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Yosemite Nature Notes
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Yosemite Nature Notes 28 (1949)
- YNN 28(1) (January 1949) [PDF]
- Half Dome in winter, 28(1):cover photo by Ralph Anderson
- “Gold Discovery in California,” 28(1):1-2 by Ralph Anderson
- “Death Comes to a Giant Sequoia” [from a lightning strike in Mariposa Grove], 28(1):2-4 by James W. McFarland
- “Indian Paint and Quinine Fungus Collected” [Indian paint fungus, Echinodontium tinctorium, Quinine fungus, Fomes laricis], 28(1):4-6 by Robert N. McIntyre
- “So You Think That Half Dome is Barren,” 28(1):6-7 by Earl L. Hubbs
- “Book Review” [Ansel Adams, photographer, Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada, reviewed by Ralph H. Anderson], 28(1):7
- “Jay Gets a ‘Hotfoot’” [after perching on a stove pipe], 28(1):8 by Robert J. Rodin
- “Christmas Bird Count in Yosemite Valley,” 28(1):8 by Bona May McHenry
- YNN 28(2) (February 1949) [PDF]
- “Arctic Three-towed Woodpeckers,” 28(2):cover sketch by R. Bruce Horsfall
- “Twenty-Five Years Ago,” part 1 [beginnings of Yosemite Museum and interpretation], 28(2):9-13 by Carl P. Russell
- “One Winter Night” [big snow storm], 28(2):13-16 by Ralph H. Anderson
- “A New Rabbit for Yosemite National Park” [Mariposa brush rabbit, Sylvilagus bachmani mariposae], 28(2) by Emil Ernst
- “An Overlooked Facet of Yosemite History,”28(2) by Emil Ernst
- YNN 28(3) (March 1949) [PDF]
- Half Dome from Glacier Point, 28(2):cover photo by Ralph Anderson
- “Squirrel Antics” [California grey squirrel, Sciurus g. griseus chewing holes in roofs], 28(3):17-19 by Donald Edward McHenry
- “Twenty-Five Years Ago,” part 2 [beginnings of Yosemite Nature Notes], 28(3):19-20, by Carl P. Russell
- “Further Observations on the Hungry Squirrels [California grey squirrel, Sciurus g. griseus chewing holes in roofs to get at acorn caches], 28(3):20 by Oscar A. Sedergren
- “The Yosemite Natural History Association, Inc. a Report for the Calendar Year of 1948,” 28(3):21-22 by Donald Edward McHenry
- “Ensemble for Strings?” [guide lines used in digging out gooseberry and currant bushes for sugar pine blister rust control], 28(3):22-24 by Richard G. Beidleman
- “Fastidious Beavers” [dislike of golf balls at Wawona Meadows], 28(3):24 by Emil F. Ernst
- YNN 28(4) (April 1949) [PDF]
- “Dogwood near Pohono Bridge,” 28(4):cover photo by Ralph H. Anderson
- “An Overlooked Facet of Yosemite History” [A. W. Von Schmidt survey of 1855], 28(4):25-28 by Emil F. Ernst
- “A Note on the Squirrels of Yosemite” [overview of Yosemite squirrel species], 28(4):28-30 by Fraser Poole
- “Twenty-Five Years Ago,” part 3 [Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial grant for Yosemite Museum], 28(4):30-32, by Carl P. Russell
- “The Snow Plant,” 28(4):32 by Willis Linn Jepson
- YNN 28(5) (May 1949) [PDF]
- “Woodland Mosaic,” 28(5):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Twenty-Five Years Ago,” part 4 [Joseph Grinnell, George M. Wright, and the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology], 28(5):33-34, by Carl P. Russell
- “Vanishing Meadows in Yosemite Valley” [Ahwahneechee use of fire and effects of fire suppression. Disappearing meadows since then], 28(5):34-41 by Emil F. Ernst
- YNN 28(6) (June 1949)
- “A Guide to the Giant Sequoias of Yosemite National Park,” by James W. McFarland, 28(6)
- YNN 28(7) (July 1949) [PDF]
- “View down Yosemite Valley from Taft Point—El Capitan in Distance,” 28(5):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Has Protection Worked Destruction?” [rebuttal article to Ernst article in May], 28(7):93-96 by Harry C. Parker
- “Glacier Point in Winter” [by a Winter caretaker of Glacier Point Hotel], 28(5):96-98 by Dorothy R. Mayer
- “Twenty-Five Years Ago,” part 5 [design of Yosemite Museum by Hermon C. Bumpus of American Association of Museums and architect Herbert Maier], 28(5):98-101 by Carl P. Russell
- “Inconsiderate Baby” [baby Betsy Parker scares away a black bear], 28(5):100 by Harry C. Parker
- YNN 28(8) (August 1949).
