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Austin, Mary. The Flock. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1906.
Bancroft’s Tourist’s Guide. Yosemite. San Francisco and Around the Bay, (south). San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft & Co., 1871.
Barrett, S. A., and E. W. Gifford. Indian Life of the Yosemite Region: Miwok Material Culture. Bulletin of Milwaukee Public Museum, 2, no. 4 (March 1933).
Bartlett, Richard A. Great Surveys of the American West. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1962.
Bingaman, John W. The Ahwahneechees: A Story of the Yosemite Indians. Lodi, Calif.: End-Kian Publishing Co., 1966.
________. Guardians of the Yosemite: A Story of the First Rangers. Yosemite National Park, 1961.
________. Pathways: A Story of Trails and Men. Lodi, Calif.: End-Kian Publishing Co., 1968.
Bowles, Samuel. Across the Continent: A Summer’s Journey to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific States. Springfield, Mass: Samuel Bowles & Co., 1865.
________. Across the Continent. Great Americana Series. Readex Microprint Corp., 1966.
Browning, Peter. Place Names of the Sierra Nevada. Berkeley: Wilderness Press, 1986.
Brubaker, Lloyd W.; Degnan, Laurence V.; and Jackson, Richard R. Guide to the Pioneer Cemetery. Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1972.
Bunnell, Lafayette Houghton. The Discovery of the Yosemite, and the Indian War of 1851, which led to that event. Chicago: Fleming H. Revell, 1880.
________. Discovery of the Yosemite, and the Indian War of 1851, Which Led to That Event. Freeport, New York: Books for Libraries Press, 1971.
California State Geologist. The Yosemite book; a description of the Yosemite Valley and adjacent region of the Sierra, Nevada, and the big trees of California. New York: J. Bien, 1868.
Chase, Joseph Smeaton. Yosemite Trails. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1911.
Churchill, Caroline M. Over the Purple Hills, or Sketches of Travel in California. Denver: Mrs. C M. Churchill, publ., 1884.
Clark, Galen. Early Days in Yosemite Valley. Los Angeles: The Docter Press, 1964.
________. Indians of Yosemite Valley and Vicinity: Their History, Customs and Traditions. Yosemite Valley, Calif.: Galen Clark, 1904.
Conservation Foundation. National Parks for the Future. Washington, D. C.: The Conservation Foundation, 1972.
Coulterville and Yosemite Turnpike Company. Laws and judicial decisions relating to the Yosemite Valley and Mariposa big tree grove. San Francisco: Cubery & Co., book & job printers, 1874.
Crampton, C. Gregory, ed. The Mariposa Indian War 1850-51, Diaries of Robert Eccleston: The California Gold Rush, Yosemite, and the High Sierra. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1957.
Cumming, C. F. Gordon. Granite Crags. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1884.
Darling, Frank Fraser, and Eichhorn, Noel D. Man & Nature in the National Parks; Reflections on Policy. 2d ed. Washington: Conservation Foundation, 1971.
Decisions of the United States Geographic Board: Yosemite National Park, California. No. 30—June 30, 1932. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1934.
Degnan, Laurence, and Hubbard, Douglass. Yosemite Yarns. Fresno: Awani Press, 1961.
Dennison, W. E., comp. Information for the Use of Yosemite Visitors. Sacramento: State Printer, 1886.
Ditton, Richard P., and McHenry, Donald E. Yosemite Road Guide. Rev. ed. Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1981.
Evans, Willis A.; Wallis, Orthello L.; and Gallison, Glenn D. Fishes of Yosemite National Park. Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1944. Rev. 1958 and 1961.
Farquhar, Francis P. Place Names of the High Sierra. San Francisco: Sierra Club, 1926.
Foley, D. J. Yosemite Valley Guidebook. Yosemite Valley, Calif.: D. J. Foley, comp. & publ., 1892.
________. Yosemite Souvenir and Guide. Yosemite, Calif.: “Tourist” Studio-office, 1901.
________. Yosemite Souvenir and Guide. Yosemite, Calif.: “Tourist” Studio, 1903.
Foley’s Yosemite, Souvenir and Guide. Yosemite, Calif. “Tourist” office, 1907.
Fox, Stephen. John Muir and His Legacy: The American Conservation Movement. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1981.
Gilbert, Bil. Westering Man: The Life of Joseph Walker. New York: Atheneum, 1983.
Godfrey, Elizabeth. Yosemite Indians. Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1973. Rev. 1977 by James B. Snyder and Craig Bates.
Greeley, Horace. An Overland Journey from New York to San Francisco in the Summer of 1859. New York: C M. Saxton, Barker, and Co., 1860.
Grinnell, Joseph; Dixon, Joseph S.; and Linsdale, Jean M. Fur-Bearing Mammals of California. 2 vols. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1937.
Gudde, Erwin G. California Place Names (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1960).
Hall, Ansel F. Guide to Yosemite: A Handbook of the Trails and Roads of Yosemite Valley and the Adjacent Region. Yosemite National Park: National Park Service, 1920.
________. comp. and ed. Handbook of Yosemite National Park. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1921.
Hampton, H. Duane. How the U. S. Cavalry Saved our National Parks. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1971.
Harlan, George H. An Island of Yosemite: the Story of White Wolf Lodge. Greenbrae, Calif.: Published by the author, 1981.
Heizer, R. F., and Whipple, M. A. comps. and eds. The California Indians: A Source Book. 2d ed. rev. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971.
History of the United States Naval Special Hospital. Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Park and Curry Company, 1946.
Hubbard, Douglass H. Ghost Mines of Yosemite. Fresno, Calif.: Awani Press, 1958.
