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Yosemite Nature Notes 20 (1941)
- YNN 20(1) (January 1941) [PDF]
- Half Dome in Winter, 20(1):cover photo
- “How Yosemite Squirrels Spend the Winter” [squirrels and chipmunks], 20(1):1-3 by George A. Petrides
- “Museum Notes” [Park Naturalist Conference; insect exhibit], 20(1):3
- “Harry C. Parker Joins Museum Staff,” 20(1):4-5 by M. E. Beatty
- “New Ostrander Lake Ski Hut,” 20(1):5-6
- “A Killer Sharp-Shin Comes into Camp” [sharp-shinned hawk], 20(1):6-7 by Enid Michael
- “Yellow-Jackets” [nest], 20(1):7 by Enid Michael
- “Book Notes: New Publications” [Illustrated Guide to Yosemite Valley by Adams and Ski Runs and Touring Trail Map of Yosemite National Park [Badger Pass to Ostrander Lake Ski Hut map]], 20(1):8
- YNN 20(2) (February 1941) [PDF]
- California wildcat (lynx) in Winter, 20(2):cover photo
- “Observations on Red Snow” [algae, Sphaerella nivalis], 20(2):9-10 by Carl W. Sharsmith
- “Flight of the Ladybird Beetles” [ladybug, Coccinellidae family], 20(2):10-11 by Verlin Baysinger
- “Yosemite Trees: a New Use of Sequoia Bark” [dust baths], 20(2):12-13 by Verlin Baysinger
- “Sequoias in the Clouds,” 20(2):13-14 by Verlin Baysinger
- “The Bird Feeding Station,” 20(2):14-16 by Enid Michael
- “Golden-Cup Oak Engulfs Large Granite Boulder” [Quercus chrysolepis], 20(2):16 by Lloyd P. Parratt
- YNN 20(3) (March 1941) [PDF]
- “Fairview Dome,” 20(3):cover photo
- “Fairview Dome,” 20(3):17-18 by Carl W. Sharsmith
- “The Mole & the Angle Worms,” 20(3):18
- “Yosemite Animals: Deer Attacks Fox” [mule deer, Odicoileus hemionus hemionus attacks California gray fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus californicus], 20(3):19 by Elwood Wolfe
- “Notes on a Large Porcupine” [yellow-haired porcupine, Erethizon e. epixanthum], 20(3):20-21 by George A. Petrides
- “The Blue Grosbeak, a New Record for Yosemite,” 20(3):21 by Enid Michael
- “Two New Localities for the Mount Lyell Salamander” [Hydromantes platycephala], 20(3):22 by George A. Petrides and Catherine D. Hemphill
- “Nature Notelet” [Lewis woodpecker], 20(3):22 by Vincent Mowbray
- “Dotted Canyon Wren Nesting Records and Songs” [Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus], 20(3):23 by Verlin Baysinger
- “Low Elevation Records of the Dusky Shrew” [Sorex obscurus], 20(3):23-24 by Vincent Mowbray
- “The Case of Lilium Pardalinum in Yosemite” [tiger lily or leopard lily], 20(3):24 by Enid Michael
- YNN 20(4) (April 1941) [PDF]
- “Mt. Watkins & Mirror Lake,” 20(4):cover photo
- “The Legend of El Capitan,” 20(4):25-27 by Chris Brown “Chief Le-mee”
- “Biology of the High Altitude Pools,” 20(4):27-28 by Verlin Baysinger
- “Western Warbling Vireos vs. Blue-Fronted Jays” [Vireosylva gilva swainsoni vs. Steller’s jay, Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis], 20(4):28 by Lloyd P. Parratt
- “Flowers of Yosemite: Rare Plants in Yosemite,” 20(4):29-30 by A. Lee Haines
- “Guests of the Evening Primroses,” 20(4):30-31 by Enid Michael
- “Some Unusual Birds in Yosemite Valley,” 20(4):31 by George A. Petrides
- “An Albino Woodpecker” [Dryobates], 20(4):32 by George A. Petrides
- YNN 20(5) (May 1941) [PDF]
- “The El Capitan Pine Surveyed after Five Years,” 20(5):33-36 by Harry C. Parker
- “The Coral King Snake a Predator upon the Russet-backed Thrush” [Lampropeltis multicincta and Hylocichla u. ustulata] 20(5):36 by George A. Petrides
- “Yosemite’s New Park Naturalist” [C. Frank Brockman], 20(5):37-38 by M. E. Beatty
- “Photographing Yosemite Birds and Small Mammals in Color,” 20(5):38-40 by Lloyd P. Parratt
- YNN 20(6) (June 1941) [PDF]
- “Afield with the Naturalists,” 20(6):cover
- “Reptilophobia” [fear of reptiles], 20(6):41-44 by Ernest A. Payne
- “Big Trees Hazards” [damage to Haverford Tree giant Sequoia by visitors], 20(6):44-47 by Verlin Baysinger
- “Observations of the Blue-Fronted Jay” [Steller’s jay, Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis], 20(6):47-48 by Elizabeth H. Godfrey
YNN 20(7) (July 1941) [PDF]
YNN 20(8) (August 1941) [PDF]
- Yosemite Museum, 20(8):cover photo