August issue is misidentified as no. 9 instead of no. 8
- “On the Floor of Yosemite Valley,” 28(8):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Roster of the 1949 Yosemite School of Field Natural History,” 28(8):102
- “The First Crossing of the Sierra Nevada” [by Jedediah Smith in 1927], 28(8):103-104 by Peter Snook Grimes
- “Two Flatlanders in the High Country” [observations on Clouds Rest Trail], 28(8):104-106 by George L. Downing
- “Shy Guys” [photographing porcupines], 28(8):106-107, 111
- “Nature—So What?” [benefits of interpretation], 28(8):107-108 by Robert D. Hakala
- “Nature Notelet” [white butterfly, Neophasis menapia, trapped in a showy milkweed, Asclepias apeciosa], 28(8):108 by R. D. V.
- “Exotic Grasses in Yosemite National Park” [and further spread by using hay for feed], 28(8):109 by Robert S. Naramore
- “The Clown of Yosemite” [red-shafted mother and nestlings], 28(8):109-110 by Duane Corbin
- “Yosemite Fields Afar” [nature preservation has spread throughout the world], 28(8):110 by Charles J. Migliazzo
- YNN 28(9) (September 1949) [PDF]
- “Grove of Lodgepole Pine, upper Merced Canyon,” 28(9):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Jean (John) Baptiste Lembert—Personal Memories,” 28(9):112-17 by William E. Colby
- “Book Review” [Samuel Ward, Sam Ward in the Gold Rush], 28(9):117-118 reviewed Richard G. Lillard
- “Belding Ground Squirrels and Chipmunks at Lunch” [Citellus b. beldingi], 28(9):118-119 by Allen W. Waldo
- “The Death of Two Grizzly Bears” [in 1858 in the Sierra Nevada by John and Newton Crabtree], 28(9):119-121 by Edward C. Crabtree
- “Young Flicker Has a Mishap” [red-shafted flicker, Colaptes cafer collanis injured], 28(9):121 by Harry C. Parker
- YNN 28(10) (October 1949) [PDF]
- “Cathedral Rocks, Autumn Tree,” 28(10):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Ranger Naturalist serving the public at Yosemite Museum information desk,” 28(10):122 photo by Ralph Anderson
- “A Moonlight Hike to Half Dome,” 28(10):123-124 by Kathleen Barnes
- “Mountain Sheep Incident” [last Ovis canadensis sierrae killed around Crabtree Meadows in 1889], 28(10):125 by C. Edward Crabtree
- “Lightning Strikes a Tree” [Jeffrey pine south of Sentinel Dome], 28(10):126-127 by Allen W. Waldo
- “Fallen Monarchs of 1949” [two more giant Sequoias fall, one already dead and pulling up living tree], 28(10):127 by James W. McFarland
- “Animal Signs” [left by animals], 28(10):128-129 by George C. Turner, Jr.
- “The Oyster Shell Epidemic” [Oyster shell scale, Lepidosaphes ulmi killing trees], 28(10):130 by Richard G. Lillard
- Grizzly Giant, 28(10):131 sketch by Elizabeth H. Godfrey
- YNN 28(11) (November 1949) [PDF]
- “Unicorn and Echo Peaks, Tuolumne Meadows,” 28(11):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “The late Ta-bu-ce (Maggie Howard) gathering acorns during Autumn,” 28(11):132 photo by Ralph Anderson
- “Report on the Dana Glacier,” 28(11):133-134 by Allen W. Waldo
- “Twenty-Five Years Ago,” part 6 [expansion of museums and naturalist interpretation in Yosemite and beyond], 28(11):135-139, by Carl P. Russell
- “The Acorn Shower of 1949” [abundant California Black Oak, Quercus kelloggii acorns], 28(11):139-140 by Donald Edward McHenry
- “Yosemite Junior Nature School 1949,” 28(11):141 by Mary V. Hood
- YNN 28(12) (December 1949) [PDF]
- “Sentinel Rock,” 28(12):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “The Old Village, Christmas, 1927” [photo of Sentinel hotel at night], 28(12):142
- “How Far Does it Fall?” [height of Glacier Point Firefall], 28(12):143-144 by John F. Noland and Charles G. Danforth
- “Sequoia Museum Furniture” [hand-hewn furniture at Mariposa Grove Museum made by Bill Kat in 1931], 28(12):144-145 by James W. McFarland
- “Rock Slide of the Year” [south wall of Yosemite Valley near Sentinel Rock], 28(12):146-147 by Donald E. McHenry
- “New Bird Record” [white-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis], 28(12):147 by Harry C. Parker
- “A Crinoid from the Parker Peak Area of the Sierra Nevada” [fossil], 28(12):148 by Allen W. Waldo
- “Aerial Torpedos” [duck hawks dive bombing ducks at Lake Eleanor], 28(12):148-149 by Duane D. Jacobs
- “How do they Learn?” [learning by young people and animals], 28(12):149-150 by Charles G. Danforth
Bibliographical Information
Yosemite Nature Notes 28 (1949)
(Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1949).
24 cm. Ill.
LCCN 54040211.
Library of Congress call number QH1.Y6.
U. S. Government Document Call Number: I 29.119
Digitized by Dan Anderson, August 2007,
from a copy at Young Research Library (UCLA).
—Dan Anderson, www.yosemite.ca.us
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Yosemite Nature Notes
Previous: volume 27 (1948)