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PALISADES | [Mount Goddard, Bishop] |
“At the head of the north [middle] fork, along the main crest of the Sierra, is a range of peaks . . . which we called ‘the Palisades’.” (Whitney Survey: Geology, 1865, pp. 393-394.)
The Wheeler Survey used the names N. W. Palisade and S. E. Palisade for the North and South Palisades, respectively, in 1878. (Wheeler Survey: Tables of Geographic Positions, 1883, p. 19.—S.C.B., 1922, XI:3, p. 251.)
Lil A. Winchell, in 1879, named the highest peak for Frank Dusy; and in 1895 Bolton Coit Brown named it for David Starr Jordan; but the name North Palisade, based on the Whitney and Wheeler surveys, has been retained. (S.C.B., 1904, V:1, p. 3; 1896, I:8, p. 296.) First ascent of North Palisade, July 25, 1903, by Joseph N. Le Conte, James K. Moffitt, James S. Hutchinson. (S.C.B., 1904, V:1, pp. 1-19.—See, also, S.C.B., 1921, XI:2, pp. 204-205, and 1922, XI:3, p. 313.)
First ascent of Middle Palisade, August 26, 1921, by Francis Peloubet Farquhar and Ansel Franklin Hall. (S.C.B., 1922, XI:3, pp. 264-270.—See, also, S.C.B., 1926, XII:3, p. 307.)
First ascent of South Palisade. (See Split Mountain .)
There are large glaciers on the eastern side of the Palisades. (S.C.B., 1915, IX:4, pp. 261-263; S.C.B., 1922, XI:3, plate LXXIX.)
PALMER MOUNTAIN (11,264) | [Tehipite] |
PANTHER CREEK, GAP, PEAK (9044) | [Tehipite] |
Northwestern Mountain Lion (Felis oregonensis), also known as cougar, panther, puma. (Grinnell and Storer: Animal Life in the Yosemite, 1924, pp. 95-98.)
PARKER CREEK, PASS, PEAK (12,850) | [Mount Lyell] |
PARSONS PEAK (12,120) | [Mount Lyell] |
In the summer of 1915 the Sierra Club erected the Parsons Memorial Lodge at Tuolumne Soda Springs. (S.C.B., 1916, X:1, pp. 84-85.)
PATE VALLEY | [Yosemite] |
PAVILION DOME (11,355) | [Mount Goddard] |
PECKS CAÑON | [Kaweah] |
PEELER LAKE | [Bridgeport] |
PERKINS, MOUNT (12,557) | [Mount Whitney] |
George Clement Perkins (1839-1923); native of Maine; governor of California, 1880-1883; U. S. Senator from California, 1893-1915; a charter member of the Sierra Club.
PETER, LAKE | [Tehipite] |
PETTIT PEAK (10,775) | [Mount Lyell] |
PICKET GUARD PEAK (12,311) | [Mount Whitney] |
PINCHOT, MOUNT (13,470, PASS | [Mount Whitney] |
“Only five miles south [from summit of Split Mountain] there stood a great rounded mass of red slate on the Main Crest, and I allowed myself to change the name Red Mountain given it by Professor Brown [S.C.B., 1896, I:8, p. 309], and already applied to scores of the slate peaks of the Sierra, to Mount Pinchot.” (J. N. Le Conte, in S.C.B., 1903, IV: p. 362.)
Gifford Pinchot; chief of Division of Forestry, U. S. Department of Agriculture (afterwards called Bureau of Forestry, and, later, U. S. Forest Service), 1898-1910; born in Connecticut, 1865; A.B., Yale, 1889; LL.D., McGill, 1909; professor of forestry, Yale; governor of Pennsylvania since 1923.
PIONEER BASIN | [Mount Goddard] |
PITMAN CREEK | [Kaiser] |
PIUTE CREEK, PASS | [Mount Goddard] |
PIUTE MOUNTAIN (10,489) | [Dardanelles] |
The pass was named by L. A. Winchell because it was used by Owens Valley Indians. The cañon of the creek was known from early days among the French sheepmen as French Cañon. (L. A. Winchell.)
J. N. Le Conte applied the name of the pass to the creek in 1904, to avoid the name of North Branch of the South Fork of the San Joaquin River. (S.C.B., 1905, v:3, p. 255.)
POHONO TRAIL | [Yosemite] |
“The band who inhabited this region as a summer resort, called themselves Po-ho-no-chee, or Po-ho-na-chee, meaning the dwellers in Po-ho-no. . . . I found it impossible to obtain the literal signification of the word, but learned beyond a doubt that Po-bo-no-chee was in some way connected with the stream. I have recently learned that Po-ho-no means a daily puffing wind, and when applied to fall, stream, or meadow, means simply the fall, stream, or meadow of the puffing wind, and when applied to the tribe of Po-ho-no-chees, who occupied the meadows in summer, indicated that they dwelled on the meadows of that stream.
“Mr. Cunningham says: ‘Po-ho-no,’ in the Indian language, means a belt or current of wind coming in puffs and moving in one direction.’. . .
Mr. Hutchings’ interpretation is entirely fanciful, as are most of his Indian translations.” (Bunnell: Discovery of the Yosemite, 1911, pp. 212-213.—See, also, Hutchings: Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California, 1860, p. 109.)
(See Bridalveil Fall.)
POLLY DOME (9786) | [Mount Lyell] |
POST PEAK (10,996) | [Mount Lyell] |
POTTER POINT | [Mount Lyell] |
POTWISHA | [Tehipite] |
“The Potwisha Indians lived along the river above the Wiktsumnes. They were the highest people on the river, and in the summer-time went high into the mountains. They are all dead now. . . . The name of the tribe, or sub-tribe, in question has been called Padwisha, Padwoosha, Badosha, Palwiska, Patwisha, and Potwisha. . . . I believe the correct pronunciation of this tribal name to be Potwisha, or Patwisha, with the sound of the first a as in park or palm. . . . The headquarters of this tribe were near Three Rivers in the winter months. In the summer the headquarters were at Hospital Rock, above the junction of the streams mentioned, where there was also a rancheria.” (Letter from G. W. Stewart, March 29, 1926.)
POWELL, MOUNT (13,361) | [Mount Goddard] |
First ascent by Walter L. Huber and James Rennie, August 1, 1925. (S.C.B., 1926, XII:3, pp. 250-251.)
PRICE PEAK (10,603) | [Dardanelles] |
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