Hutchings, James Mason. Hutchings’ Tourist’s Guide to the Yo Semite Valley and the Big Tree Groves for the Spring and Summer of 1877. San Francisco: A. Roman & Co., 1877?
________. In the Heart of the Sierras. Oakland, Calif.: Pacific Press Publishing Co., 1886.
________. Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California. New York: A. Roman and Company, publ., 1872.
________. Yo Semite Valley and the Big Trees, What to See and How to See It. San Francisco: J. M. Hutchings, 1894.
Huth, Hans. Yosemite: The Story of an Idea. Repr. by Yosemite Natural History Association, from Sierra Club Bulletin, March 1948.
Ise, John. Our National Park Policy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1961.
[Jackson, Helen Hunt.] Ah-wah-ne Days: A Visit to the Yosemite Valley in 1872, by “H. H.” San Francisco: The Book Club of California, 1971.
________. Bits of Travel at Home. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1894.
Johnston, Hank. Railroads of the Yosemite Valley. Long Beach, Calif.: Johnston-Howe, publ., 1963.
________. Short Line to Paradise: “The Story of the Yosemite Valley Railroad.” Yosemite, Calif.: Flying Spur Press, 1962.
________. Thunder In the Mountains. Los Angeles: Trans-Anglo Books, 1968.
Jones, Holway R. John Muir and the Sierra Club: The Battle for Yosemite. San Francisco: Sierra Club, 1965.
Kieley, James F. CCC: The Organization and Its Work. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1938.
Kroeber, A. L. Handbook of the Indians of California. Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin No. 78. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1925.
Kuykendall, Ralph S. Early History of Yosemite Valley. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1919.
LeConte, Carrie E. Yo Semite, 1878, Adventures of N & C. San Francisco: The Book Club of California, 1964.
Leitritz, Earl. A History of California’s Fish Hatcheries. Fish Bulletin 150. Sacramento: Department of Fish and Game, n.d.
Lewis, Dio. Gypsies. Boston: Eastern Book Co., 1881.
Mariposa County: Its Scenic Wonders, Its Gold Fields, Its Lumbering, Fruitraising, Stockraising. Issued by the Gazette - Mariposan, Mariposa, Calif., 1904.
Mendershausen, Ralph R. Treasures of the South Fork. Fresno: Panorama West Books, 1983.
Merriam, C. Hart. Ethnographic Notes on California Indian Tribes. Robert F. Heizer, comp. and ed. Reports of the University of California Archaeological Survey, No. 68, 3 Pts. Berkeley: University of California Archaeological Research Facility, Department of Anthropology, 1966, 1967.
Muir, John. The Proposed Yosemite National Park - Treasures & Features. 1890 articles reprinted by Outbooks, Olympic Valley, Calif., 1976.
________. The Yosemite. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1962.
Murphy, Thos. D. Three Wonderlands of the American West, rev. ed. Boston: The Page Co., pub!., 1912.
________. Seven Wonderlands of the American West. Boston: L. C. Page & Co., 1925.
Nordhoff, Charles. California: for Health, Pleasure, and Residence. New York: Harper & Brothers, publ., 1873.
Olmsted, Frederick Law. Governmental Preservation of Natural Scenery. Brookline, Mass., 1890.
O’Neill, Elizabeth Stone. Meadow in the Sky: A History of Yosemite’s Tuolumne Meadows Region. Fresno, Calif.: Panorama West Books, 1983.
Orland, Ted. Men & Yosemite: A Photographer’s View of the Early Years. Santa Cruz, Calif.: The Image Continuum Press, 1985.
Paden, Irene D., and Schlictmann, Margaret E. The Big Oak Flat Road: An Account of Freighting from Stockton to Yosemite Valley. Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1959.
Perkins, James E. Sheep Husbandry in California. A Paper Presented Before the California State Agricultural Society. San Francisco: Towne & Bacon, 1863.
Perlot, Jean-Nicolas. Gold Seeker: Adventures of a Belgian, Argonaut during the Gold Rush Years. Trans, by Helen Harding Bretnor. Howard R. Lamar, ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985.
Powers, Stephen. Tribes of California. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.
Pyne, Stephen J. Fire in America: A Cultural History of Wildland and Rural Fire. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1982.
Quaife, Milo Milton, ed. Narrative of the Adventures of Zenas Leonard. Chicago: Lakeside Press, 1934.
Reisner, Marc P. Cadillac Desert: The American West and its Disappearing Water. New York: Viking Press, 1986.
Roth, Hal. Pathway in the Sky: The Story of the John Muir Trail. Berkeley: Howell-North Books, 1965.
Runte, Alfred. National. Parks: The American Experience. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1979.
Russell, Carl Parcher. 100 Years in Yosemite: The Story of a Great National Park. Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1957.
Sanborn, Margaret. Yosemite: Its Discovery, Its Wonder and Its People. New York: Random House, 1981.
Sargent, Shirley. John Muir in Yosemite. Yosemite, Calif.: Flying Spur Press, 1971.
________. Pioneers in Petticoats: Yosemite’s Early Women, 1856-1900. Yosemite, Calif.: Flying Spur Press, 1966.
________. Wawona’s Yesterdays. Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1973.
________. Yosemite & Its Innkeepers. Yosemite, Calif.: Flying Spur Press, 1975.
________. Yosemite’s Famous Guests. Yosemite, Calif.: Flying Spur Press, 1970.
________. Yosemite’s High Sierra Camps. Yosemite, Calif.: Flying Spur Press, 1977.
________. Yosemite’s Historic Wawona. Yosemite, Calif.: Flying Spur Press, 1979.
________. Yosemite’s Rustic Outpost: Foresta, Big Meadow. Yosemite, Calif.: Flying Spur Press, 1983.
Sax, Joseph L. Mountains Without Handrails: Reflections on the National Parks. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1980.
