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Yosemite Nature Notes
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Yosemite Nature Notes 36 (1957)
- YNN 36(1) (January 1957) [PDF]
- “El Capitan, Yosemite Valley,” 36(1):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Sugar Pine Forest,” 36(1):2 photo by Van Name
- “A Sierra Trail” [wildlife observations], 36(1):3 by Gerald O. Mayland
- “Notes from My Tuolumne Journal,” 36(1):6-7 by Will Neely
- “The 1879 National Sunday School Assembly Convention in Yosemite Valley,” 36(1):8-10 by Richard L. Lehman
- “The Curious Coyote,” 36(1):10 by Ronald Bainbridge
- YNN 36(2) (February 1957) [PDF]
- “Upper Yosemite Valley,” 36(2):13 photo by George Fiske (c. 1885)
- “Birds,” 36(2):14 poem by Charles Albert Harwell
- “1956 Christmas Bird Count in Yosemite,” 36(2):15 by Walter J. and Erma Fitzpatrick
- “A Ranger-Naturalist Returns” [from previous employment in 1942], 36(2):16-20 by Howard H. Cofer
- “The Sierra,” 36(2):20 poem by George E. Heinsohn
- “A New Museum Exhibit” [animal tracks] 36(2):21 by Elbert M. Brock
- “High Altitude Black Oaks” [above the Tuolumne River canyon] 36(2):22 by Richard L. Lehman
- “Take-Home Pay,” 36(2):23 poem by Dick Wason
- YNN 36(3) (March 1957) [PDF]
- “Yosemite Valley, Winter,” 36(3):cover photo by Ansel Adams
- “Mission 66” 36(3):26
- “Chaparral Birds at Wawona,” 36(3):27 by Gerald Robinson
- “A Substitute for Dishes” [boy’s pet gopher snake] 36(3):28 by Donald R. Brown
- “Acorn-Storing Woodpeckers,” 36(3):29-31 by Henry G. Weston, Jr.
- “The Big-Eared Bat Comes to Yosemite,” 36(3):31 by Elbert M. Brock
- “A Note on John Muir” [next to last visit to Yosemite in 1912; for his last visit, see article in the September issue] 36(3):32-33 by Shirley Sargent
- “Storm Scarred Pine (Sentinel Dome, Yosemite National Park),” [Sentinel Dome Jeffrey Pine] 36(3):34-35 poem by Jack A. Holmes [and photo by George Fiske]
- YNN 36(4) (April 1957) [PDF]
- “Yosemite Falls, Mirror Effect,” 36(4):cover photo by Peabody (c. 1880) [Henry G. Peabody 1855-1951; photograph probably taken c. 1890-1930]
- “Descent into the Valley,” 36(4):31 illustration (from Appleton’s Weekly magazine, January 18, 1873)
- “The Discoverers of Yosemite,” 36(4):31-34 by Neil R. Bassett
- “An Indian Thanksgiving,” [annual Indian gathering in 1911; Old Mary, Teleucie Tellez, Lucy] 36(4):34 by Estella Falla
- YNN 36(5) (May 1957) [PDF]
- “Upper Chain Lake, Gale Peak in Background,” 36(5):cover photo
- “What’s Happening to Yosemite’s Forests?” [use of insecticides to kill the needle miner moth, which is killing lodgepole pine forest east of Tenaya Lake], 36(5):42-43 by Hal Roth (from Westways (November 1956))
- “An Ascent of Sing Peak,” 36(5):47-48 by Richard Wason
- “Another Winged Traveler” [orange and black monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus], 36(5):48-50 by Henry G. Weston, Jr.
