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Yosemite 46 (1977)
- Yosemite 46(1) (April 1977) [PDF]
- “The 1977 Annual Meeting, Members Activities” [plans], 46(1):1
- “Members Outings,” 46(1):1-3
- “Five-Cent Deposit” [program a success], 46(1):3
- “Nature Notes Rides Again,” 46(1):3
- “More on Cultural Museum” [Indian Cultural Museum in room in old museum], 46(1):3-4
- “John Muir and the Books He Wrote,” 46(1):5-7 by William F. Kimes
- “About Bill Kimes” [William F. Kimes], 46(1):7
- “Seminar Content Probed” [“Yosemite Indians: Their Culture and Acculturation,” taught by Jeannue Munoz [Jeanne Muņoz?], apparently found unobjectionable by Mariposa Indian Council; description of other classes], 46(1):7
- “Muybridge Portfolio” [Edweard Muybridge 1872 facsimile prints for sale], 46(1):8
- Yosemite 46(2) (August 1977) [PDF]
- “Forty Thousand Sunsets: the Apple Orchards of Yosemite Valley” [James M. Hutchings’s and James Lamon’s orchards], 46(2):1-4 by Elizabeth S. O’sNeill
- “Library News” [Yosemite National park Research Library moved; library acquisitions], 46(2):4
- “Yosemite Nature Notes” [anthology now in print], 46(2):5
- Sierra Club gratitude for YNHA opening Parsons Lodge, 46(2):5
- Yosemite Nature Notes 46(2) (or 46(2A)) (August 1977) edited by Steven Medley and Henry Berrey.
- Title Page
- Contents
- “Pine Trees, Barnacles and Everything,” 46(2):1-2 by Will Neely
- “George Anderson, First up the Dome,” 46(2):3-6 by Steve Harrison
- “Long Live Lost Lake,” 46(2):7-8 by Tina Hargis
- “Who Ate That Cone?,” 46(2):9-11 by Beth Huning and Linda Yemoto
- “Astronomical Seeing Conditions at Glacier Point,” 46(2):13-14 by Dave Balogh
- “Reflections on an Unusually Cool First Week of August, 1976,” 46(2):15-17 by Beth and Jim Huning
- “A World Within,” 46(2):19-21 by Kristie L. Lewis
- “Mirror Lake: a Tale of Fulfillment,” 46(2):23-24 by Jeff Samco
- “Enid Michael,” 46(2):25-27 by Lisa Rhudy
- “Lightning and the Landscape,” 46(2):28-29 by William T. Wiley
- “The Mystery of Hydromantes,” 46(2):30-31 by Sandy Dengler
- “The Washington Burn,” 46(2):32-33 by Ginger Burley
- “Where Water Flowed ‘Uphill’ on Pothole Dome,” 46(2):34-39 by Richard Balogh
- “The Illuminated Valley” [Yosemite Valley at night], 46(2):40-44 by Larry Huggins
- “Placing the Geologic and Human History of Yosemite in Perspective,” 46(2):45-46 by Richard Balogh
- “Lady Ranger?,” 46(2):47-48 by Sharon Dequer
- “Yosemite as a Process,” 46(2):49-51 by Michael Sutton
- “Reflections in Tuolumne Meadow,” 46(2):52-54 by Jim Sano
- “Rights for Natural Objects,” 46(2):55-58 by Tom Panas
- “‘Say, Ranger, What’s the Weather Going to Be?’,” 46(2):59-61 by Ben H. Bailey
- “‘Marmot Point?’,” [Olmsted Point] 46(2):62-64 by Chris Russo
- “Managing the Resources,” 46(2):65-66 by Rich Tobin
- “Corn Lily or False Hellebore,” 46(2):67-68 by Robert W. Crippin
- “The Effect of Introduced Fish on the Amphibian Life in Westfall Meadow,” 46(2):69-70 by Douglas Yoon
- “Drosera Rotundifolia: a Reflection on the Unexpected,” 46(2):71-72 by Mark Gatewood
- “The Influence of Shade on Yosemite’s Forests,” 46(2):73-74 by Steve Gold
- “Value of Impromptu Interpretive Walks,” 46(2):75 by Dick Ewart
- “Dr. Carl W. ‘Zeke’ Sharsmith,” 46(2):76-80 by Will Neely
Yosemite 46(3) (October 1977) [PDF]
- “The Meeting” [Second Annual YNHA Members Meeting], 46(3):1-3
- “Natural Resources management Plan,” 46(3):3
- “Yosemite Day” [poem], 46(3):3-4 by Ms. deVilliers-Minnaar
- “Visual Interpretation of Yosemite” [needle and yarn hangings by Miriam McNitt in Visitor Center Auditorium], 46(3):4-5
- “Memorials” [YNHA memorial funds], 46(3):5
- “Virginia Best Adams” [resigned YNHA board], 46(3):5
Bibliographical Information
Henry Berrey (1916-1992) and
Steven Medley (1949-2006), editors,
Yosemite Nature Notes 46 (1977)
(Yosemite: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1977)
Note that this volume has two issues with the same number, no. 2:
Yosemite (above) and this issue, Yosemite Nature Notes.
To reduce confusion, this issue is sometimes referred to as no. 2A.
Digitized by Dan Anderson, February and September 2007,
from copies at San Diego Public Library and
University of California Berkeley Marian Koshland Bioscience and Natural Resources Library.
These files may be used for any non-commercial purpose,
provided this notice is left intact.
—Dan Anderson, www.yosemite.ca.us
Next: volume 47 (1978-1985)
Yosemite Nature Notes
Previous: volume 45 (1976)