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Yosemite Nature Notes
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Yosemite Nature Notes 32 (1953)
- YNN 32(1) (January 1953) [PDF]
- “Fir branches and snow,” 32(1):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Snow Surveying,” 32(1):3-7 (January) by Duane D. Jacobs
- “Nature’s Dare-Devils” [swifts and swallows], 32(1):7-8 (January) by Vaughn Critchlow
- “A Layman Looks at the Naturalist,” 32(1):8-10 (January) by Mary R. Hunt
- “1952 Christmas Bird Count in Yosemite Valley,” 32(1):11 (January) by Walter J. and Erma Fitzpatrick
- YNN 32(2) (February 1953) [PDF]
- “Skiers near top of Tenaya Peak,” 32(2): cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Story of the Snow Creek Lodge,” 32(2):12-19 (February) by Mary Curry Tresidder
- “Jays Warn of Rattlesnake’s Presence,” 32(2):19 (February) by Douglass H. Hubbard
- “Ralph Anderson, Park Veteran, Transfers to Washington,” 32(2):20-21 (February) by Donald Edward McHenry
- YNN 32(3) (March 1953) [PDF]
- “Yosemite Falls and its ice cone,” 32(3):cover photo by Ralph Anderson
- “El Capitan from the old Big Oak Flat Road,” 32(3):22 photo by Ralph Anderson
- “Yosemite—Then and Now 1894—1953,” 32(3):23-29 by William E. Colby
- “Board of Trustees Hold Annual Meeting,” 32(3):30-31 by Donald Edward McHenry
- “Butterflies on Mount Lyell” [California tortoise-shell butterflies, Nymphalis californica], 32(3):31 by Joseph E. Wright
- YNN 32(4) (April 1953) [PDF]
- “Half Dome,” 32(4):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Carleton E. Watkins, Pioneer Photographer of the Pacific Coast,” 32(4):32-37 (April) by Ralph H. Anderson
- “Exotic Tortoise Discovered in Yosemite Valley,” 32(4):38 (April) by Orthello L. Wallis
- “Dead Bear, Burned House,” 32(4):39 (April) by Homer W. Robinson
- “Confusing Partners” [Williamson sapsucker], 32(4):40 (April) by Sam W. Elkins
- “Book Review” [A Natural History of Western Trees by Donald Peattie], 32(4):41 by Richard G. Lillard
- YNN 32(5) (May 1953) [PDF]
- “Top of Nevada Fall,” 32(5):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “For Better Fishing,” 32(5):44-47 (May) by Orthello L. Wallis
- “Experiences with Millipedes,” 32(5):48-49 (May) by Daniel D. Deliman
- “Diary of a Trip to Mount Dana,” 32(5):50-51 (May) by Joseph E. Wright
- YNN 32(6) (June 1953) [PDF]
- “Yosemite Falls from near Old Village,” 32(6):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Indian Sites Study Adds to Yosemite’s Story” [archeology], 32(6):52-59 (June) by Richard J. Hartesveldt
- “Wildflower Garden Nursery,” 32(6):59-60 (June) by Karen Sorensen
- “The Prodigal’s Prayer,” 32(6):61 (June) by Hugh Peyton
- YNN 32(7) (July 1953) [PDF]
- “Governor’s Group, Mariposa Grove,” 32(7):cover photo by Ralph Anderson
- “Yosemite Lakes Sprinkled with Airborne Trout,” 32(7):62-65 (July) by Orthello L. Wallis and Glenn D. Gallison
- “Flowers of the Merced’s Flowing Water,” 32(7):66-68 (July) by Richard J. Hartesveldt
- “Mountain Quail,” 32(7):69 (July) by Sam W. Elkins
- “Getting to Know the Mountain Lion,” 32(7):70-71 (July) by Lloyd D. Moore
- YNN 32(8) (August 1953) [PDF]
- “Half Dome and Riding party at Merced River,” 32(8):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Roster of the 1953 Yosemite Field School,” 32(8):72
- “Highlights and Impressions of the 1953 Field School,” 32(8):73-75 by Richard C. Burns
- “Bear Trees” [clawed by black bear], 32(8):76-77 by David D. Sunstrom
- “Campfire Thoughts” [public campfire programs], 32(8):78-79 by Robert J. Ramstad
- “Experimenting with a Coral King Snake,” 32(8):80 by Charles M. Wentz
- “Trails into Wilderness,” 32(8):81 by Lewis A. Pennock
- YNN 32(9) (September 1953) [misidentified as No. 29] [PDF]
- “Glacier polish, Upper Merced Canyon,” 32(9):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Yosemite Nature Trails,” 32(9):82-85 (September) by Richard R. Wason
- “Spittlebugs,” 32(9):85-86 (September) by Henry G. Weston, Jr.
- “Snakes—Facts and Fancies,” 32(9):87-89 (September) by William S. Tomko
- “Late August,” 32(9):90-91 (September) by William L. Neely
- YNN 32(10) (October 1953) [PDF]
- “Sentinel Rock and autumn foilage of California black oaks,” 32(10):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “The Story of the Tioga Road,” 32(10):92-95 (October) by Ronald E. Bainbridge
- “Butterfly Indicators of Life Zones,” 32(10):96-97 (October) by Vorsila L. Bohrer
- “Summer Showers,” 32(10):98-100 (October) by Woodrow W. Smith
- “Discovery Day in the ‘Saddle’,” 32(10):100-101 (October) by Harry L. Buckalew
- YNN 32(11) (November 1953) [PDF]
- “California mule deer in Ahwahnee Meadow, Half Dome,” 32(11):cover photo by Ralph Anderson
- “The Ira J. Willis Guide to the Gold Mines,” part 1, 32(11):102-107 (November) edited by Irene D. Paden, foreword by Carl P. Russell
- “High-Country Playmate” [Belding ground squirrel], 32(11):108-110 (November) by Robert W. Hillerby
- “A Litter found in Litter” [mice], 32(11):111 (November) by Richard R. Wason
- YNN 32(12) (December 1953) [PDF]
- “Yosemite Valley, winter,” 32(12):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “The Ira J. Willis Guide to the Gold Mines,” part 2, 32(11):112-117 (December) edited by Irene D. Paden
- “What Happened to Yosemite Falls?,” 32(11):118 (December) by Henry G. Weston, Jr.
- “Indian Gravesites of the Yosemite Cemetery,” 32(11):119-121 (December) by Richard R. Jackson
Bibliographical Information
Yosemite Nature Notes 32 (1953)
(Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1953).
24 cm.
LCCN 54040211.
Library of Congress call number QH1.Y6.
U. S. Government Document Call Number: I 29.119
Digitized by Dan Anderson, May 2007,
from a personal copies and copies at Young Research Library (UCLA).
—Dan Anderson, www.yosemite.ca.us
Next: volume 33 (1954)
Yosemite Nature Notes
Previous: volume 31 (1952)