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Yosemite Nature Notes
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Yosemite Nature Notes 15 (1936)
- YNN 15(1) (January 1936) [PDF]
- People on snow-plowed road, 15(1):cover photo
- “Trout for Food and Food for Trout” [unusual fish prey and predators], 15(1):1-2 by M. E. Beatty
- “Trees Bear a Stony Load,” 15(1):2 by Edmund D. Godwin
- “The Tenaya Canyon Ice Box” [annual ice field], 15(1):3 by Edmund D. Godwin
- “A Possible New Bird for Yosemite” [possible Northwestern Shrike, Lanius borealis invictus], 15(1):3 by Paul W. Nesbit
- “Sierra Chickaree (Sciurus douglasii albolimbatus)” [Douglas squirrel], 15(1):4 by Enid Michael
- “Bear Dens in Castle Rocks” [below Yosemite Point], 15(1):5 by Edmund D. Godwin
- “Chipmunk-Snake Episode” [battle with a Rubber Snake] 15(1):5 by Don Burdick
- “Are Gray Squirrels on the Way Back?,” 15(1):5-6 by Enid Michael
- “Black Widow Spiders Found in Yosemite” [Latrodectus mactans] 15(1):6-7 by M. E. Beatty
- “A Fallen Tree — Still Standing” [upside down red fir speared into the ground], 15(1):7-8 by Edmund D. Godwin
- “Mountain Hemlock” [Tsuga mertensiana], 15(1):8 by Reynold E. Carlson
- “The Quartz Block at Yosemite Point,” 15(1):8 by Edmund D. Godwin
- YNN 15(2) (February 1936) [PDF]
- “Half Dome and Cloud’s Rest,” 15(2):cover photo
- “A September Morning on the Bank of the Merced” [wildlife and plants observed], 15(2):9-10 by Enid Michael
- “A Glimpse of the Mountain Coyote,” 15(2):11-12 by Edmund D. Godwin
- “Carnivorous Habits of the Belding Ground Squirrel” [Picket-pin, Cittellus beldingi], 15(2):12-14 by Carl Sharsmith
- “Mice Antics” [White-footed mice, Peromyscus maniculatus gambeli], 15(2):14 by M. E. Beatty
- “Bert Harwell in Washington” [C. A. Harwell working on ECW (Emergency Conservation Work or CCC) problems], 15(2):14
- “Another Park Occurrence of Single-Leaf Pine” [Pinus monophylla in Pate Valley], 15(2):15-16 by Emil Ernst
- “Rare Bird Visits Yosemite Banding Station” [Long-tailed Chat, Icteria virens longicauda], 15(2):16 by M. E. Beatty
- “Chocolate Lily Found Again” [Fritillaria atropurpurea] 15(2):16 by H. Frank Evans
- YNN 15(3) (March 1936) [PDF]
- Mirror Lake and Mt. Watkins, 15(3):cover photo
- “C. E. Watkins, One of the Early Photographers of Yosemite” [Carleton E. Watkins], 15(3):17-18 by M. E. Beatty
- “The Nest of the Arctic Three-Toed Woodpecker” [Picoides arcticus], 15(3):19-21 by Ernest A. Payne
- “Ancient Campsites” [Yosemite Valley Indian campsite signs], 15(3):22-23 by Irwin B. Douglass
- “The All-Day Hike as a Socializing Agent,” 15(3):23-24 by Harold E. Perry
- YNN 15(4) (April 1936) [PDF]
- “The Cause of Ghost Forests in Yosemite” [Lodgepole Pine Needleminer, Recurvaria milleri and Mountain Pine Beetle, Dendroctonus monticolae], 15(4):25-27 by Emil. F. Ernst
- “[Yosemite] Museum Scientific Collections” part 1, 15(4):27-32 by James E. Cole
- “How Much Does a Bear Cub Weigh,” 15(4):32 by James E. Cole, Jr.