Schaffer, Jeffrey P., and Winnett, Thomas. Tuolumne Meadows. High Sierra Hiking Guide #4. 2d ed. Berkeley: Wilderness Press, 1977.
Scharff, Robert, ed. Yosemite National Park. New York: David McKay Co., Inc., 1967.
Scott, Ferris H. The Yosemite Story. Santa Ana, Calif.: Ferris H. Scott, publ., 1954.
Secrest, William B. The Great Yosemite Hold-Ups. Fresno: Saga-West Publ. Co., 1968.
Shankland, Robert. Steve Mather of the National Parks. 3d ed. rev. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970.
Shepherd, Major W., R. E. Prairie Experiences in Handling Cattle and Sheep. London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1884.
Swain, Donald C. Wilderness Defender: Horace M. Albright and Conservation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970.
Tilden, Freeman. The National Parks. 2d ed. rev. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970.
Trexler, Keith A. The Tioga Road: A History, 1883-1961. Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Natural History Association, 1961. Rev. 1975, 1980.
Wentworth, Edward N. America’s Sheep Trails: History, Personalities. Ames, Ia.: The Iowa State College Press, 1948.
[Whitney, J. D., State Geologist]. Geological Survey of California. The Yosemite Guide - Book: A Description of the Yosemite Valley and the Adjacent Region of the Sierra Nevada, and of the Big Trees of California. Sacramento: State Printing Office, 1870.
Whitney, Josia Dwight. Yosemite Guide Book. California Legislature, 1879.
Wirth, Conrad L. Parks, Politics, and the People. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980.
Wurm, Ted. Hetch Hetchy and Its Dam Railroad. Berkeley: Howell-North Books, 1973.
Yard, Robert Sterling. Our Federal Lands. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1928.
Yosemite: Saga of a Century, 1864-1964. Oakhurst, Calif.: The Sierra Star Press, 1964.
The Yosemite Guide-Book. Cambridge, Mass.: University Press, 1870.
1. General
“Ahwahnee—Yosemite’s New Hotel.” National Motorist. (August 1927): 13.
Bates, Craig D. “Ethnographic Collections at Yosemite National Park.” America Indian Art Magazine 7, no. 3 (Summer 1982): 28-30.
Carpenter, Scott L., and Kirn, Laura A. “New ‘Underwater’ Archeological Discoveries at Lake Eleanor.” Yosemite Association (Summer 1986): 8-9.
Castillo, Edward D. “The Impact of Euro-American Exploration and Settlement,” 99-127, in California, vol. 8 of Handbook of North American Indians, Robert F. Heizer, vol. ed., William C. Sturtevant, gen. ed. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1978.
Chase, Charles M. “The Live Stock Interests of California,” in California. San Francisco: California State Board of Trade, 1897-98, 80-84.
City and County of San Francisco. “O’Shaughnessy Dam Dedication Number.” Municipal Record 16, no. 29 (19 July 1923): 229-35.
Dennis, Lloyd B. “The High Sierra Camps.” Bay Views (July/August 1980): 65-68.
Eckart, Nelson A., and Stocker, Leslie W. “San Francisco’s Hetch Hetchy Water Supply.” In Compressed Air Magazine. New York: Compressed Air Magazine Co., 1922. Part I: 27, no. 8 (Aug. 1922): 207-12. “Sites for Three Reservoirs Including Tributary Watersheds Will Have an Area of 652 Square Miles—Construction Planned to Extend Over a Number of Years.” Part II: 27, no. 9 (September 1922): 247-50. Details of Some of the Constructional Facilities That Are Helping in the Execution of This Titanic Task. Part III: 27, no. 10 (October 1922): 283-88. The Structural Features of the Dams for the Lake Eleanor and the Hetch Hetchy Reservoirs. Part IV: 27, no. 11 (November 1922): 315-20. Details of the Aqueduct Tunnels and of the Mechanical Facilities Employed in Their Construction.
Fultz, Francis M. “Hetch Hetchy: A Valley of Wonders now Threatened with Extinction.” Excerpt from World To-day 16 (May 1909): 524-30.
“Golden Crown Mining Co.” Mining & Scientific Press 78 (1899): 239.
Gordon, Charles T. “In the Yosemite.” The Californian 2, no. 2 (July 1892): 174-89.
Hartzog, George B., Jr. “Clearing the Roads—and the Air—in Yosemite Valley.” National Parks & Conservation Magazine (August 1972): 14-17.
“History of the Hetch Hetchy Railroad.” The Western Railroader 24, no. 10 (October 1961): 2-12.
Johnson, Robert Underwood. “Destructive Tendencies in the Yosemite Valley.” The Century 39 (January 1890): 477-78.
Jones, William R. “Our First National Park: Yellowstone? . . . or Yosemite?” Audubon Magazine 67, no. 6 (November-December 1965): 382-84.
________. “The Sheepherder Versus the Geologist.” Audubon (January-February 1967): 47-48.
Kelly, Howard A. “Lafayette Houghton Bunnell, M. D., Discoverer of the Yosemite.” Repr. from Annals of Medical History 3, no. 2 (1921): 179-93. Publ. by Paul B. Hoeber, N. Y.
Kuykendall, Ralph S. Early History of Yosemite Valley, California. Reprint of article published in The Grizzly Bear, July 1919. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1919.
Levy, Richard. “Eastern Miwok,” 398-413, in California, vol. 8 of Handbook of North American Indians, Robert F. Heizer, vol. ed., William C. Strutevant, gen. ed. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1978.
Lillard, Richard G. “The Siege and Conquest of a National Park.” American West 5, no. 1 (January 1968): 28-32, 67-72.