- “In Muir’s Footsteps” [hiking in the manner of John Muir], 20(8):73-76 by Lee Haines
- “Notes on Spring,” 20(8):76-77 by Enid Michael
- “A New Snake for Yosemite” [sharp-tailed snake, Contia tenius], 20(8):77 by Emil Ernst
- “Nature Notelet” [coyote chasing California ground squirrel], 20(8):77 by Willis A. Evans
- “A Young Red-Shafted Flicker Leaves Home” [Colaptes cafer collaris], 20(8):78 by Lloyd P. Parratt
- “Nature Notelet” [dwarf cowbird courtship], 20(8):78 by Willis A. Evans
- “Migration of White Pelicans” [Pelecanus erythrorhynchos], 20(8):79-80 by Verlin G. Baysinger
- “A Second Record for Larus Delewarensis in Yosemite” [California gull], 20(8):80 by Enid Michael
- “Long Live the Trees” [age of trees], 20(8):80 by Emil Ernst
YNN 20(9) (September 1941) [PDF]
- black-headed grosbeak, 20(9):cover drawing
- “A Trip to Shepherd’s Crest—by One Who Survived” [guided by Carl K. Sharsmith], 20(9):81-84 by Helen K. Sharsmith
- “Nature Notelet” [Sierra chickaree], 20(9):84 by Willis A. Evans
- “A Rattler Takes a Swim” [Pacific rattlesnake, Crotalus oreganus], 20(9):85 by Russell Lewis
- “Nature Notelet” [John Bingaman revived a cold Calliope hummingbird] 20(9):85-86 by M. E. Beatty
- “California Evening Grosbeak,” 20(9):86-87 by Enid Michael
- “Red-Tailed Hawks in Yosemite Valley” [Buteo borealis calurus], 20(9):87-88 by James R. Sweeney
- “Feeding Activities of the California Woodpecker” [Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi], 20(9):88 by Lloyd P. Parratt
YNN 20(10) (October 1941) [PDF]
- Yosemite Valley, 20(10):cover photo
- “Form and Depth of the Bedrock Trough of Yosemite Valley” [alluvial fill deeper than previously believed], 20(10):89-93 by John P. Buwalda
- “Outside the Cabin Door” [black-backed woodpecker and Sierra chickaree], 20(10):93-94 by Enid Michael
- “Black-Headed Grosbeak Feeds from Hand at Happy Isles,” 20(10):95 by Lloyd P. Parratt
- “Nature Notelet” [white-throated swift mating flight], 20(10):95 by Willis A. Evans
- “Snowbound May Lake in Late June” near May Lake], 20(10):96 by Lloyd P. Parratt
YNN 20(11) (November 1941) [PDF]
- El Capitan, 20(11):cover photo
- “Nesting of Townsend’s Solitaire in Yosemite National Park,” 20(11):97-98 by Enid Michael
- “A Rare Plant” [Pseudopithyella minuscula found by C. A. Harwell], 20(11):98-99 by Lee Haines
- “Nature Notelet” [chickaree pursuing a weasel], 20(11):99 by Elwood K. Wolfe
- “Travel Record” [for year ending September 1941], 20(11):99
- “Yosemite Animals: a Timid Bear Takes a Dip,” 20(11):100-101 by Elizabeth H. Godfrey
- “Rattlesnake Swallows Willow Woodpecker” [observed by Charles Michael], 20(11):101-102 by Lloyd P. Parratt
- “Life Zones in the Hetch Hetchy Region,” 20(11):102 by J. Dan Webster
- “A New Locality for the Yosemite Lewisia” [Lewisia yosemitana], 20(11):103 by Harold L. Lint
- “The Insectivorous Habits of the Sundew” [roundleaf sundew], 20(11):103-104 by Gerhard Bakker
- “Fairy Shrimp” [Streptocephalus sealii], 20(11):104 by Gerhard Bakker
YNN 20(12) (December 1941) [PDF]
- Half Dome in Winter, 20(12):cover photo
- “Anniversary” [20th year of Yosemite Nature Notes], 20(12):105 by Frank A. Kittredge
- “Yosemite’s Living Christmas Trees,” 20(12):106-109 by C. Frank Brockman
- “Museum Notes” [“Tales from Yosemite” radio broadcasts; Naturalist Division history exhibit; museum lighting; mummified mountain sheep mounted; visit of Mrs. Gertrude “Cosie” Hutchings Mills; annual glacier survey], 20(12):110 by Harry C. Parker
- “‘Porcupine Tree’” [western white pine frequented by porcupine], 20(12):112 by Charles B. Todd
- “Nature Notelet” [Brewer’s blackbird], 20(12):112 by Willis A. Evans
Bibliographical Information
Yosemite Nature Notes 20 (1941)
(Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1941).
24 cm. Ill.
LCCN 54040211.
Library of Congress call number QH1.Y6.
U. S. Government Document Call Number: I 29.119
Digitized by Dan Anderson, July 2007,
from a copy at Young Research Library (UCLA).
—Dan Anderson, www.yosemite.ca.us
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Yosemite Nature Notes
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