- YNN 15(5) (May 1936) [PDF]
- Yosemite Falls from the Merced River, 15(5):cover photo
- “The Muir of the Nineties” [John Muir, 1890s], 15(5):33-36 by Theodore S. Solomons
- “Spring Comes Early to Yosemite,” 15(5):36-37 by M. E. Beatty
- “[Yosemite] Museum Scientific Collections” part 2, 15(5):37-40 by James E. Cole
- YNN 15(6) (June 1936) [PDF]
- El Capitan from Tunnel View, 15(6):cover photo
- “The Famous Tree on El Capitan” [pine tree], 15(6):41-43 by James E. Cole
- “A Red-Letter Day” [uncommon Yosemite birds], 15(6):43-45 by Charles W. Michael
- “Seven Day Hikes” [free guided hikes to High Sierra camps], 15(6):45-48 by Ralph Anderson
- YNN 15(7) (July 1936) [PDF]
- Indian woman in front of a bark house, ummucha, 15(7):cover photo
- “Origin of the Name, ‘Yosemite’” [place name], 15(7):49-54 by James E. Cole
- Photo of Captain John (Shibana or Poko-Tucket “Horse Eater”), Mono Paiute 15(7):51
- “Naturalist Staff for 1936,” 15(7):55 by M. E. Beatty
- “Additional Notes on the Stable Tree” [which fell August 1934 in Mariposa Grove], 55-56 by Granville Ashcraft
- “Coyotes Spend Winter in High Country,” 15(7):56 by Emil Ernst
- YNN 15(8) (August 1936) “Thomas Moran Number” [PDF]
- Thomas Moran, 15(8):cover photo
- “The Thomas Moran Art Collection of the National Parks,” 15(8):57-60 by Fritiof M. Fryxell
- “Thomas Moran, a Biographical Sketch,” 15(8):60-62 [from National Cyclopedia of Biography (American) 22:24-25 (1932)]
- “Thomas Moran: an Impression” [from his daughter], 15(8):62-63 by Ruth B. Moran
- “Further Notes: ‘The Studio’” [on donation of Thomas Moran art to Yosemite Museum], 15(8):64 by Ruth B. Moran
- YNN 15(9) (September 1936) [PDF]
- “The Question of Avian Albinism” [Blue-fronted jay (Steller’s jay), Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis], 15(9):65-67 by Edmund D. Godwin
- “California Spotted Owl” [Strix occidentalis occidentalis near Snow Creek Falls Trail], 15(9):67 by Ernest A. Payne
- “Notes on the Behavior of the Sierra Grouse,” 15(9):67-68 by M. D. Bryant
- “Winter Nest of a Gopher” [pocket gopher], 15(9):68 by C. A. Harwell
- “New Book on Redwoods' [review of James Clifford Shirley’s Redwoods of Coast and Sierra], 15(9):69-70
- “Red-Wood Dust” [Tahoe chipmunk, Eutamias specious frater, relief from mallophaga (lice) with giant Sequoia dust], 15(9):70-72 by Lloyd Smith
- “Sentinel Meadow,” 15(9):72 by Enid Michael
- YNN 15(10) (October 1936) [PDF]
- “Distribution of Wildlife over Our Western Mountains” [more similar at higher elevations], 15(10):73-76 by Paul W. Nesbit
- “Widow Kills a Widow” [black widow spider, Lactrodectus mactans], 15(10):76 by Hazel M. Bailey
- “A New Nesting Record for Yosemite Valley” [Mountain Bluebird, Sialia currucoides], 15(10):77-78 by Enid Michael
- “A Mountain Lion Kill” [Felis concolor californica kills a large buck mule deer], 15(10):78-79 by M. D. Bryant
- “How Fast Does a Loon Swim under Water?” [Pacific loon, Gavin pacifica], 15(10):79-80 by C. A. Harwell
- YNN 15(11) (November 1936) [PDF]
- Man and horse next to Merced River, 15(11):cover photo
- “Willows of the High Sierra” [Salix Spp.], 15(11):81-83 by George Zentmyer
- “Passing Reflections” [escaping crowds of people in Yosemite], 15(11):83-85 by Harold E. Perry
- “Rubber Snake Disgorges Lizard” [Charina bottae disgorges bluebellied lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis], 15(11):85-86 by Paul W. Nesbit
- “Butterfly Migration” [monarch butterfly, Danaus menippe], 15(11):86-87 by Edmund D. Godwin
- “Yosemite Travel Record” [table, 1855 to 1936], 15(11):88
- YNN 15(12) (December 1936) [PDF]
- Skiers, 15(12):cover photo
- “Horsetails in Yosemite Valley” [Equisetum laevigatum], 15(12):89-90 by Beryl Schreber
- “Iron Spring” [on road to Mirror Lake], 15(12):90-91 by Robert L. Johnston
- “Mariposa Water Hole” [2 miles below Mariposa Grove Museum], 15(12):92-94 by Lloyd Smith
- “Granite” [formation and composition], 15(12):95-96 by Elmer L. Lucas
- “Seasonal Notes” [statistics], 15(12):96
- “New Books on Yosemite,” 15(12):96
- “The Unusual in Yosemite” [yellow-haired porcupine and bear using Wawona Tunnel], 15(12):96
Bibliographical Information
Yosemite Nature Notes 15 (1936)
(Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1936).
24 cm. Ill.
LCCN 54040211.
Library of Congress call number QH1.Y6.
U. S. Government Document Call Number: I 29.119
Digitized by Dan Anderson, June 2007,
from a copy at Young Research Library (UCLA).
—Dan Anderson, www.yosemite.ca.us
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Yosemite Nature Notes
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