Lockwood, John A. “Uncle Sam’s Troopers in the National Parks of California.” Overland Monthly, 2d ser. 33 (1899): 356-68.
Muir, John. “The Treasures of the Yosemite.” The Century Magazine 40, no. 4 (August 1890): 483-500.
Olmsted, Frederick Law. “The Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Big Trees: A Preliminary Report (1865).” Repr. from Landscape Architecture 43, no. 1 (October 1952): 12-25.
O’Neill, Elizabeth S. “Edward Taylor Parsons Memorial Lodge.” Sierra 63, no. 7 (September 1978): 34-35.
Sargent, Shirley. “Camp Curry, 1899-1974.” Repr. fr. California Historical Quarterly (Summer 1974).
Shinn, Charles Howard. “With the Sheep, in California.” Source unknown. (March 1891): 483-89.
Snyder, James B., and Castle, Walter C, Jr. “Draft Mules on the Trail in Yosemite National Park.” Draft Horse Journal (Summer 1978): 10-13.
Wurdinger, Gus A. “‘X’ Marks My Room.” Old West (Spring 1967): 44-45, 50.
Wurm, Ted. “Short Line to Yosemite.” National Railway Historical Society Bulletin 41, no. 4 (1976): 4-12, 36.
Yard, Robert Sterling. “The Problem of Yosemite Forests.” National Parks Bulletin 9, no. 55 (May 1928): 1-3.
“Yosemite.” National Parks Magazine (August 1963).
“Yosemite Valley Railway, 1907-1945.” The Western Railroader 24, no. 5 (May 1961): 3-4, 8-9, 11-12; 38, no. 11 (November 1965).
2. Sierra Club Bulletin
Colby, William E. “The Completed LeConte Memorial Lodge.” Sierra Club Bulletin 5 (1904-1905), no. 1 (January 1904). San Francisco: The Sierra Club, 1950, 66-69.
________. “Yosemite and the Sierra Club.” Sierra Club Bulletin 23, no. 2 (April 1938): 11-19.
Colby, William E.; LeConte, J. N.; and Bade, William F. “Report on Parsons Memorial Lodge.” Sierra Club Bulletin 10, no. 1 (January 1916): 84-85.
Farquhar, Francis P. “Walker’s Discovery of Yosemite.” Sierra Club Bulletin 27, no. 4 (August 1942): 35-49.
Garfield, James Rudolph, Secretary of the Interior. Decision of the Secretary of the Interior re Application for Lake Eleanor and Hetch Hetchy Valley Reservoir Sites, 11 May 1908. In “Notes and Correspondence,” Sierra Club Bulletin 6, no. 5 (June 1908): 321-27.
Hall, Ansel F. “The Educational Development of Yosemite National Park.” Sierra Club Bulletin 11 (1923): 411-16.
“The Hetch-Hetchy Situation,” in Editorials, Sierra Club Bulletin 9, no. 3 (January 1914): 174-76 (by W. F. B.).
“High Sierra Camps.” Sierra Club Bulletin 12 (1924): 37-42.
Hirt, Ray R. “Fifty Years of White Pine Blister Rust in the Northeast.” Journal of Forestry 54, no. 7 (July 1956): 435-38.
Huber, Walter L. “The John Muir Trail.” Sierra Club Bulletin 15, no. 1 (February 1930): 37-46.
LeConte, Joseph N. “The High Mountain Route Between Yosemite and the King’s River Canon.” Sierra Club Bulletin 7, no. 1 (January 1909): 1-22.
LeConte, J. N., and Bailey, Charles A., to the President and Board of Directors of the Sierra Club, 9 June 1898, in “Notes and Correspondence,” Sierra Club Bulletin 2, no. 4 (June 1898): 239-40.
“Lodges and Lands.” Sierra Club Bulletin (Handbook Edition) 52, no. 11 (December 1967).
McClure, N. F. “Explorations Among the Canons North of the Tuolumne River.” Sierra Club Bulletin 1, no. 5 (January 1895): 168-86.
“Memorial of the Sierra Club of California to the President and Congress of the United States in Relation to the Recession of the Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove to the United States by the State of California.” Sierra Club Bulletin 6, no. 1 (January 1906): 58-61.
Merriam, C. Hart. “Indian Village and Camp Sites in Yosemite Valley.” Sierra Club Bulletin 10, no. 2 (January 1917): 202-9.
Muir, John. “The Hetch-Hetchy Valley.” Sierra Club Bulletin 6, no. 4 (January 1908): 211-20.
“National Parks.” Sierra Club. Bulletin 9, no. 4 (January 1915): 316-19.
“Parsons Memorial Lodge,” in Editorials, Sierra Club Bulletin 9, no. 4 (January 1915): 287 (by W. E. C.)
“Report of the Secretary of the Interior.” From the annual report of the Secretary of the Interior for the year 1910. Sierra Club Bulletin 8, no. 1 (January 1911): 58-63.
Russell, Carl P. “Early Mining Excitements East of Yosemite.” Sierra Club Bulletin 13 (1928).
Solomons, Theodore S. “The Beginnings of the John Muir Trail.” Sierra Club Bulletin 25, no. 1 (February 1940): 28-40.
________. “A Search for a High Mountain Route from the Yosemite to the King’s River Canon.” Sierra Club Bulletin 1, no. 6 (May 1895): 221-37.
“Statement Concerning the Proposed Recession of Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Big Tree Grove by the State of California to the United States.” Sierra Club Bulletin 5, no. 3 (January 1905): 242-47.
Uhte, Robert F. “Yosemite’s Pioneer Cabins.” Sierra Club Bulletin 36 (May 1951): 49-71.
