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Place Names of the High Sierra (1926)
by Francis P. Farquhar


FONT, 1777. Mapa del viage que hizo el P. F. Pedro Font a Monterey, y Puerto de San Francisco; y del viage que hizo el P. F. Francisco Garcés por el Rio Colorado hasta su desemboque, y para arriba hasta el Moqui. 1777. (In the archives at Seville, Spain; sketch-copy in Coues: On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer, 1900, vol. I. This map shows the name Sierra Nevada for the first time in its present location and indicates rivers entering the Tulares from the Sierra.)

GALLATIN: INDIAN TRIBES, 1836. Map of the Indian Tribes of North America about 1600 A.D. along the Atlantic; & about 1800 A.D. westwardly. Published by the Amer. Antiq. Soc. From a drawing by Hon. A. Gallatin. (Published in Archaeologia Americana, vol. II, 1836. Shows route of Jedediah S. Smith across the Sierra, but too vaguely for identification of precise location. This was probably from a sketch-map furnished by Smith himself. See Henry R. Wagner: The Plains and the Rockies, 1921, p. 24.)

FREMONT, 1848. Map of Oregon and Upper California from the surveys of John Charles Fremont and other authorities. Drawn by Charles Preuss. 1848. Scale, 1:3,000,000. (Shows the routes of Fremont’s expeditions, including exploration of Kings River in 1845-1846.)

GODDARD, 1857. Britton & Rey’s map of the State of California, compiled from the U. S. land & coast surveys, the several military, scientific & railroad explorations, the state & county, boundary surveys made under order of the Surveyor General of California, & from private surveys. By George H. Goddard, C. E. Completed with additions & corrections up to the day of publication from the U. S. Land Office & other reliable sources. Lithy. of Britton & Rey, Montgomery St. cor. Commercial, S. F. Entered 1857.

KING AND GARDINER, 1865. Map of the Yosemite Valley from surveys made by order of the commissioners to manage the Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Big Tree Grove. By C. King and J. T. Gardner.* 1865. Geological Survey of California: J. D. Whitney, State Geologist. Scale, 1/2 mile to 1 inch. (In Whitney: Yosemite Book, 1868.—Same, with minor differences, in Whitney: Yosemite Guide Book, 1870.)

*Spelled GARDNER on map; correct spelling appears to be GARDINER.

HOFFMANN AND GARDINER, 1863-1867. Map of a portion of the Sierra Nevada adjacent to the Yosemite Valley. From surveys made by Chs. F. Hoffmann and J. T. Gardner, 1863-1867. Geological Survey of California: J. D. Whitney, State Geologist. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. (In Whitney: Yosemite Book, 1868; Whitney: Yosemite Guide Book, 1870; Whitney: Yosemite Guide Book, pocket edition, 1874.)

HOFFMANN, 1873. Topographical map of Central California, together with a part of Nevada. C. F. Hoffmann, principal topographer; V. Wackenreuder, J. T. Gardner, A. Craven, A. D. Wilson, field assistants; 1873. State Geological Survey of California: J. D. Whitney, State Geologist. Scale, 6 miles to 1 inch. (In four sheets, of which the southeastern is the first comprehensive map of the High Sierra. A portion of the map is reproduced in King: Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada, fourth edition, 1874.)

WHITNEY SURVEY: HETCH HETCHY, 1874. Sketch of the Hetch Hetchy Valley. State Geological Survey, 1874. (A small map in Whitney: Yosemite Guide Book, pocket edition, 1874.)

WHEELER SURVEY: CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA, 1878-1879. Parts of Central California, atlas sheet 56D. Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian: Capt. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. Expeditions of 1878, ‘79, under the command of 1st Lieut. M. M. Macomb, 4th Artillery, U. S. Army; J. C. Spiller, F. O. Maxson, topographical assistants. Scale, 1:253440.

WHEELER SURVEY: YOSEMITE, 1883. Topographical map of the Yosemite Valley and vicinity. From topographical plat by Lt. Macomb, Nov. 30, 1883. U. S. Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian: Capt. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. Scale, 1:42240. (Copied in Hutchings: In the Heart of the Sierras, 1886.)

LANGLEY, 1883. Vicinity of Mount Whitney, California, with plan of proposed Military Reservation. Prepared under direction of the Chief Signal Officer. July, 1883. (In Researches on Solar Heat: A Report of the Mount Whitney Expedition, by S. P. Langley, Professional Papers of the Signal Service, no. XV, 1884.)

WRIGHT, 1883. Guide to the scenery of the Sierra Nevada. Drawn by J. W. A. Wright for W. W. Elliott & Co., San Francisco, Cal., 1883. (In Elliott: History of Fresno County, dated 1882. Sketch-map covering most of the Kings, Kern, and Kaweah watersheds. Same map, with borders slightly trimmed, in Elliott: Guide to the Grand and Sublime Scenery of the Sierra Nevada, 1883.)

