Claude A. Wagner
- “Fish Planting in Yosemite,” 14(11):86-90 by Harold E. Perry
- “Nature Games” [for children in lieu of nature walks], 14(11):91-92 by Paul W. Nesbit
- YNN 14(12) (December 1935) [PDF]
- Half Dome in Winter, 14(12):cover photo
- “Measuring Yosemite Glaciers” [Lyell, Maclure, Dana and Conness glaciers], 14(12):93-96 by M. E. Beatty
- “Flowers of Yosemite: A Good Flower Year,” 14(12):96-97 by Enid Michael
- “A New Species of Allium Discovered in Yosemite” [Yosemite onion, Allium yosemitense, in Bridalveil Canyon], 14(12):97-98 by Charles W. Michael
- “Weather Influences Bird Life” [impact from heavy snowfall and oil spraying], 14(12):98-100 by Enid Michael
- “A Nature Notelet” [birds at bear feeding pits], 14(12):100
Bibliographical Information
Yosemite Nature Notes 14 (1935)
(Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1935).
24 cm. Ill.
LCCN 54040211.
Library of Congress call number QH1.Y6.
U. S. Government Document Call Number: I 29.119
Digitized by Dan Anderson, May 2007,
from a copy at Young Research Library (UCLA).
—Dan Anderson, www.yosemite.ca.us
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Yosemite Nature Notes
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