“Yosemite Park” and “Yosemite Valley,” in Forestry Notes, Sierra Club Bulletin 5, no. 3 (January 1905): 267-69.
Beatty, M. E. “History of the Firefall.” Yosemite Nature Notes 13, no. 6 (June 1934): 41-43.
Brubaker, Lloyd W. “Captain John J. McGurk.” Yosemite Nature Notes 37, no. 4 (April 1958).
________. “Early Trout Plantings in Yosemite.” Yosemite Nature Notes 9, no. 1 (January 1930).
Degnan, Laurence V. “The Yosemite Valley School.” Yosemite Nature Notes 35, no. 5 (May 1956): 54-61.
Ernst, Emil. “Insect Control in Yosemite.” Yosemite Nature Notes 13, no. 7 (July 1934): 49-52.
Godfrey, E. H. “Yosemite Indians: Yesterday and Today.” Yosemite Nature Notes 20, no. 7 (1973).
Godfrey, William C. “Tunnelled Big Trees.” Yosemite Nature Notes 10, no. 6 (June 1931): 54-56.
________. “Yosemite Bears Chip Teeth.” Yosemite Nature Notes 34, no. 3 (March 1955).
Jacobs, Duane D. “Snow Surveying.” Yosemite Nature Notes 32, no. 1 (January 1953).
McHenry, Donald E. “Foresta’s Yesterdays.” Yosemite Nature Notes 34, no. 3 (March 1955): 43-45.
Russell, Carl P. “A 40th Anniversary.” Yosemite Nature Notes 39, no. 7 (July 1960): 153-55.
________. “The Wawona Tree Tunnel.” Yosemite Nature Notes 4, no. 15 (September 1925): 83.
Wallis, Orthello L. “For Better Fishing.” Yosemite Nature Notes 32, no. 5 (May 1953).
“Yosemite’s Pioneer Arboretum.” Yosemite Nature Notes 30, no. 9 (September 1951): 83-85.
Wason, Richard R. “Yosemite Nature Trails.” Yosemite Nature Notes (September 1953).
Bates, Craig. “A History of the Indian People of Mariposa County.” Spring 1975. MS no. 10937, 33 pages in Yosemite Research Library and Records Center.
Blaud, Henry Camille. The Basques. A Thesis, College of the Pacific, 1957. Repr. in 1974 by R and E Research Associates, San Francisco and Saratoga, Calif.
Bryan, Harry. “Views (and Prejudices) Regarding Yosemite Valley Planning.” February 1975. In Master Plan files for Yosemite National Park, Denver Service Center, 8 pages.
Cogan, James M. “Historical Visitors: A Historical Analysis of the Man-Land Relationship in the Tuolumne Meadows Basin.” MS, 1975.
Demars, Stanford E. “The Triumph of Tradition: A Study of Tourism in Yosemite National Park.” Ph. D. diss., University of Oregon, 1970.
Evison, S. Herbert. “The National Park Service: Conservation of America’s Scenic and Historic Heritage,” 1964. Typed draft, 663 pages. Library and Archives, Division of Reference Services, Harpers Ferry Center, Harpers Ferry, W. Va., NPS.
Fitzsimmons, Allan Kress. “The Effect of the Automobile on the Cultural Elements of the Landscape of Yosemite Valley.” MA thesis, San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, Calif., 1969.
Goppert, Theodore A. “The Yosemite Valley Commission: The Development of Park Management Policies, 1864-1905.” MA thesis, California State University, Hayward, 1972.
Hampton, Harold Duane. “Conservation and Cavalry: A Study of the Role of the United States Army in the Development of a National Park System, 1886-1917.” Ph. D. diss., University of Colorado, 1965.
Hartesveldt, Richard John. “The Effects of Human Impact Upon Sequoia Gigantea and Its Environment in the Mariposa Grove, Yosemite National Park, California.” Ph. D. diss., University of Michigan, 1962.
Hood, Mary and Bill. “James C. Lamon: Yosemite’s First Settler.” MS, Hood Collection, Palm Desert, Calif.
Mclntyre, Robert N. “Recreational Prospectus for Crane Flat Development in Yosemite National Park, 1949.”
Milestone, James F. “The Influence of Modern Man on the Stream System of Yosemite Valley.” MA thesis, San Francisco State University, 1978.
“Preliminary Case Report: Executive Order 11593 and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. General Management Plan. Final Environmental Statement. Cultural Resources Management Plan. Yosemite National Park, California.” Denver: National Park Service, 1979.
Tweed, William C. “‘Parkitecture’: Rustic Architecture in the National Parks.” draft, 1978, 133 pages.
Whedon, Hazel M. “The History of the Roads, Trails, and Hotels In and Near Yosemite National Park.” MA thesis, University of Southern California, 1934.
1. Acting Superintendent Reports
Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1900. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900.
Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the,Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1905. Report of the Secretary of the Interior and Bureau Officers, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1905.
Benson, H. C. Major, 14th Cav., “Report of the Acting Superintendent of Yosemite National Park,” 30 September 1906, in Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1906. Report of the Secretary of the Interior and Bureau Officers, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1906.
________. “Report of the Acting Superintendent of Yosemite National Park,” in Reports of th_e Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1907. Administrative Reports, in 2 volumes. Volume I. Secretary of the Interior, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1907.
________. “Report of the Acting Superintendent of Yosemite National Park,” 30 September 1908, in Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1908. Administrative Reports in 2 volumes. Volume I. Secretary of the Interior, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1908.
Bigelow, John, Jr., Maj., 9th Cav. “Report of the Acting Superintendent of Yosemite National Park,” 30 June 1904, in Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1904. Miscellaneous, Reports. Part J. Bureau Officers, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1904.