RUSSELL AND JOHNSON: GLACIERS, 1884. Existing glaciers of the Sierra Nevada. I. C. Russell, geologist; W. D. Johnson, topographer. U. S. Geological Survey: Fifth Annual Report, for 1883-84, plate XXXII. Scale, 2 1/2 miles to 1 inch. (Shows crest of the Sierra from Mount Conness to headwaters of San Joaquin River.—See, also, detail map of Lyell Glacier, plate XL, same volume.)

RUSSELL AND JOHNSON: LAKE MONO, 1887. Hydrographic basin of Lake Mono. I. C. Russell, geologist; W. D. Johnson, topographer. U. S. Geological Survey: Eighth Annual Report, for 1886-87, plate XVII. Scale, 1:250,000. (Contour map, showing Sierra region from Bridgeport to Mount Ritter.)

MUIR, 1891. Map of the Sequoia National Park and Proposed Addition; Map of the Kings River Yosemite. (Two small sketch-maps in Century Magazine, November, 1891, pp. 78, 79.

LE CONTE: YOSEMITE, 1893. Map of a portion of the Sierra Nevada adjacent to the Yosemite and Hetch Hetchy Valleys. By J. N. Le Conte. January, 1893. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch. (Publications of the Sierra Club, No. 4.)

LE CONTE: KINGS RIVER, 1893. Map of a portion of the Sierra Nevada adjacent to the King’s River. Compiled for the Sierra Club. By J. N. Le Conte. January, 1893. Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch. (Publications of the Sierra Club, No. 5.)

MCCLURE, 1895. Map of the Yosemite National Park prepared expressly for use of U. S. troops by N. F. McClure, 1st Lieut., 5th U. S. Cavalry. February, 1895. (In Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park, 1895.)

BENSON, 1896. Yosemite National Park. Compiled from Captain Wheeler’s Survey (Sheet 56D and Yosemite Valley Sheet), U. S. Geological Survey (Yosemite Sheet), U. S. Land Office Plats, Lieutenant McClure’s Map, and from notes of scouts made by 1st Lieut. H. C. Benson, 4th U. S. Cav. (In Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park, 1896. Reprinted in Report for 1897.)

McCLURE, 1896. Map of the Yosemite National Park prepared for use of U. S. troops by N. F. McClure, 1st Lieut., 5th Cavalry. March, 1896. (In Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park, 1900. Reprinted in Reports for 1902, 1903, 1904.)

SOLOMONS, 1896. Sketch map of the High Sierra between Yosemite Valley and Kings River Cañon. By Theodore S. Solomons. February, 1896. Scale, 2 1/2 miles to 1 inch (Original in library of Sierra Club, not reproduced in full. Detail reproduced in S.C.B., 1923, XI:4, plate CXIV. Drawing taken from this map reproduced in Overland Monthly, May, 1896, p. 484.)

LE CONTE: SIERRA, 1896. Map of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Central California. Publication No. 12 of the Sierra Club. January, 1896. [Compiled by J. N. Le Conte.] Scale, 4 miles to 1 inch. (Inserts: Yosemite Valley, Hetch-Hetchy Valley.)

DAVIS, 1896. Sketch of that portion of the Sierra Nevadas adjacent to the [Sequoia] National Park. Surveyed and drawn by 2nd Lieut. Milton F. Davis, 4th Cavalry, U.S.A. 1896. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. (Blueprint only. The central portion of this map was reproduced under title of “Sketch of the Sequoia and General Grant National Parks and the Sierra Forest Reserve in their Immediate Vicinity,” in Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, 1897, and in Reports for 1900, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908.)

CLARK, 1899. Reconnaissance sketch of Sequoia National Park and Vicinity. By 2nd Lt. Henry B. Clark, 3rd U. S. Art’y. 1899. (In Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, 1899.)

LE CONTE: SIERRA, 1899-1904. Portion of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Central California. No. 1, Yosemite Sheet; No. 2, San Joaquin Sheet; No. 3, Kings-Kern Sheet. By J. N. Le Conte. Scale, 1:125,000. (Blueprints, in 3 sheets, issued with several revisions from 1899 to 1904.)

LE CONTE: SIERRA, 1906. Outline map of the Southern Sierra Nevada showing the location of the principal streams and peaks. From work of the U. S. Geological Survey and original surveys by J. N. Le Conte. By Joseph N. Le Conte, December, 1906. (In Alpina Americana, no. 1, 1907. Published by the American Alpine Club.)