- YNN 36(6) (June 1957) [PDF]
- “Dogwood blossoms mean spring in Yosemite,” 36(6):cover photo by Ralph Anderson
- Photo of Yosemite high country 36(6):51 by Ansel Adams
- “Four Exotic Plants and Their Control in Yosemite” [Bull thistle (Cirsium lanceolatum), common muellein (Verbascum thapsus), European St. John’s Wort or Klamath weed (Hypericum perforatum), Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)] 36(6):52-55 by Merrie Jo Warne (based on article by Richard G. Lillard “Exotic Plants in Yosemite Valley,” YNN 27(8) (August 1948))
- “Goliath of the Fungi” [giant puffball (Calvatia gigantea)], 36(6):55-56 by Neil R. Bassett
- “Old Ice House” [at Stella Lake reservoir above Wawona], 36(6):57-58 by Robert J. Rodin
- Photos of the Three Brothers and “Yosemite Falls at its peak,” 36(6):59-60 by Ansel Adams. [These photos weren’st attributed to Adams until a correction was printed the next month. from this point Adams’ photographs didn't appear in YNN—dea]
- YNN 36(7) (July 1957) [PDF]
- Yosemite Valley 36(7):cover photo by George Fiske
- “How Long before a Fallen Log Disappears?,” 36(7):61-67 by Neva Snell
- “What are Lichens?,” 36(7):68-69 by Robert J. Rodin
- “A New Indian Village Site” [Wawona area], 36(7):70 by Gerald Robinson
- YNN 36(8) (August 1957) [PDF]
- “High Sierra Meadow” 36(8):cover photo
- “Forest Trail,” 36(8):71 photo by Ralph Anderson
- “Idyl of a Summer Day in the Yosemite Sierra” [Harden Lake, Smith Meadow and Smith Peak] 36(8):72-77 by George. Heinsohn
- “Indian Treasure Cache” [obsidian blades in Tuolumne Meadows area], 36(8):77-82 by Carl Sharsmith
- “A Sharp-Shinned Predator” [sharp-shinned hawk v. steller’s jay] 36(8):83 by Homer Crider
- “Cascades,” 36(8):84 photo by Ralph Anderson
- YNN 36(9) (September 1957) [PDF]
- “Ranger patrol at Rogers Lake” [on horseback] 36(9):cover photo
- “Mission 66,” 36(9):85
- “Some Aspects of Mission 66,” part 1 36(9):86-90 by Roland Steinmetz
- “Music Hath Charms” [harmonica playing attracting a doe] 36(9):91-92 by Carl Sharsmith
- “Last Trip of John Muir to Yosemite (1912),” 36(9):93-94 by William E. Colby
- “Drama at Dusk” [coyotes] 36(9):95-96 by David C. Ochsner
- “Out of Yosemite’s Past” [historical photo of the cast of “Ersa”] 36(9):97
- YNN 36(10) (October 1957) [PDF]
- “Sentinel Rock and Merced River in autumn,” 36(10):cover photo by Ralph Anderson
- “Improved mountain roads are now at hand,” 36(10):99 photo by Ralph Anderson
- “Some Aspects of Mission 66,” part 2 36(10):99-104 by Roland Steinmetz
- “Mice in Our Meadows” [Yosemite meadow mouse], 36(10):105-107 by William Dunmire
- “A Nature Walk around Mirror Lake,” 36(10):108-111 by Dave Essel [note photo on p. 109 is Harry Parker leading a bird walk in 1946]
- “Out of Yosemite’s Past” [historical photo of a White auto stage in front of Yosemite Falls] 36(10):112
- YNN 36(11) (November 1957) [PDF]
- “The Wawona covered bridge in 1926” 36(11):cover photo
- “Saving the Wawona Covered Bridge,” 36(11):113-122 by Jack F. Fry
[continued from YNN 35(3), March 1956]
- “Sad Sack the Bear” [bear trap story told by a boy] 36(11):123-126 by Carl Powell
YNN 36(12) (December 1957) [PDF]
- “The Happy Isles Nature Center, a Mission 66 Project,” 36(12):127-140 by Douglass Hubbard
Bibliographical Information
Yosemite Nature Notes 36 (1957)
(Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1957).
24 cm. Ill.
LCCN 54040211.
Library of Congress call number QH1.Y6.
U. S. Government Document Call Number: I 29.119
Digitized by Dan Anderson, April 2007,
from a copy at San Diego State University Library.
—Dan Anderson, www.yosemite.ca.us
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Yosemite Nature Notes
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