________. “Report of the Acting Superintendent of Yosemite National Park,” 23 September 1904, in Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1904. Miscellaneous Reports. Part I. Bureau Officers, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1904.
Caine, Joseph E., Capt., First Utah Vol. Cav. “Report of Acting Superintendent Capt. Joseph E. Caine,” January 1899 (report on season of 1898). (Available in Yosemite Research Library.)
Craig, L. A. “Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park,” 10 October 1901, in Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1901. Miscellaneous Reports. Part L Bureau Officers, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901.
Forsyth, Wm. W., Maj., 6th Cav., “Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park,” 15 October 1909, in Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1909. Administrative Reports in 2 volumes. Volume I. Secretary of the Interior, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1910.
________. “Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park,” 15 October 1910, in Reports of tihe Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1910. Administrative Reports in 2 volumes. Volume 1. Secretary of the Interior, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1911.
________. “Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park,” 15 October 1911, in Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1911. Administrative Reports in 2 volumes. Volume 1. Secretary of the Interior, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1912.
________. “Report of Superintendent of Yosemite National Park,” 30 September 1912, in Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1912. Administrative Reports in 2 volumes. Volume 1. Secretary of the Interior, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1913.
Garrard, Jos. Lt-Col., 14th Cav. Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park in California to the Secretary of the Interior, 1903. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1903.
Hein, O. L., Maj., 3d Cav. Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park in California to the Secretary of the Interior, 1902. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1902.
Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1915. Administrative Reports in 2 volumes. Volume I Secretary of the Interior, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1916.
Rodgers, Alex., Capt., 4th Cav. Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park to the Secretary of the; Interior, 1895. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1895.
________. Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park to the Secretary of the Interior for the Year Ended June 30, 1897. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1897.
Rucker, L. H., Maj. Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park to the Secretary of the Interior, 1900. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900.
Sovulewski, Gabriel, Park Supervisor. “Report of the Park Supervisor, 15 October 1913, in Report of the. Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1913. Administrative Reports in 2 volumes. Volume 1. Secretary of the Interior, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1914.
“Report of the Park Supervisor,” 27 September 1914, in Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year. Ended June 30, 1914. Administrative Reports in 2 volumes. Volume 1. Secretary of the Interior, Etc. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1915.
Willcox, E. F., Capt., 6th Cav. Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park (to June 30, 1899), and William Forse, 2d Lt., 3d Art. Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park (June-August 1899), in Annual Reports of the Department, of the interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1899. Misc. Reports. Part I. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899.
Wood, A. E., Captain, 4th Cav. Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park to the Secretary, of the Interior, 1891. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1891.
Young, S. B. M., Lt.-Col., 4th Cav. Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park to the Secretary of the Interior, 1896. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1896.
Zevely, J. W., Acting Superintendent. Report of the Acting Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park for the Year. 1898, in Letters Received by the Office of the Secretary of the Interior Relating to National Parks, 1872-1907 (Yosemite), RG 79, NA.
2. National Park Service Publications
Bates, Craig D., and Wells, Karen P. Late Aboriginal and Early Anglo Occupation of El Portal, Yosemite National Park, California. Tucson: National Park Service, Western Archeological and Conservation Center, 1981.
Bennyhoff, James A. An Appraisal of the Archaeological Resources of Yosemite National Park. Reports of the University of California Archaeological Survey, No. 34. Berkeley: The University of California Archaeological Survey, Department of Anthropology, 1956.
Crosby, Anthony, and Scrattish, Nick. Historic Structure Report, Design and Installation of a Fire Detection and Suppression System, Wawona Hotel, Yosemite National Park, California. Denver: National Park Service, 1983.
Ervin, Richard G. Test Excavations im the Wawona Valley. Publications in Anthropology No. 26. Tucson: National Park Service, Western Archeological and Conservation Center, 1984.
Final Environmental Statement, Proposed Wilderness Areas, Yosemite National Park, California. San Francisco: National Park Service, 1973.
Good, Albert H. Park and Recreation Structures. 3 pts. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1938.
Heady, Harold F., and Zinke, Paul J. Vegetational Changes in Yosemite Valley. National Park Service Occasional Paper Number Five. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1978.
Historic Structure Report, Best’s Studio, Yosemite National Park. San Francisco: National Park Service, 1985.
Management Program: An Addendum to the Natural Resources Management Plan for Yosemite National Park. Denver: National Park Service, 1977.
Moratto, Michael J. An Archeological Research Design for Yosemite National Park. Publications in Anthropology No. 19. Tucson: National Park Service, Western Archeological and Conservation Center, 1981.
Napton, L. Kyle. Archeological Overview of Yosemite National Park, California. 2 pts. Tucson: National Park Service, Western Archeological Center, 1978.
Natural Resources Management Plan and Environmental Assessment. Denver: National Park Service, 1977.
Paige, John C. The Civilian Conservation Corps and the National Park Service, 1933-1942: An Administrative History. Denver: National Park Service, 1985.
Story, Isabelle F. The National Parks and Emergency Conservation. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1933.
Unrau, Harlan D., and Williss, G. Frank. Administrative History: Expansion of the National Park Service in the 1930s. Denver: National Park Service, 1983.
van Wagtendonk, Jan W. Refined Burning Prescriptions for Yosemite National Park. National Park Service Occasional Paper Number Two. Washington: National Park Service, n.d.
Whittaker, John C. Archeology in Yosemite National Park: The Wawona Testing Project. Publications in Anthropology, No. 18. Tucson: National Park Service, Western Archeological and Conservation Center, 1981.
Yosemite Ranger-Naturalist Manual. 2d ed. Yosemite National Park: National Park Service, 1929.