SKETCH MAPS IN SIERRA CLUB BULLETIN. Kings-Kern, by J. N. Le Conte, in I:1, 1893; Kings River Region, by B. C. Brown, in I:8, 1896; Kings-Kern, by B. C. Brown, in II:1, 1897; Bubbs Creek, by J. N. Le Conte, in II:2, 1897; Kaweah Peaks, by W. R. Dudley, in II:3, 1898; Bubbs Creek, by C. B. Bradley, in II:5, 1899; Triangulation between Mount Ritter and Mount Whitney, by J. N. Le Conte, in II:5, 1899; Ouzel Basin, by D. S. Jordan, in III:1, 1900; Sixty Lake Basin, by B. C. Brown, in III:2, 1900; Fish Creek, by Lincoln Hutchinson, in IV:3, 1903; Palisades, by J. N. Le Conte, in V:1, 1904; South Fork of San Joaquin, by J. N. Le Conte, in V:3, 1905; High Mountain Route, by J. N. Le Conte, in VII:1, 1909; Tuolumne Soda Springs, by J. N. Le Conte, in IX:1, 1913; Tenaya Cañon, by J. N. Le Conte, in IX:3, 1914; Colby Pass and Black Kaweah, by J. S. Hutchinson, in XI:2, 1921; Kings River Region, by J. S. Hutchinson, in XI:4, 1923; Mount Goddard and Simpson Meadow, by J. S. Hutchinson, in XII:1, 1924; Tehipite Valley, by T. S. Solomons (1897), in XII:2, 1925; Kings River Cañon and Yosemite Valley, by F. E. Matthes, in XII:3, 1926.

U.S.G.S.: YOSEMITE QUADRANGLE. Surveyed, 1893-1894; topography by R. B. Marshall; triangulation by H. E. C. Feusier; edition of 1909, reprinted 1923.

U.S.G.S.: DARDANELLES QUADRANGLE. Surveyed, 1891-1896; topography by R. H. McKee, R. B. Marshall; triangulation by H. E. C. Feusier; edition of 1898, reprinted 1912.

U.S.G.S.: MT. LYELL QUADRANGLE. Surveyed, 1898-1899; topography by R. B. Marshall; triangulation by H. E. C. Feusier; edition of 1901, reprinted 1922.

U.S.G.S.: KAISER QUADRANGLE. Surveyed, 1901-1902; topography by R. B. Marshall; triangulation by E. T. Perkins; edition of 1904, reprinted 1923.

U.S.G.S.: KAWEAH QUADRANGLE, Surveyed, 1902; topography by E. C. Barnard, A. 1. Oliver, R. B. Oliver, W. C. Guerin; triangulation by E. T. Perkins; edition of 1909, reprinted 1921.

U.S.G.S.: TEHIPITE QUADRANGLE. Surveyed, 1903; topography by R. B. Marshall, George R. Davis; triangulation by E. T. Perkins; edition of 1905, reprinted 1924.

U.S.G.S.: MT. WHITNEY QUADRANGLE. Surveyed, 1905; topography by G. R. Davis, C. L. Nelson, S. N. Stoner; triangulation by C. F. Urquhart; edition of 1907, reprinted 1921.

U.S.G.S.: OLANCHA QUADRANGLE. Surveyed, 1905; topograplly by S. N. Stoner, J. P. Harrison; triangulation of C. F. Urquhart; edition of 1907, reprinted 1922.

U.S.G.S.: BRIDGEPORT QUADRANGLE. Surveyed, 1905-1909; topography by A. H. Sylvester, George R. Davis, Pearson Chapman; control by A. H. Sylvester, C. M. Weston, C. R. Smith; edition of 1911, reprinted 1920.

U.S.G.S.: MT. GODDARD QUADRANGLE. Surveyed, 1907-1909; topography by George R. Davis; control by C. F. Urquhart, L. F. Biggs; edition of 1912, reprinted 1923.

U.S.G.S.: MARIPOSA QUADRANGLE. Surveyed, 1909-1910; topography by C. H. Birdseye, A. J. Ogle, T. P. Pendleton, E. R. Bartlett, J. W. Muller; control by C. F. Urquhart, L. F. Biggs, L. D. Ryus; edition of 1912, reprinted 1920.

U.S.G.S.: BISHOP QUADRANGLE. Surveyed, 1910-1911; topography by George R. Davis, B. A. Jenkins; control by C. F. Urquhart, L. F. Biggs, R. A. Farmer; edition of 1913, reprinted 1920.

U.S.G.S.: MT. MORRISON QUADRANGLE. Surveyed, 1911-1912; topography by B. A. Jenkins, J. G. Staak, S. E. Taylor, C. W. Wardel; control by C. F. Urquhart, L. F. Biggs, C. W. Wardel; edition of 1914.

U.S.G.S.: YOSEMITE VALLEY. Surveyed, 1905-1906, in co-operation with the State of California; scale, 1:24,000; contour interval, 50 feet; topography by F. E. Matthes; triangulation by C. F. Urquhart; edition of 1907, reprinted 1922.

[Editor’s note: for the convenience of modern readers, who don’t have access to 30' topographic maps, I prepared the following index map of the early 19th century topo maps of the Sierra Nevada, California. This map does not appear in the original printed edition—DEA.]

Index to early 30° Topographic Maps of the Sierra Nevada, California

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