3. U. S. Forest Service Publications
Hurt, Bert, comp. U. S. Forest Service. A Sawmill History of the Sierra National Forest: 1852-1940. Fresno: U. S. Forest Service, 1941.
“Memorial of J. M. Hutchings, Praying a grant of lands in the Yosemite Valley, California.” 13 February 1871. 41st Cong., 3d sess., Misc. Doc, no. 72.
Report of Comm. on Public Lands on House bill no. 184—“An act to confirm to J. M. Hutchings and J. C. Lamon their pre-emption claims in the Yo-Semite valley, in the State of California,” in U. S. Congress, House Committee on Public Lands, “The Yo-semite Valley and the Right of Pre-Emption,” Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, 10.
San Bruno, California. Federal Archives and Records Center. U. S. Department of the Interior. Record Group 79. Records of the National Park Service.
Washington, D. C. National Archives. U. S. Department of the Interior. Record Group 79. Records of the National Park Service. Central Files, 1907-39 (Yosemite).
________. ________. ________. ________. ________. Letters Received by the Office of the Secretary of the Interior Relating to National Parks, 1872-1907 (Yosemite).
1. Mining Bureau Reports
Eighth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist. For the Year Ending October 1, 1888. Sacramento: State Printing Office, 1888.
Tenth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist. For the Year Ending October 1, 1890. Sacramento: State Printing Office, 1890. 2. Yosemite Valley Commission Reports
2. Yosemite Valley Commission Reports
Biennial Report of the Commissioners to Manage, the Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove, For the Years 1866-7. San Francisco: Towne and Bacon, 1868.
Biennial Report of the Commissioners to Manage the Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove, 1885-86. Sacramento: State Printing Office, 1886.
Biennial Report of the Commissioners to Manage the Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove For the Years 1887-88. Sacramento: State Printing Office, 1888.
Biennial Report of the Commissioners to Manage Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove, For the Years 1889-90. Sacramento: State Printing Office, 1890.
3. Historic Resource Inventories
El Portal Library (El Portal Store), 1981; Hotel Del Portal (Site), 1981; McCauley Ranch, 1981; The Second School House in El Portal, 1981; Three Yosemite Valley Railroad houses in El Portal, 1981; Yosemite Lumber Company Logging Incline, south side of Merced River, 1981; and Yosemite Lumber Company Logging Incline, north side of the Merced River, 1981.
4. Historical Surveys
Mariposa County Planning Commission. El Portal Historical Survey, 1981-82 (historical site survey inventory forms for El Portal). Robert L. Borchard, Planner/Grantsman.
5. Department of Water Resources
Snow Survey Measurements Through 1970. Bulletin No. 129-70. Sacramento: State of California, 1971.
1. Maintenance Office, Administration Building
Building files.
Completion reports.
Maintenance files.
2. Property Management Office
Catalog, Federally Owned Improved Properties, Section 35, Wawona, January, 1980.
3. Research Library
Historical photograph collection.
Ephemera files.
Separates files.
Superintendent’s Monthly Reports. Microfilm.
Roll #1 - Jan. 1924 - Dec. 1927
Roll #2 - Jan. 1928 - Dec. 1933
Roll #3 - Jan. 1934 - Dec. 1938
Roll #4 - Jan. 1939 - Dec. 1956
Roll #5 - Jan. 1957 - Dec. 1963
Yosemite National Park Company. 3 photo albums.
#1 - Pictures of Yosemite Lodge Group, Camp Tecoya, Tecoya Annex, and Camp Seventeen - July 1923.
#2 - Pictures of Outlying Lodges - July 1923 (Glacier Point, Hetch Hetchy Lodge, Big Tree Lodge, Tuolumne Meadows Lodge, Camps at Tuolumne Meadows, Tenaya Lake camps, Merced Lake camps, Chinquapin Group).
#3 - Pictures of Industrial Group - July 1923. (General Office Group, Store, Meat Market, Warehouses, Sentinel Hotel and River Cottage, El Portal train shed, Garage Group, Kenneyville).
4. Records Center
Annual reports, Yosemite Park and Curry Company.
Box 3: Washburn Papers.
Box 10: Advisory Board Correspondence and Files.
Box 11: Floods and Water Supply.
Boxes 15, 58-59: Park Buildings - Removed.
Box 17: Land Appraisals (Foresta and Wawona).
Box 22: Backcountry.
Box 24: Misc. Records, Washburn/Wawona.
Box 28: Yosemite Park and Curry Company.
Box 47: Yosemite Park and Curry Company.
Box 51: Yosemite Roads.
Box 56: Misc. Correspondence, Washburn/Wawona/Yosemite Stage and Turnpike Company.
Box 57: Misc. Correspondence, Washburn/Wawona/Yosemite Stage and Turnpike Company.
Box 58: Non-Existing Buildings.
Box 60: Museums.
Box 61: Wawona.
Box 63: Yosemite Stage and Turnpike Company.
Box 69: Wawona/Washburn Correspondence.
Box 74: National Register background information compiled by Leslie Starr Hart - LCS data file containing Classified Structure Field Inventory Reports, 1975.
Box 77: NPS files.
Box 78: NPS files.
Box 83: Trails.
Box 84: Hetch Hetchy.
Box 85: Hetch Hetchy.
Box 86: Tioga Mine.
Mary Curry Tresidder Papers - Drawer 13.
Wawona data - Drawer 14.
5. Yosemite Research Center
Pavlik, Robert C. “Biledo Meadow Cabins Study.” 5 August 1986. Typescript, 8 pages.
________. “El Portal Hotel - Building 762.” Ca. 1986. Typescript, 3 pages.
________. “The El Portal Road, Yosemite National Park, California.” 1986. Typescript, 11 pages.
________. “A History of Snow Survey in Yosemite National Park.” 1984. Typescript, 3 pages.
________. “A History of Yosemite’s Fish Hatcheries.” 13 December 1984. Typescript, 3 pages.
________. “The Hutchings-Sovulewski Homesite, Yosemite Valley.” Ca. 1986. Typescript, 13 pages.
________. “Like a Mirror Hung in the Sky”: The Story of Stella Lake, Wawona, Yosemite National Park, California.” 1986. Typescript, 39 pages.
________. “Notes on Historic Logging Debris in area adjacent to the South Entrance Station, Yosemite National Park,” 5 September 1985. Typescript, 2 pages.
________. “Stella Lake Ice Reservoir.” 1986. Typescript, 19 pages.
________. “A Summary of Nine Buildings Being Considered for National Register Nomination.” 1985. Typescript, 2 pages.
________. “Water Gaging Stations in the Merced River Drainage 1904-1984.” 1984. Typescript, 1 page.
Denver (Colo.) Post
Fresno (Calif.) Bee
Inyo Register (Bishop, Calif.)
Mariposa (Calif.) Gazette
Merced (Calif.) Sun Star
Riverside (Calif.) Daily Press
San Bernardino (Calif.) Daily Sun
San Francisco (Calif.) Chronicle
Sierra Star (Oakhurst, Calif.)
Stockton (Calif.) Daily Independent
Stockton (Calif.) Record
Yosemite (Calif.) Sentinel (Published by Yosemite Park and Curry Company)
1. General
Corcoran, May, comp “‘Yosemite Valley’ and the ‘Mariposa Big Tree Grove’ in the Statutes of California.” A collection of abstracts of material pertinent to the history of Yosemite National Park. Collected and compiled for NPS Field Division of Education, Berkeley, Calif., 1934.
[Ellis, Dorothy] Ahwahnee, Yosemite National Park, California, 1942. Booklet, 30 pages.
The Emergency Conservation Committee, October 1932. “Save the Yosemite Sugar Pines!” Pamphlet.
“‘Foresta’: Your Own Private Summer Home in Yosemite.” Advertising brochure. Copyright 1914 by Robert N. Shaw.
McLean, John T. Statement concerning Senate Bill no. 2708 and House Bill no. 7712, authorizing the purchase by the U. S., and the making free of the toll roads passing over the national park.
“The Settlers of Yo-Semite. Memorial of J. M. Hutchings and J. C. Lamon.” (To the Senate and Assembly of the State of California), December 1867?
“Veto Message of the Governor in Relation to Assembly Bill no. 238, an Act Granting Lands in Yosemite Valley,” 4 February 1868.
“Yosemite National Park—Camp Curry. “Pamphlet, 1919 season.
2. National Park Service
Cox, Robert M. “Ahwahnee Hotel, Architectural Description.” 8 July 1975.
________. “Field Trip Notes—Yosemite National Park. Visit to the Degnan/Donohoe House on 7 June 1974 with Bob Lake and Bob Flemming.”
“Design Criteria for the Camp Curry Historic District, Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, California.” 1980. Typescript, 13 pages.
“Environmental Assessment, South Entrance/Mariposa Grove, Yosemite National Park, California.” 1986.
“Final Environmental Statement. Proposed Wilderness Areas, Yosemite National Park, California.” 1973.
Greene, Jerome A., to Merrill J. Mattes. “Evaluation of Structures in Sequoia/Kings Canyon and Yosemite National Parks, California.” 17 June 1974.
Historic Preservation Team (Gordon S. Chapped, Roger E. Kelly, Robert M. Cox), to Assoc. Reg. Dir., Professional Services, Western Region, 26 July 1974. “Evaluation of McCauley - Meyer Sawmill, Yosemite National Park, July 16-17, 1974.”
“Preliminary Case Report/Section 106, General Management Plan, Yosemite National Park.” 2 vols. 1979.
“Preliminary Case Report, Yosemite Hydroelectric System, Pursuant to 36 CFR 800.13(b).” February 1986.
“Preliminary Feasibility Report, Glacier Point Aerial Tramway, Yosemite National Park.” Vol. One. San Francisco, Calif.: Tudor Engineering Co., 1969.
Thompson, Erwin N. “Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, California: Evaluation of Historic Resources, Historic Base Map, Determination of Effect, DCP.” 1974. Typescript, 37 pages.
Transportation Study, Summary Report, Yosemite National Park, 1974. Prep, for USDI, NPS, DSC by VTN, Engineers, Architects, Planners.
DeMoss, Everett, by Robert C. Pavlik, at Crane Flat BRC (YI), 11 July 1984.
Degnan, John, Mr. and Mrs., by Ralph Anderson, 13 December 1934.
Gutleben, Daniel, by C. P. Russell, 22 May 1952.
Harlan, George D., by Linda W. Greene, at White Wolf Lodge, Yosemite National Park, 1985.
Hutchings, Cosie, by Elizabeth H. Godfrey, 1941.
Murchison, Jack, by Robert C. Pavlik, 25 June 1984.
Shaffer, Dick, by C. P. Russell, 22 April 1951. (“The First Garage in Yosemite.”)
Shaffer, Dick, by C. P. Russell, 2 July 1951. (“Some Historical Facts Regarding the Desmond Company”).
As the nation’s principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has basic responsibilities to protect and conserve our land and water, energy and minerals, fish and wildlife, parks and recreation areas, and to ensure the wise use of all these resources. The department also has major responsibility for American Indian reservation communities and for people who live in island territories under U. S. administration.
Publication services were provided by the graphics staff of the Denver Service Center. NPS D-206 September 1987.
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